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The economic implications of a Harris presidency

On Economic policy the Democrats should Harris get up will continue as is and I'd call it Obama Mark 3.

unless she changes the henchmen ( administration ) i can't see much change from the Biden administration , because most of the advice will be from the same sources

but i have been wrong before and she might bring in sweeping changes ( for better or worse )
Only if we are going to see sensible economic comment.
Sensible economy<>Democrat candidate in 2024
Where is Wally?
I just had a look at what she said in the past, hope maybe a bit less crazy to bomb everything than Hillary, or Biden nurse but will probably be disappointed .
Our achievements are being black, asian and female.....from her supporting sites😬
Sensible economy<>Democrat candidate in 2024
Where is Wally?
I just had a look at what she said in the past, hope maybe a bit less crazy to bomb everything than Hillary, or Biden nurse but will probably be disappointed .
Our achievements are being black, asian and female.....from her supporting sites😬
Her achievements..not "our"..sorry
I am afraid that with the way elections are " helped" in the USA, we will soon see
She will stick to the same agenda IMO, import more people, to keep the wage slaves nervous about losing their jobs.
While directing attention away from the rich, cleaning out the silver cutlery, as the ship sinks. Lol
The unchecked borders is keeping US CPI at bay, if Trump actually brings sweeping change to the border then services inflation goes through the roof.
The unchecked borders is keeping US CPI at bay, if Trump actually brings sweeping change to the border then services inflation goes through the roof.
And if he doesn't, what's the end game, how long before you are selling nothing and importing everything, what then supports your economy? Ala most third world economies, where inflation goes through the roof anyway, it is just a matter of time.

Why is China screaming up the affluence scale? Because we are buying all their value added stuff, meanwhile we sell them the cheap ingredientes, which they control the price of.

Either way, there will be pain, but only one way will stop the slide IMO
The West has two options, either slow the growth of China and improve the competitiveness of domestic production, or reduce the value of their currency to make wages and cost more competitive.

Trump seems to favour the former and Harris (Democrats) appear to favour the later, maybe I'm reading it wrong, but in a globalised World it seems to be that eventually you should end up finding equilibrium.

I would think tariffs will slow the growth of U.S consumer demand for Chinese goods and make U.S goods more attractive, thereby supporting jobs growth.

If at a later stage China float the Yuan, maybe an agreed trade balance can be found, at the moment the West is being held to ransom by a State subsidised manufacturing sector, where profit isn't a requirement.

That makes it hard for first world countries, to stay first world countries, as everyone is finding out and why the middle class are frustrated/ angry.

As in Australia the light is dimming, only the rich can't seem to recognise it, maybe that's because they fly well away from the flame front and aren't feeling the heat.
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Is this thread about economic implications, or not? If not, I'm happy to re-title it and move it to General Chat. If it is, keep it economics focused please.
Errr, yeah. :shame:

It would be interesting to actually learn of a Harris economic agenda and if it differs from Biden's.

Whatever we thought of the last 3½ years, we are undoubtedly in a new economic phase with an adjusted policy needed.

Unless of course it's the same ol' same ol' kick the can down the road until it all blows the @#$& up?
...and, I think social policy with be an important component of that, vis a vis "socionomics" as coined by ¹Robert Prechter.

¹I am not a follower of Prechter or Elliot Wave, but still think socionomics is a worthy study.
The unchecked borders is keeping US CPI at bay, if Trump actually brings sweeping change to the border then services inflation goes through the roof.
i suspect inflation in the US is already through the roof , but maybe under Trump they will be more honest about it

the only way the illegal migrants would be keeping CPI down is if they are smuggling ( does US GDP include illegal drug manufacture ?? )

unless Harris changes senior staff ( key appointees ) little will change , ( different face , same advice received )

most seem to think Harris is a lightweight , remember when she threatened to send mothers to jail if the children played truant ?

and she comes from that doyen of law-abiding citizens, California ( where at one stage was an Attorney General )

now there MIGHT be another barrage of confusion over whether Kamala is a legit US citizen , but that will just distract from the economy ( and reality )
There will be plenty of stories written about Kamala Harris now that she has ascended the throne, but heres one that was written some ago.
From The Atlantic
On a thursday morning in April, I met with Vice President Kamala Harris at Number One Observatory Circle, the Victorian mansion that, for the past two and a half years, she and the second gentleman, Doug Emhoff, have called home. She can be a striking presence when she walks into a room, with a long stride and an implacable posture that make her seem taller than she is (about 5 foot 2). By the time I saw Harris at the residence, I had already traveled with her to Atlanta, New York, Los Angeles, and Reno, Nevada, as well as to Africa, trips on which she had carried herself with ease and confidence.
Ease and confidence have not been the prevailing themes of Harris’s vice presidency. Her first year on the job was defined by rhetorical blunders, staff turnover, political missteps, and a poor sense among even her allies of what, exactly, constituted her portfolio. Within months of taking office, President Joe Biden was forced to confront a public perception that Harris didn’t measure up; ultimately, the White House issued a statement insisting that Biden did, in fact, rely on his vice president as a governing partner. But Harris’s reputation has never quite recovered.
The statement about Harris having problems with staff has been highlighted by This Article

Under Kamala Harris, the Office of the Vice President has been called a “revolving door,” a “staff exodus” of key aides “heading for the exits.”

That’s not hyperbole from the national media.

Our auditors at OpenTheBooks quantified an extraordinarily high 91.5-percent staff turnover rate. We used U.S. Senate disclosures to conduct our investigation and those databases can be downloaded below.

