Inside info on COMEX silver shortage as predicted by Webbots, $600/oz is next predict
Inside info on COMEX silver shortage as predicted by Webbots, $600/oz is next predict bots
connectingdots1 | December 27, 2010 | 31 likes, 0 dislikes
The Webbots had predicted that silver shortages would first appear in Europe in an allocated place of storage, well here's some insider info from the whistle-blowers inside JP Morgan with their part2 on silver shortages.
" Promptly after those two cuddly bears explained how the JP Morgue is manipulating the silver market, and the xtranormal video went viral, forcing the FT to release an indemnification that "according to sources" JPM had covered a major portion of its silver short (only to subsequently end up with 90% control of other metals markets), here they are back, explaining in Part 2 of the series just what the next steps in the unwind of the biggest metal manipulation scheme will look like. The kicker: a JPM insider has told one of the bears that there is no commercial silver left, "it's all smoke and mirrors, and the CFTC can do nothing about it other than pray." Other topical items explained: silver backwardation, that there are two commissioners at the CFTC on the JP Morgue's payroll, the BIS' fractional gold system and the usage of side pockets for sovereign gold, and pretty much everything that ties the loose odds and ends in the PM manipulation story."
taken from
COMEX Massive silver shortage and fall of fiat currencies, Web bots predicted ditto + " rich riots"
Webbots score again !..They had predicted there would be a shortage of physical silver that was being held for storage as "allocated bullion", meaning these "rich investors" would have been paying storage fees for bullion which wasn't even turn, these rich folks would start "rich riots" .
However the webbots said the "rich riots" probably wouldn't make headline news so you may want to subscribe to my channel.... 'cause I do pay attention to this sorta info.
And BTW, the Webbots predicted this would set off the price of silver as these billionaires would take their cash settlement and immmediatly buy physical silver with it....which in turn will force drastic price increases on a daily basis... $5, $20...
driving the Elites Crazy!!
hold on folks '' cause I've got some much more to say about what silver will be doing in the near future and it's all Bright!!