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Morning kincella

Banks are dropping there fixed rates on offer, fantastic news

Professor Robots

Morning kincella

Banks are dropping there fixed rates on offer, fantastic news

Professor Robots

Great Robots. Got a link to that?

Also while we're at it, Kincy got a link to you claim that Asians were borrowing at 2% abroad and then buying up here?

Thanks in advance guys.

Oh yeah like i would make it up

Beautiful day

Professor Robots

Yeah, you should of googled it Ubiquitous

Easy man, just type in: aussie banks reduce fixed rate mortgages 2010

Professor Robots
And there I was thinking that we were supposed to provide a link to information so readers don't have to go around googling to verify claims.

I heard that banks will be increasing them again within a couple of months. You want a link? Here you go:
Housing starts set to stall: HIA
CHRIS ZAPPONE June 28, 2010 - 12:23PM

Although the underlying population is growing, rising interest rates deter both new construction and potential buyers at a time when the national median city home price is $460,000.

Loan volumes and auction clearance rates are both slumping, signals which in the past have pointed to falling house prices.

Auction clearance rates fell below the 60 per cent mark in Sydney and Melbourne this weekend, suggesting further falls in home prices to come, Australian Property Monitors said.

Clearance rates dipped to 58.6 per cent in Sydney from 60.7 per cent the weekend before, while in Melbourne, the clearance rates fell to 57.4 per cent - a new low over the past year - from 63.3 per cent the previous week.

Try here for more search engine related information:-

Search engines get major tuneups. James Temple, Chronicle Staff Writer San Francisco Chronicle June 28, 2010 04:00 AM

I don't understand. The REIV were claiming a much higher clearance rate. The correct figures are shocking - a 6% fall in 1 week

Anyways, the party is over in Melbourne. In truth, it was a long time ago. the comedown will be a real bitch
as a rule of thumb, I do post the links to articles mentioned, unless of course it is simply my opinion.....
to come back months later and suggest you want the link, is just as time consuming and annoying, as if the link was never made.....
who can really recall the date of the post with the link to it, after several months have passed....that exercise is just as time consuming to find the it is to sort through google hits

Gee, gone a bit quiet

Oh well must be other investment news from around the country and world

No world tours by fund managers or investment banks

GMO head must of slipped out of the country quietly, hahahahaha
Professor robots
Investors flee stocks in global sell-off June 30, 2010 - 6:05AM

Morning Robots,
the headline above offers a bit of reality setting in, (as I expected, and predicted a while ago), this phase 2 of the GFC, has months to go, since the deadly figures for retail sales will not be known for another couple of months, today being the last day here in OZ ......

you should all be familiar with my theories by now......investors flee the stock market and look for property, for these times...

no wonder the Asians are land banking both in Asia and Aus......with inflation at 3-4%, lousy deposit rates barely covering inflation rates, makes sense to land least your investment keeps pace with inflation...
and no tenants to complicate things, in some cases..........
ps land banking is not confined to just land, but encompasses house and unit stocks.....with or without tenants.....a hedge against inflation....

ps forget auction results....the auction period runs from spring to easter...thats it...kaput.....the rest of the year is for the newbies, stragglers and the like ....anyone with any money takes holidays the sun...
like the sell in may and go away theory........

Awesome news. Dividend yields on stocks have just increased again!!

Here we go again - lending criteria to tighten, loans to become more expensive, second homes to go on the market. It's looking very ominous for the RE market, and all of this with rising interest rates. In times of uncertainty, people move to cash, and not jump out of the frying pan (stock market) and into the fire (RE market).

Scary times ahead for the leveraged

Not if the wolves dress up and tell fairy tales. And that is exactly what the guvmints and the financial industry have been doing for some years now.

Time always tells, but it seems that you and Robots are setting yourselves up for a big fall from grace.

GFC2 will not be able to be funded from government coffers, and may see the fall in Real estate we all know is coming. The smart seem to have offloaded over the past 3-4 months, and the herd is still believing in unrealistic returns remining forever.

It is also easy to make money in a falling sharemarket, and to protect equity. Most heavily geared property investors will suffer the same fate that the overly geared sharemarket investors suffered during GFC1.

I am not buying any more properties for a very long time, and am fortunate that I own all my assets outright, so I can take the losses I see coming to RE.
Awesome news. Dividend yields on stocks have just increased again!!

Of course what I meant is that the dividend yield on amount invested, has increased. Though I won't be touching any of the dividend paying stocks yet, and especially not banks!
Well despite all the prophets of doom spreading their usual wares freely here on ASF, property prices in all Australian capital cities (except Perth) have continued to rise during May this year according to RP Data:



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