Elected in November 2020, Harris took the oath of office in January 2021.

As of March 31, 2024, only four of the initial 47 staffers from the first year are still employed – consistently and without interruption – by the Vice President.

Furthermore, the turnover chaos isn’t getting better. In the trailing 12-month period, 24 staffers left — that’s almost half the employees.

Download the Office of Vice President 2021 & 2024 payrolls here (source: U.S. Senate disclosures)

Key facts

The “top-to-bottom dysfunction” that The Atlantic referenced in October 2023 is shown in the reported payrolls that we captured.

“In her first year and a half as vice president, Harris saw the departure of her chief of staff, communications director, domestic-policy adviser, national security adviser, and other aides,” the magazine wrote.

If only that was all who left.
The semi-annual Report of the Secretary of the Senate, among other things, lists the names, titles and salaries of staff in the Office of the Vice President (OVP).

In the most recent publishing through March 31, only four staff from the original 47 listed in the 2021 report remained consistently employed and are among the office’s 50 current staff members.

The Kamala Harris Fabulous Four – here are the names, titles, employment date, and salaries of the four employees most loyal to Kamala Harris:

  • Yael S. Belkind has been assistant to the chief of staff since Jan. 20, 2021, earning $85,924;
  • Nasrina Bargzie was associate counsel since Feb. 10, 2021, now is deputy council, taking home $118,066.
  • Oludayo O. Faderin was associate director from July 2021, then became deputy director of west wing operations, making $85,924.
  • Olivia K. Hartman was hired in August 2021 as advance coordinator and became deputy director of scheduling, making $94,750.
Silas Woods, III began his career with the vice president as a vetting researcher on Feb. 17, 2021 making $52,500, became associate director of research, and left in August 2022. He went to work as a press assistant for the White House making $67,000. On March 25, 2024, Woods returned as a personal aid to the second gentleman and deputy director of special projects, where his full salary isn’t reported.

The other 45 people employed in OVP as of March 31 were hired after Sept. 30, 2021, when staff had already begun leaving the office.

In the last year alone, (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024) 24 people left their jobs with Harris.
It may of course not actually be a problem for Harris, and she is not difficult to work with, it is they who have the issues.
Perhaps these people are the same sort of employees that left Twiggy Forrests' employ.
I noted this in the today on Kamahl's economic position. I don't know if it helps


One of the Biden administration’s biggest priorities has been reining in sky-high prices in the aftermath of the pandemic. Harris has been a staunch supporter of the president’s efforts to reduce inflation and this weekend said bringing down the price of petrol and other daily costs was a “top priority”.

Harris has also championed Biden’s landmark legislation to boost infrastructure investment and accelerate the pivot to clean energy. As vice-president she has also focused her efforts on the so-called care economy, including expanding access to affordable childcare and aid to senior citizens.

Before becoming vice-president, she spearheaded housing-related initiatives in the Senate, including a proposal to give tenants paying more than 30 per cent of their gross income on rent refundable tax credits. She also backed tax credits for people making less than $100,000 and pushed for wealthy Americans to pay more in taxes to fund an increase in teacher salaries.

On trade, she has been highly critical of Donald Trump’s plans to impose across-the-board tariffs if re-elected, arguing that the levies will hurt consumers. She has insisted she is “not a protectionist Democrat”, although she has opposed past trade deals — including then-president Barack Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership — because of a lack of sufficient environmental protections."

So it appears to me that her focus is not the material wellbeing of her fellow Americans via the economic route but rather through existing globalist parameters with a small pinch of wokery and welfareism.

Good luck with that. Trump is not savvy enough to attack her on this, perhaps JD Vance may be able to counter her Obama/Biden position.

I noted this in the today on Kamahl's economic position. I don't know if it helps


One of the Biden administration’s biggest priorities has been reining in sky-high prices in the aftermath of the pandemic. Harris has been a staunch supporter of the president’s efforts to reduce inflation and this weekend said bringing down the price of petrol and other daily costs was a “top priority”.

Harris has also championed Biden’s landmark legislation to boost infrastructure investment and accelerate the pivot to clean energy. As vice-president she has also focused her efforts on the so-called care economy, including expanding access to affordable childcare and aid to senior citizens.

Before becoming vice-president, she spearheaded housing-related initiatives in the Senate, including a proposal to give tenants paying more than 30 per cent of their gross income on rent refundable tax credits. She also backed tax credits for people making less than $100,000 and pushed for wealthy Americans to pay more in taxes to fund an increase in teacher salaries.

On trade, she has been highly critical of Donald Trump’s plans to impose across-the-board tariffs if re-elected, arguing that the levies will hurt consumers. She has insisted she is “not a protectionist Democrat”, although she has opposed past trade deals — including then-president Barack Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership — because of a lack of sufficient environmental protections."

So it appears to me that her focus is not the material wellbeing of her fellow Americans via the economic route but rather through existing globalist parameters with a small pinch of wokery and welfareism.

Good luck with that. Trump is not savvy enough to attack her on this, perhaps JD Vance may be able to counter her Obama/Biden position.

if you believe that ( will work ) i have a bridge to sell you ,

it starts in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and finishes half-way across the Grand Canyon the off-ramps are still under environmental impact studies prior to commencement of construction

Trump doesn't need to attack the Policy , Kamala will undermine it all by herself .. maybe by using black prison labor to create jobs
Probably not the best thread for this but at least topical considering the very real and terrifying prospect of a Harris presidency.

The tagline is about one world government but covers very broad range of geopolitical and economic issues.

Peter Thiel
