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The Australian Muslim Party

Once again off topic but nevertheless it could be important as to what can happen in Australia and if the AMP come into play.
Nuh! That video is a propaganda piece cut/edited to the crapper. Quality reporting and investigative journalism is a better guide to what is happening.

It's access. Controlling the tap to what was and still is the greatest source of wealth in the history of mankind.

Whoever control that energy reserves, control the world. Everything else are what they call the art of war: deception; propaganda; insecurity; profiteering and collateral damages like the death and murder of people like you and I and our loved ones, and also them Muslims... collateral damage and the price we are ask to pay for the national interests blah blah.

So they call us invaders and crusaders; we call ourselves liberators and nation-building peaceniks. They call our troops terrorists, we brand them as the terrorists; They call our leader the Great Satan, we call them Evil and backward savages... and in between the name calling, those without security details get blown up and their death be use for further killings.

And at the bottom line, arms merchants and war profiteers all see growth opportunities; and opportunities to test their new gov't-funded weapons systems - for peace and civilisation of course.
Nuh! That video is a propaganda piece cut/edited to the crapper. Quality reporting and investigative journalism is a better guide to what is happening.

Press TV is Iran funded, I think. But there are many other, more "reputable" [?] sources saying the same thing they're saying there. It's history.

Watch this real journalist who know his stuff:

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Again you have zero ideas. At least I have an idea, albeit with some soft casualties (ALL religious based brainwashing institutions bite the dust).

Give us just one tangible policy?
Nuh! That video is a propaganda piece cut/edited to the crapper. Quality reporting and investigative journalism is a better guide to what is happening.

Do you have a link to prove your statement or is it just heresy on your part?
Do you have a link to prove your statement or is it just heresy on your part?
It is obvious. Hardly a piece of footage that goes for more than a few seconds and all strung together to paint a terrible picture. There are disturbing images from the UK in it. Don't get me wrong. There is heavy crap going on but the majority of people should be doing good.

If they all start bangin heads together then all deals should be called off and any ungratefuls turned around and sent back to whence they came.

Maybe bad editing, and the interviews were probably from some other time they interviewed the experts... but that's the picture, no faking there. There's a bunch of real journalists and historians who said the same stuff. I can point to them if you like.

Don't get me wrong... there's nothing exceptional about the picture it paints. That's how you gain an empire. All empires throughout history does it. As Mao said, a revolution is not a dinner banquet; imperial dominance don't come about through a please and please please please - it's gun boat diplomacy man.

So while we might think this has nothing to do with the topic about Muslims being evil or trying to subvert democracy (by starting a political party).. it does try to put things in context.

I mean, peace will come one day... it's just either peace now or peace after we've run out of bombs or places to bomb, or new enemies pops up. Or it could come about because we the people force our gov't to stop this imperial grand strategy stuff and save some lives, save a few bucks, build our economies, leave people alone so maybe they could build theirs... and hopefully have enough jobs, enough cash and enough reserves and a few friends left when and if another power tries to put their boots on our soil.


It's worth remembering WW2...

The British Empire was all over the place. Can't protect or subjugate all them colonies.. .what happen? What about France? The French Empire was also all over the place... it cannot fight and protect all its colonies... and literally got liberated by the Nazi in some 3 weeks.

Britain was only a month away from the same fate and it was only by a few miracles and Hitler's arrogance by starting a second front with the Reds that Uncle Sam thought maybe the old Europe doesn't need to speak Germany after all.

Where are we in the West right now?

European economies are pretty much all stuffed, the US is living on borrowed money, the UK ehhh... and all of them can't seem to be able to tax much of any of their corporations and all their middle class people are fed up, getting poorer and suffering job insecurity. Yet its armies are stretched literally all over the world like money doesn't matter. Droning and blowing things up as though people don't mind seeing that done to their neighbours.

Worst, as though it could get worst killing people, but who have we been fighting? A few nasty religious nuts on pickup trucks. And unless the aim is to flatten these deserts and poison all its sand and water sources, we're not winning... why? Because it's their land, they live there and they've been fighting imperial powers for a few centuries now.

Anyway, we can go on and demonize this group or that people if that make us feel better... in the end, our security and our national interests depends on whether what we do at home and abroad are right and good, and serves our people's interests.

Assuming self-interests is king; that no such thing as good or bad because good is what we do and evil is what they do and we've got a compliant media to push that message home on the masses... does all these "good" work of ours against these "evil" people serve our people's security and well being?

If you look at history, drew lessons from past imperial adventures... we're heading towards disaster. We might not be over-run since we got the nukes or could borrow some; but that doesn't mean we won't end up a poor and starving nuclear-powered state.

You refrained from answering my question....Where is your proof?

Guess you don't have it.....just more irresponsible rhetoric.
Here is Graham Richardson's take on the Grand Mufti of the Muslim community......I hope to hell he does not nominate for a seat with the AMP in the Federal parliament.

Turkey, a Russian plane blown up over the Sinai and the terrible tragedy of a night in Paris. Hundreds more innocents have been murdered and like Jabar, the terrorists who participated in these attacks have been shot themselves or been blown up by their own hands.

The recruiters melt away to the dark corners they inhabit in *Muslim communities. They are convincing when they urge the Farhad Jabars of the world to kill the innocent. They send them off to a paradise they themselves seem reluctant to enter too soon.

The problem with the first statement on the Paris atrocities by Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, the Grand Mufti of Australia, is that it verified so much of what those recruiters tell their young chargers. The “causative factors” listed in Monday’s release — ie. “racism, Islamophobia, curtailing freedoms through securitisation, duplicitous foreign policies and military intervention” which he claimed need to be “comprehensively addressed” are all the same rubbish being peddled by the recruiters. When the Paris assassins were spraying the restaurants and the Bataclan Theatre with bullets from Kalashnikovs they were shouting “Allahu Akbar”.

Murder was being committed in the name of the god the Grand Mufti worships. Yet he could make no reference to the warped interpretation of Islam the terrorists followed. All he could do was rail against Western values and *Western actions.

More brainwashing of Muslim youths in Australia.

If you stop to think about what the Mufti said, he's probably right in a lot of cases, the West's policies in the Middle East created a power vacuum ready for ISIS to step into, and ISIS's tactics are to increase hate towards Muslims and give Muslims little choice but to join ISIS and fight those who repress them.

The Mufti's problem was that his statements looked like justification for the Paris attacks. If that was his intent then we should be suspicious of him, if he just intended to give us some pointers on avoiding other attacks then he is on more solid ground.

A Muslim ‘illegal’ asks his mother, "Mama, what's is Democracy and what is Racism?"

"Well son, Democracy is when English tax payers work really hard every day and pay their taxes so that we can get all our benefits!

You know, like our free housing, free healthcare, free education, bigger welfare payments than pensioners, etc., etc. You should know by now, that's called Democracy".

"But mama, don't the English tax payers get really pissed off about that?"

"Of course they do my son, and that's called Racism !
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