Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Conspiracy Theory thread

How bad are your Trump withdrawals that you have resorted to trawling gab?
That Trump Withdrawal Symptoms may soon be given the next fix.
From The Weekend OZ
Donald Trump has blasted US President Joe Biden, American social media giants and the media in his first rally of the year, stopping short of declaring an intention to run for the 2024 presidential election.
Picking the battleground state of Arizona, which the former president lost by a small margin in the 2020 election, Mr Trump mocked Mr Biden’s mental capacity and painted a grim picture of American social and economic decline with the usual hyperbole and humour.

Mr Trump’s speech, a mix of impromptu and prepared remarks, revolved around his repeated claim the 2020 presidential election, which he lost 306 to 232 electoral college votes, was “rigged” by Democrats, covered up by the “lamestream media” and enabled by Facebook’s $US419m donation to charities that helped run the 2020 election. “I ran twice and we won twice, and I did better the second time,” he said, suggesting the Democrats’ electoral reform bills stuck in congress, called a “voting rights” bill Mr Biden, should be called “voting fraud” bills.
The MSM largely ignored the event, but I am sure people can read all about in Gab or Parler.
It would seemn tht this is the first of many rallies that Trump plans.
He's Baacck!!
I suppose the only "good" thing to come out of it is that there might be la curtailing of the depressing COVID news.

The Grifter lost the money. It all went back to the conspiracy suckers who gave it to him. Good on you Go Fund Me.
The Grifter lost the money. It all went back to the conspiracy suckers who gave it to him. Good on you Go Fund Me.
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Yeah, those Canadian truckers are Nazis, fascists, misogynists, racists, homophobes, transphobes, islamophobes... Have I left any out?

Bloody bastards for wanting a normal life... What bigots!
Come on Avi Yemeni is dodgy and he has been in trouble with the law.
There are rules you have to obey. You can't just keep it. You wonder which donator complained.
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Come on Avi Yemeni is dodgy and he has been in trouble with the law.
There are rules you have to obey. You can't just keep it. You wonder which donator complained.
The $9m is nothing to do with Avi. It was for the Canucks.

...and I'd still trust him to be more truthful than the smarmy schmucks on MSM, to be honest.
Thought I would check out Gab. After all what could go wrong with Fearless Free Speech unimpeded by the shadowy cabals that control our every thought.:cautious:

Did I hit the jackpot ? The suppository of all knowledge ?

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Jan 23, 2021·
I'm going to spell it out one time only for those who are lost and not registering the 100's of clues I've been dropping you. Here we go 1 time. Pay close attention. You are watching a movie. A lot of what you are seeing is completely bull**** and fake. It's so outrageous on purpose to get your attention at those point. It will continue until it has accomplished that goal fully. There is no Biden presidency. The real Biden was executed for his crimes long ago along with Clinton. No that woman in purple the other day wasn't Hillary Clinton. You are seeing actors some have masks. That's why Bidan keeps referring to himself as the mask president. This means they are the good guys in this movie on the team of freedom. This whole election was fake along with a fake inauguration. Fake executive orders. Fake oval office. It's all bull****. Wake up. The military is right now controlling our country until the new elections in a couple of months. Insurrection Act has been signed. EO from 2018 is in full effect. Things will soon be revealed publicly. Hopefully you can wake up before then so you don't have a heart attack in the process. They really tried stealing our election that part is real. Trump knew this and allowed it to expose them and arrest those involved and will be implementing a blockchain fraud proof election system which was already patented back in August 2020. He skipped the 9th circuit corrupt courts because they too were compromised and went 100% FISA. This is a total military operation. The goal was to arrest and remove these crooks first before ever winning an election. Furthermore, the Vatican owned the corrupt DC corporation and that is no longer. It will soon be a republic for which it stands under the constitution as originally intended. You will get a history lesson in the process along with a solid grasp of the constitution. Many corrupt DC rats and Hollywood pedophiles have gone to jail and or been executive for crimes of high treason, conspiracy. Many more are in the process of meeting justice via military tribunals. Things will be made public in time very soon, no more secrets no more games. There are many actors in the movie, not just Bidan double comedian guy. Who's who at this point is somewhat of a mystery. We don't know exactly who is who 100%. Some are playing a part from the very beginning. Others flipped for a deal and are now playing a part in this movie. The best thing you can do right now is just wake up to the truth that being shown to you, take heart that communists have no real power over our country and look forward to the things Trump has already pre-planned long ago for you. I'll warn you now, things will get stranger from here. If you pay attention and listen to what I've told you here you'll laugh. If you are watching the mockingbird media CNN or FAUX NEWS you'll cry. What ever you do, please don't call Joe Biden president. He's really long gone and his double has no power. Enjoy the show.


