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just cannot believe how many bankers we have here at ASF, amazing

fantastic they all find time to post here and at GPHC and all the other forums

professor robots

and some just make it up as they go along.Is there such a profession as " pretend banker" ?

Beutitiful day in sunny Geraldton by the way ...... quite a few older listings dropping their prices but still sitting unloved.

Glad i picked the Top and informed you of it ..... would hate for me to be confused with the crystal ball crew from 3/4 years back.

Have a great day Doc

just cannot believe how many bankers we have here at ASF, amazing

fantastic they all find time to post here and at GPHC and all the other forums

professor robots

I think you spelt bankers wrong there confessor, did you not mean to start with a W on that.

Bankers are not going to profess the truth objectively IMVHO, so perhaps to fill the gap they need a little help from the skarkers.

Gees ole pal that clearance rates not looking too good if you go back over the last month. Also notice some Euro countries increased rates further the last week or two so poor ole Glen must be feeling the heat leading up to the morrow.

Of course if you own your home there is no problem, I only worry for those with investments on the banks money.

good day everybody, hows it going

yes the auction clearance rates have dropped off ole pal from the peninsula,

i dont know why i am just reporting the results like the way Bigdog gives everyone the market wrap

oh well, great at the moment as i can walk to walk and save a few $ just incase the rates increase

i kept a couple of apple cores from fellow workers today for the possums at home, they gonna love'em, a pink lady and a granny smith

professor robots

I think you ment "walk to work" anyway i'm in your position too...... i walk to work.... my office is down the hall second bedroom on the left i put on my lap top and start trading the asx.....what a my own hours and watch the world go by with my trusty little dog sitting on my lap......

have an investment property too...... hey there's a thought everyone ,how about diversifying your investments over shares and !!!

thanks, yes spot on Bigukraine

kick back and relax man

professor robota
Awww... and it was only yesterday that one or two on here were partying over lower interest rates. Oh well, it looks as though rice is going to be on the menu for quite a while!!
The tightrope the RBA is on is getting skinnier and skinnier.
It looks like big brother is doing something about it's housing bubble. That just leaves the 'unlucky country'.

The tightrope the RBA is on is getting skinnier and skinnier.

Raising rates to cool inflation without causing too much stress to the leverage property owner?... Yes!
(Even though we are only half way back to where interest rates were.)

Raising rates to cool any property speculation left and crippling the economy?
No, the rope perhaps is beginning to look more like a plank!
Interest rate on hold today at 4.5%

How the rates go today? amazing people cant accept property prices, dont have to buy

Move to another country if its a major issue in your life,

Oh well, no change in cash rate and banks cutting fixed rates, well done Kincella
Professor robots

Hey robots,

Whats the dodgy web site below your last post. Dont like getting bum steers

Its a website about my research undertaken in the field of Contracts for Difference.

Similar to my highly successful self-funded research regarding australian property i am coming to the end of self-funded research on CFD's (contracts for difference)

Thats right, i Self Fund my research and dont ask for donations like other associate professors. Oh well.

Seem to be having trouble with the host server at the moment.

What a great day tuesday the 6th July in the year 2010

Associate Professor Robots

Can anybody tell me whether today's decision will bring down the rampaging inflation numbers to within the RBA target?

Word is that there will be at least another 2 rate rises this year.

Good time to buy? If only loans were non recourse.

hi ubiquitous, no

my research is predominately australian property but i did do a paper some time ago on inflation (it was like mythbusters style)

of course did i mention all my research is SELF-FUNDED, not sure how any of my fellow associates could put the hand out like the guy out the front of Coles, Prahran.

Well done Kincella, spot on man.

Associate Professor Robots

robots, the website does not compute. Click on it, Bigpond comes up with a blank. Google it..... comes up with a blank. It`s credibility leaves me in the blank.

Just one question. Why is it there if it and the contents can`t be accessed?

I smell a rat, otherwise be up front.

the host server isnt communicating with me, so not sure what the problem is

i am sure i sent my last payment but will check my records, i may of missed a payment as its tuff when you SELF-FUND your research papers

good to see the RBA supporting working families today

associate professor robots
With all your properties, I thought you owned the host server, and if not, be so influential you could pull a few strings to hurry the process up and give them a tip for their quick action.

Can`t wait

just a battler from the street man,

i cant wait either, its a herculian effort when you SELF-FUND your research papers and to get it out into the media is a rewarding experience

looks as though the RBA got the message about helping working families

associate professor robots
Hey robots just a quick non property question. Why is it that you're only an associate professor now? Why did you get demoted?

You didn't lose your position of asf investor of the year did you?


Nunthewiser advised me a few months ago it could be the reason i have been getting bullied and picked on which ended in physical violence at the Same Sex Marriage rally a month ago

got slammed head first into the pavement by a guy from the socialist crew

i also wanted to launch my research in CFD's here first at ASF so i put the link in (although host server down)

a new path

associate professor robots
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