Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Conspiracy Theory thread

Don't know if anyone has mentioned Zeitgeist in previous posts. Great film about a lot of common misconceptions. Thoroughly recommend checking it out
Don't know if anyone has mentioned Zeitgeist in previous posts. Great film about a lot of common misconceptions. Thoroughly recommend checking it out

There is an excerpt of the Zeitgeist movie posted in this thread (Post #525) called Money control and the people behind it.

I will Post the full Movie in the next post, but there is many different versions of Zeitgeist. Some of them are to misinform, other versions have an agenda of other interests tact on to it.

Zeitgeist has been around for many years and is originally based on Jordan Maxwell s research.

People who has followed this The Conspiracy Theory thread, will be able to see for themselves that Zeitgeist is a overview of the detailed subjects already posted here.

Complete Original '07 Zeitgeist With 2010 Updates by: Peter Joseph

ExhumedByScryingEyes | August 14, 2010 | 942 likes, 42 dislikes

Be sure to check out this 220 page Source Guide below which sources virtually everything. As requested by Zeitgeist creator Peter Joseph, I have replaced the original Zeitgeist movie with well over 1.25 million views with this updated for 2010 version. The meat and potato's of it are the same, there's some new information and the quality of it is improved upon.

Link to source guide:

Zeitgeist Addendum

TZMOfficialChannel | February 22, 2010 | 3,408 likes, 261 dislikes

Zeitgeist: Addendum by Peter Joseph. Full movie

Sharing this movie is encouraged.

Download from
Austan Goolsbee: Hitting Debt Ceiling Would Be 'First Default In History Caused Purel

Austan Goolsbee: Hitting Debt Ceiling Would Be 'First Default In History Caused Purely By Insanity'

NEW HAVEN -- There are, it seems, only two major issues that have a set time frame for political brinkmanship between the White House and Congressional Republicans. The Bush tax cuts will make for an interesting election-year dynamic when they expire in two years. Well before that, however, the president will have to persuade GOP leadership to ignore Tea Party insistence and allow for the country's debt ceiling to be raised.

That issue is set to come to a head this spring. So far the administration has been (or perhaps just expressed a sense of being) self-assured that the ceiling will be raised, but on Sunday its rhetoric was noticeably sharper.

Appearing on ABC's "This Week," Austan Goolsbee, the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, laid out the fairly alarming implications of the United States defaulting on its obligations while asking the question: What type of insanity would persuade us to do this?

Click on the URL to read the full Article
Bill Gross Telling Bloomberg To "Avoid Dollar Denominated Government Debt" Probably M

Bill Gross Telling Bloomberg To "Avoid Dollar Denominated Government Debt" Probably Means Bond Rout Is Over

JANUARY 02, 2011
Bill Gross Telling Bloomberg To

Via: Zero Hedge

When Nassim Taleb and Marc Faber say that US government debt is a suicide investment, one can be allowed some skepticism. After all, they are likely just talking their book. On the other hand, when the manager of the world's biggest bond fund, whose flagship fund Treasury holdings amount to almost $80 billion goes on Bloomberg and says to "avoid dollar-denominated government debt" better known as US Treasuries, and instead recommends viewers invest in "stable" currencies like the Peso, the BRL or the CAD, then you know the bottom in bonds is in. So in addition to dumping fixed rate bonds (which means Pimco will again be able to buy on the cheap ahead of QE3, which as Larry Meyer has by now likely advised Pimco is a sure thing), Gross also told Bloomberg that his other two strategies are to buy floating rate debt (over fixed), and lastly recommend credit spreads over interest rate duration risk. For those who find something troubling with a $1 trillion fixed income manager talking down his investments, and are still wondering whether or not QE3 is coming, we suggest putting one and one together. And while at it, they should also consider that Pimco now holds over $100 billion in MBS: a notional amount last held just as QE1 was announced. CLICK ON THE ORIGINAL SOURCE TO VIEW VIDEO.


Matterhorn Asset Management
JANUARY 01, 2011

by Egon von Greyerz

We now live in a world where governments print worthless pieces of paper to buy other worthless pieces of paper that combined with worthless derivatives, finance assets whose values are totally dependent on all these worthless debt instruments. Thus most of these assets are also worth-less.

So the world financial system is a house of cards where each instrument’s false value is artificially supported by another instrument’s false value. The fuse of the world financial market time bomb has been lit. There is no longer a question of IF it will happen but only WHEN and HOW. The world lives in blissful ignorance of this. Stockmarkets remain strong and investors worldwide have piled into government bonds in a perceived flight to safety. Due to a century of money creation (and in particular since the 1970s) by governments and by the fractal banking system, investors believe that stocks, bonds and property can only go up. Understanding risk and sound investment principles has not been necessary in these casino markets with guaranteed payouts for anyone who plays the game. Maximum leverage and derivatives have in the last 10-15 years driven markets to unfathomable risk levels, with massive rewards for the participants.

