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The beauty in religion

Inappropriate sarcasm Judd. If you disagree, fine, but keep it civil.

Not inappropriate at all from my perspective. I've seen the tactics employed many times by evangelists. As argument after argument is rejected, they introduce totally irrelevant and nonsense propositions, eg vagaries in fashion trends, as justification that those who dress in such a fashion are the result being atheists and so the spawn of Satan.

So I respond in very appropriate and factious manner. The response to that is predictable outrage which is also employed by the evangelists against those who do not hold their views in religion.

I personally regard myself as one who disbelieves God exists from the evidence I have seen, but would accept his existence should I see sufficient proof.
You sound more like an agnostic than an God denying atheist. If you're waiting for proof of God's existence, I think either you'll be waiting a very long time or, when the proof arrives it will be too late for you to change your mind.

Pascal's wager once more. An all loving all forgiving God sentences you to eternal suffering for using the brain he gave you. Doesn't make any sense to me, but it has been discussed ad nauseum before in other forums.
Ah yes, Pascal's Wager. I knew I'd seen that argument somewhere before. I know his Triangle quite well but had forgotten his Wager. I wonder what Pascal would say if he knew what we know now.

I'm certainly not interested in getting bogged down in an endless discussion about God's love which, as you say, has been discussed ad nauseum. However the concept of "Tough Love" comes to mind.

My main reason for posting in these two religion threads was to draw attention to the scientific ideas about string theory, multiverses and reincarnation and try and get people thinking outside the box.

Do yourselves a favour and read:
Google "Reincarnation Research"

I'm not trying to recruit on behalf on any church and if you think it's all a load of rubbish, fine, ya makes ya decisions and ya takes ya chances, to paraphrase an old saying.
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