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The Australian Muslim Party

Come on qldfrog.

I might be better placed to talk about Muslims than most since I went to school with a few of them; had HS class mates who are Muslim and Arabs; and where I live is full of them. They don't have fangs or horns man.


I'm pretty sure Catholics have horns and cloven feet, but they are tricky buggers, especially them Micks. So if RCs have 'em you can bet your leftie the Muslims have got 'em too .. . 'em all descended from Abraham.
So who do you walk like and quack like noco?

I'm sure there's a bunch of "white" people you don't like either; a bunch of greenies, lefties, commies who may walk and talk like you but whose beliefs and actions you don't agree with too. No?

Sport, I don't know where you originate from and I don't particularly care but I am a true blue Aussie second generation and I care about what is happening in Australia ATM and I don't like it.

The influence by those who have little regard for the National interest of Australia, who are trying to change the way we live have no place here....They can go to hell or back to where they came from....If they cannot accept our way of living, then they should not be here.

I want Australia restored as do the majority of Australians......True blue Aussies are fed up with the crap that is going on in Australia ATM.

Take it or leave it.

This "take it or leave it" stuff sounds great, but have you any real solutions other than the "Nazi" method of ethnic cleansing.
I think your choice of the words "strict Muslim" might envelope too many people and is unfair on many people frankly..
So what would you call a muslim who follow the rules of his holy book?
I have never said being a muslim means being evil
but if you are following the book litterally, your family ladies are wearing the nihab and you support sharia law, then evil you are to me.
anyway a bit far from the thread
There is definitely a raised concern level at the moment and it takes some shocks to wake people up to ask what is going on. 5 years ago I did not know that a Muslim practices the religion of Islam (I thought Islam was a place) and frankly was not interested but gee whiz I have learned a lot in recent years. There are some alarming interviews or exchanges with Imams, clerics, extremists and moderates available on the internet.

So what is Australia's national interests noco? Round up people who walk and talk like our enemy, whatever and whoever our enemy happen to be at the time?

Since that would be a bit crazy, right? What should those who look like Australia's designated enemy do whenever those enemies do our national interests harm? They should bow their head in shame, handcuffs themselves and dial up the AFP?

I knew this lady who descended from the First Fleet, yea the actual First Fleet.. and she doesn't think like you. There are Muslims who are also second and maybe third or fourth generation Aussies... are you more truer and more bluer than them?
I'm pretty sure Catholics have horns and cloven feet, but they are tricky buggers, especially them Micks. So if RCs have 'em you can bet your leftie the Muslims have got 'em too .. . 'em all descended from Abraham.

Maybe... anyone descended from a dude that would split his son in half to please a voice in his head have got a few issues. But could be that the Irish were adopted so...
This "take it or leave it" stuff sounds great, but have you any real solutions other than the "Nazi" method of ethnic cleansing.

What a lot of rot you speak...Is this only dirt you can come up in the reference to "Nazi" and ethnic cleansing...That is the Islamic method of intimidation and fear.

Australia has opened their hearts to a lot people who in many cases are ungrateful for what has been done for them.

This is why I say if you are not happy with the Australian way of life...if you are not prepared to stand up and fight for this country's freedom...if you are not prepared to assimilate and accept the Australian laws and regulations....if you are not prepared to sing our National anthem instead of turning your back, then you are not one of us.

You are not welcome.

It's a political party... it will only serve its fund raisers and business interests... the people serve themselves. They're not going to push the Muslim agenda or past Sharia law or set hair style trend.

I mean, most Australian voters are not rich yet somehow laws after laws passed by their "representatives" made the rich richer and left the working Aussie fighting for jobs and welfare with refugees. Very strange.

That's what starting another Australian political party is aiming at - embracing democracy, multi-party parliamentary representation etc.

Do people have to hate all Muslims and abandon Islam to be considered "true" Australian?

I heard from Tony Burke MP on Q&A explaining that those kids did not sing the national anthem because they are in mourning, and Islam or Islamic culture say that you should not celebrate or be joyful during the mourning period.

So they considered it a joy, something good, to be singing the national anthem.

It is the National interest that refugees behave in a manner of decent behavior and accept our way of life....If we went to an Islamic country we would have to accept their laws and way of life or either be shot or stoned to death....Do we do that here in Australia?...We are a civilized group and not barbaric like in Islamic countries.

It is in the National interest if intimidation and fear is not spread by a few radicals.

It is in the National interest that our citizens can walk our streets, go on public transport and aircraft and into cafes, restaurants, sporting venues without the fear that perhaps that day they may not return home to their loved ones.

It is in the National interest that these refugees cease from being a burden on our welfare system.