In the meantime central banks are cranking up the printing presses but as Bernanke recently said quantitative easing is an “inappropriate” description of what should be called “securities purchases”! Who is he kidding? What the Fed is buying has nothing to do with “securities”. There is no security whatsoever in the rubbish the Fed is purchasing. They are buying worthless pieces of paper with worthless pieces of paper. This is the Ponzi scheme of all Ponzi schemes.

Let us be very clear, this financial Shangri-La is now coming to an end. The financial system is broke, many western sovereign states are bankrupt and governments will continue to apply the only remedy they know which is issuing debt that will never ever be repaid with normal money.

So why does the world still believe that the financial system is sound?

See URL to read more,,, includes charts
King world News Blog

James Turk - Gold & Silver Shorts are Losing Control

With silver hitting new 30 year highs and gold assaulting all-time highs, King World News interviewed James Turk out of Spain. When asked about the action in both gold and silver Turk stated, “Just like last year, the metal prices are going to continue higher. It really doesn’t surprise me that both of the metals are in the process of taking out their previous highs, both gold and silver remain relatively undervalued. Gold and silver are the pinnacle of money and this is becoming increasingly apparent to investors around the world.”
Argentina and the IMF - Michel Chossudovsky on The Corbett Report

Argentina and the IMF - Michel Chossudovsky on The Corbett Report

corbettreport | January 02, 2011 | 32 likes, 0 dislikes

Michel Chossudovsky of the Centre for Research on Globalization joins us to discuss Argentina's status in the economic new world order and how that country has served as a testing ground for the neoliberal economic policies that have ravaged countries around the globe and which are being readied for the collapsing economies of the industrialized first world.

For more information on the Centre for Research on Globalization, please see the website:
LaRouchePAC-Statement on Obama T-4 Program from Rachel Brown

LaRouchePAC-Statement on Obama T-4 Program from Rachel Brown

laroucheyouth | January 01, 2011 | 14 likes, 0 dislikes

Rachel Brown, member of the six candidate national LaRouche Democrat slate, speaks from Boston on the fight to stop Obama's fascist drive for a Hitler T-4 "useless eaters" program. Rachel Brown first gained international prominence in August 2009 when she denounced Barney Frank for supporting Obama's genocidal health-care bill. She's also well-known for her televised debate with Barney Frank preceding the 2010 elections, when she said, "We need to take a moral stance right now, that we will allow not one single life to be lost to save money".
Is the World’s Richest Man Getting Into Silver?

Is the World’s Richest Man Getting Into Silver?

The European source commented, “This deal has been floating around for a while, but I think this time it is going to happen. It’s in his backyard. This is the world’s richest man wanting to get into silver.”

I view this as the only way for the richest man in the world to enter the silver market at this point in terms of any scale, is that your take as well?

“Yes, I agree with that. Let me just add that when he buys into it (Fresnillo) he will have the leverage to silver he is looking for. There are very few ways to get into silver with the amount of money he has, this is the most likely option at this point. He has to pay a hefty price or otherwise the deal will not happen. It is beginning to look like the longer he waits, the more he will have to pay. It is a bull market and things to tend to get more expensive, not less.”
IMF & World Bank are weapons of war , by John Pilger

IMF & World Bank are weapons of war , by John Pilger

marcchabotyt | 03 January 2011 | 11 likes, 0 dislikes

this is a 21 minutes montage of an original 52 minutes special report by John Pilger that you can find if you google for WAR BY OTHER MEANS
editing and upload done January 3rd 2011
original program dated late 1991


SGTbull07 | 02 January 2011 | 552 likes, 10 dislikes

a SGTbull07 micro-doc.
We didn't stand up for truth, we didn't stand up for the Constitution, we didn't stand up for the rule of law. And now the day of reckoning is upon us. Please, prepare.

Please consider protecting yourself & your loved ones with Physical Silver and/or Gold.
Gerald Celente forecast for 2011

Gerald Celente: What's in store for 2011 (Top 11 trends for 2011)

Re: Crash JP Morgan buy physical silver and SUE them!

Crash JP Morgan buy physical silver and SUE them!

davincij15 | December 27, 2010 | 51 likes, 0 dislikes

Cafferty Faucher LLP Files Class Action Lawsuit against JPMorgan and HSBC Alleging Manipulation of Silver.
Also to Bar Silver Financial Products

if you take advice from this guy you deserve everything you get, ill laugh at him when he panics to sell his physical metal

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