Genesis 22: 1-18
Isaac was a young adult when this occurred, and Abraham an old man, so this can't be considered child abuse. Isaac could easily have overpowered his father, but he chose not to. There are clear links in this story to God sending Jesus to die on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice.
Abraham proved his obedience to, and faith in, God.
Abraham didn't lie when Isaac asked about the sacrifice and he said "God himself will provide one." (v8) Abraham knew that he would have many decendants through his son Isaac (Genesis 17: 2, 16, 18-19), so he assumed he would not have to kill his son, or if he did he would be brought back to life (clearly this is the hardest test a father could undertake). Also in verse 5 he says, "Stay here with the donkey. The boy and I will go over there and worship, and then we will come back to you." He assumed that Isaac would be coming back with him.
What the posted extracts don't reveal is how God manifested himself to Abraham. I presume it couldn't have been in the form of a person as I was under the impression that Jesus was the first personification of God. Was it a voice from Heaven, like in the movies, or some such supernatural manifestation?
Completely agree. If adults, young and/or old, want to follow advice from celestial voices to sacrifice themselves, that's fine with me, but don't involve innocent animals. This makes me more sick and furious than pretty much anything. Just as well I believe the Bible is nothing more than a bunch of silly fairy stories anyway.i then suppose the rest of the story offends me even more , being against animal cruelty i found it distressing that God still wanted to smell some burnt flesh so he tells Abraham to burn a ram, if the RSPCA doesn't scream for a jail sentence for this then i give up, and no decent person can find this acceptable.
Completely agree. If adults, young and/or old, want to follow advice from celestial voices to sacrifice themselves, that's fine with me, but don't involve innocent animals. This makes me more sick and furious than pretty much anything. Just as well I believe the Bible is nothing more than a bunch of silly fairy stories anyway.
Good evening Julia,Completely agree. If adults, young and/or old, want to follow advice from celestial voices to sacrifice themselves, that's fine with me, but don't involve innocent animals. This makes me more sick and furious than pretty much anything. Just as well I believe the Bible is nothing more than a bunch of silly fairy stories anyway.
What the posted extracts don't reveal is how God manifested himself to Abraham. I presume it couldn't have been in the form of a person as I was under the impression that Jesus was the first personification of God. Was it a voice from Heaven, like in the movies, or some such supernatural manifestation?
If Abraham was convinced that the person was God (and I assume a voice from Heaven would be pretty convincing), aren't you really saying that Abraham knew he wasn't really sacrificing his son, as he deducted his son would be brought back to life (and knew God had the power to do it) or that God was going to stop him at the last moment. Isn't there a bit of nod nod, wink wink there?
It would be a different matter if it were Jesus who was asking him to sacrifice his son, Isaac. Then Abraham would have had to have enormous faith to believe that the person asking him to do that act is truly the son of God and has the power to resurrect his son after the act. If his faith was misdirected, then he would be making a massive blunder.
As an aside, who was he talking to when he said: "Stay here with the donkey. The boy and I will go over there and worship, and then we will come back to you."
Peterh , i'm not quite sure that because Isaac isnt a young child it justifies this attrocious act, or for that matter makes it right, perhaps one of us should check our "moral compass", i then suppose the rest of the story offends me even more , being against animal cruelty i found it distressing that God still wanted to smell some burnt flesh so he tells Abraham to burn a ram, if the RSPCA doesn't scream for a jail sentence for this then i give up, and no decent person can find this acceptable.
peterh Re: The beauty in religion
The following comment I found explains animal sacrifice quite well.
"The wages of sin is death. The payment for that sin was the shed blood of the innocent. Since all mankind is inherently sinful, none could qualify as a sacrifice. So the innocent animal became the sacrifice.
It's Snake Pliskin Re: The beauty in religion
The new religion of man made global warming is the stuff of real fairy tales.
The following comment I found explains animal sacrifice quite well.
"The wages of sin is death. The payment for that sin was the shed blood of the innocent. Since all mankind is inherently sinful, none could qualify as a sacrifice. So the innocent animal became the sacrifice.
Oh, what utter twaddle.
I usually try to be polite but this complete rubbish just is too much for me!
I have no idea how any reasonable person can take any notice of such absolute nonsense.
And, Peter, I hope you don't have any pets, given how little regard you have for animals.
Hail Mary MacKillop, the Australian saint
Beautiful story this morning
Miracle in our midst
Beautiful story this morning
Miracle in our midst
They were the work of the Devil.Gosh what a loving God that gave this kid all those diseases at once. Truly miraculous, that.
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