Pretty crazy stuff even for Gab ? Seriously who would actually support/follow such a clearly deranged person even on a "Full freedom, Say What you Like" platform like Gab ?

I didn't cross the Rubicon for a laugh. Ghost Erza turned up in another other article I was reading. It seems this seriously deranged person who believed President Biden wasn't real but just an actor, that the military was controlling the USA and so on is in fact one of the most followed posters on Gab and Telegram.

But the online persona of GhostEzra, which Smart has crafted since it first emerged in December 2020, is deeply disturbing.

The account has made claims about Jewish control of Big Pharma, the media, and central banking. The account has also claimed that Jews are responsible for both world wars and that the people who “identify as Jewish but are not actually even Jews” have a goal of “total world domination and control.” He has linked his followers multiple times to neo-Nazi propaganda, including a 12-hour film that, among other claims, asserts that Jews created communism with a goal of “total world domination.”

And as a result, the comments under the account’s Telegram posts now “effectively function as a neo-Nazi discussion forum,” the Logically researchers wrote. GhostEzra’s Telegram channel currently has over 330,000 followers, while his account on the far-right network Gab has over 113,000 followers.

And who is Ghost Ezra anyway and how was he uncovered? Check it out.

Didn't he get done for wife bashing?
Yea, but be careful what you say. You don't want to be sued

On the main issue, I got it wrong thinking he was moaning being blocked by gofundme, unless that is what he was talking about and not the Canadian thing.

He does tweet, don't let them steal your money, (like its his money) when what actually happened is that it was returned. Maybe it did happen to him?

These days, it appears he organises and gets paid something like a commission or wage from Rebel news.

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Everybody knows that Avi got pinged for chucking a chopping board at his ex Mrs.

Some miserable leftist is sure to remind everyone at this in each and every Twitter thread that he starts, as if this is somehow relevant to the topic at hand.

Of course it isn't, but the left, in the absence of being able to debate actual points, must always revert to the smear.

It's always better to stay on topic, gentleman.
Everybody knows that Avi got pinged for chucking a chopping board at his ex Mrs.

Some miserable leftist is sure to remind everyone at this in each and every Twitter thread that he starts, as if this is somehow relevant to the topic at hand.

Of course it isn't, but the left, in the absence of being able to debate actual points, must always revert to the smear.

It's always better to stay on topic, gentleman.
Didn't know that. Just looked it up. Bit more than that (but I won't reprint it here) and his ex wife sounds destroyed.

However his defence barrister makes a good point. He has, in effect, done his time.

Yemini’s defence lawyer Deborah Mandie, believes that her client has already served his time, as he has already been “destroyed” in the media.

“It’s become almost a meme, humiliating my client over and over. This is part of the punishment he is wearing for this matter.”

Despite that, Magistrate Charles Tan expressed that public discourse did not warrant adequate sentencing, stating “It was offending against a female in her own home, involving her suffering an injury,” while thanking Ms Lyford for her moving statement.

Yemini was charged and fined $3,600.
A sort of anti-conspiracy theory which makes a lot of sense.

Although I do think the WEF agenda does show a collective political zeitgeist in play.

A sort of anti-conspiracy theory which makes a lot of sense.

Although I do think the WEF agenda does show a collective political zeitgeist in play.

All sides are well meaning. Most all think they are working for good.
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