It is in the National interest that we do round up those who are known trouble makers and deport them back to where they came from.

It is in the National interest that we have one law for all...not one law for Australians and Sharia law for Muslims.

If they are not with us then they are against us and that is not in the National interest.

Then how come they didn't kill each other before Bush Jr. went on a crusade in the region there? They have always been Sunni and Shiite soon after Mohammed passed right?

How do we explain the other civil wars in all other countries and cultures?

And who voted for those terrorists any way?

I mean, we're in a democracy; we vote for our representatives; we have a free press (have faith); we can read and think and can elect or remove our leaders... Do we agree with all the stuff these representatives and these leaders of ours do? Do we tell the leaders that droning and dropping bombs on "suspicious" people are fine by us? Do we agree to having people locked up or blown up without trial a thing to do... some of us might, maybe... most of us don't... but these are things that's being done, in our name, by our leader, for our security.

So if we, with our people power, can't get the leaders to do our will, or at least represent the essence of our value... Why do we put the burden and crime of what terrorists and dictators do as representing the values and culture of all the people who can't vote and can't speak as to who they want their dictator to be?

Embracing democracy???????The Islamic movement do not believe in democracy so you have been shot down in flames on that one.

The Islamic movement is breeding the hatred starting in the Islamic schools where Muslim kids are brainwashed 5 times each day with the hatred of Christians and infidels....they are preached to that if you are not a Muslim then you must go and kill all those who are not....That is clearly stated in the Koran.

Tony Burke would have to make an excuse for those Muslims kids as it in his political interest in the seat of Watson where there is more than 20% Muslim population...Would have expected him to be critical of them?....Burke will lose his seat if the AMP run a candidate against him.

There is a war going on against Islam and in a war you kill or be killed....Take your choice.

You haven't watched the news? If a Muslim, or any Australian, associate themselves with a terrorists, their doors get kicked in and they get picked up. If they commit terrorism or even plan or threatens it, they broke the law and goes to prison.

So trouble makers and friends get rounded up... just we don't shoot them on suspicion or when they're unarmed - we round them up, scared them a bit, let them know we're watching, and let the lawyers do their work.

We can't deport them if they're born here and hold its citizenship. Should we start deporting based on crime or based on crime and ethnicity?

Sharia Law, or cultural practices that go against Australian laws are not permitted. So while some Muslim family may practice sharia law and that law or any of their practices oppress, abuse or otherwise mistreat their wife and children... the Australian law and authority is only a phone call away. So I don't know what you're worried about.


Refugees do not burden the national treasury. They costs a couple of cents on the grand scale, but those will be returned with interests and ongoing contributions... studies have shown this to be the case, look it up man.

You know what other welfare recipient suck the national treasury dry and we don't know about it? Corporations like Chevron who pay 147 or so dollars, yea, dollars, on some $1.7Billion in profit.... The list goes on and on.

So these corporations take the country's finite natural resources, use some magic accounting that's legal somehow and poof... what profit?


So is it to our national interests to fly half way round the world and bomb some place we're directed to by uncle sam? We're spending at least $500 million a year - fixed costs, the bombs and fuel are variable costs... So on these ventures, we get to bomb evil doers who are generally bad, but are really bad to us because they kinda not like their country being liberated by foreigners.

Does that serve our interests? I could think of a few schools or scholarships or housing for the poor that $500M could go towards right here at home.

But we have to do it because? Else they will buy a ticket, skirt our seas to get us?

Registering as a political party in Australia does not exactly spell Jihah man.

So you know how I went to school with Muslims; I am not a Muslim... how do you figured I'm still alive with all them "brainwashed, must kill infidels" kids and young Turks around? And last I check the suburb is still standing.

So either your news are wrong or you're being lied to.
There is a war going on against Islam and in a war you kill or be killed....Take your choice.

So how many of the 1.4 billion Muslims do we kill and how many do we force to convert or else?

Do we start with Indonesia, then Malaysia and trek our way from closest country first then on to Mecca?

Dam, that sounds like a plan I heard ISIS has in mind - just reversed the route from North to South.

Come on sir, have you seen war? I bet you have... so what the...?
Agreed and I think low grade nukes will be used in the end ...... by us with any luck

The US is spending a trillion or so on those "low grade nukes" to be use in battlefields. Nothing beat killing your enemies then ride on through to the next front without being contaminated.

Heard that with these proxy wars between NATO and Russia, Russia is moving some of its nuclear arsenal around the country on trains... in case all the bunkers got hit at once and they can't retaliate.

The problem with that, for NATO and us, is the danger of terrorists getting their hands on nuke that are less secured - being on some train and what not. So that's something to look forward to.
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