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The Conspiracy Theory thread

Get big enough - and you don't go to jail....

How The Sugar Industry Gamed The Government

A cache of 319 official documents proves the sugar industry controlled a major federal dental program

C.I.A. Cash Ended Up in Coffers of Al Qaeda​

Not really new news....everyone knows that Israel has nukes, since 1971 (I think)

Link to doc
They should make a movie about this....

The British Heart Foundation seem to say otherwise:

It would be interesting to see the context for the table i.e. did they mean no causal relationship via risk factor, or no link?

A topic dear to my heart... a good way to sum up cholesterol and heart disease is everytime a house catches fire there are firmen but that doesn't mean they started them. It's about causation. So cholesterol's "importance" as an indicator of CAD is not as clear-cut as has been believed for some years. If one has a genetic disposition towards high cholesterol diet won't get you there, hence statins to inhibit production. Mine is more advanced for my age because of genetics, despite diet and statins.

It's complex & CAD isn't a single factor. Views have changed since I did biochem decades ago. It's also the ratio of the different lipoproteins that appears to be important. HDL is considered protective and LDL bad.

On the humorous side, ppl like me tend to die a bit earlier than average so we're more eco-friendly.
I love these rants. They are so OTT they are entertaining.

This one is a tilt against the creeping Catholic Plutocracy, but the thing about Catholics is they hate each other (especially combatant catholic politicians) more than they hate non believers = it's a trust thing:- they don't trust anyone who can be an ah-sol then be forgiven by their Italian God if they fess up and show contrition.

A 20 year-old Urban Myth is resuming its email run-around again.
While I consider its contents worth repeating, I can't imagine even a Pastor having the chutzpah to tell Americans the Truth - and live through the sermon.

Some of the things that Trump is talking about, has certainly ruffled a few feathers in the establishment.

He could be taken out. Even journalists have * joked * about it...

New York Times Columnist Apologizes for Donald Trump Assassination Joke

Trump wants to;
9/11 re-examined and to release censored documents
Audit of the Federal Reserve
Wants to expose the Clinton's and the Bushes

Trump is an outsider - not part of the establishment and a threat to the ruling elite

How is Trump an outsider?

He's the people who put the insiders in the inside, then pull the strings.

For instance... why is it that corporations can declare bankruptcies and have none of their shareholders' private fund touched but student loan in the US are for life and if the student die their parents will take up the bill and be liable.

Care for the little shareholders like you and I? To encourage entrepreneurs? Entrepreneurs tend not to owe people money, they just go broke trying to be enterprising.

Trump's casino goes broke three times in six years, Trump himself got paid $2M a year as its Chairman... and yet all the creditors and employees can't touch him and his pals when the casino goes broke and refinance itself later - and he get to say he's a successful Billionaire.

How about Trump and fund raising at those dinners and speeches for candidates?
Now this is interesting. Also, the Saudi riyal is pegged to the US Dollar.

Secret 28 Pages of 9/11 Report Under New Scrutiny​

Saudi Arabia could sell off billions in American assets if bill passes: NYT​

I should have added this to the previous post too....

Saudi Arabia Warns of Economic Fallout if Congress Passes 9/11 Bill​


It started off Doctor, as a small lump in my groin about the size of a pea.
Declassified documents detail 9/11 commission's inquiry into Saudi Arabia​

Some of my American colleagues are noticing the coincidence of civil unrest and the impending election, fearing the election will be suspended....
Re: Shocker: UN Admits Migrant Crisis Plan To Overthrow West

You actually believe this guy? He makes a living striking fear in to viewers...thats his BUSINESS MODEL.
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