I take it Muslim Australians shouldn't get politically active in a legal, democratic, peaceful way in Australia? Democracy and its priviledges should only extend to some then?
I seriously think you guys are good people, I mean that. You just don't know how to put the shoe on the other foot. And that's a shame.
You guys are good and decent people because you hate terrorist and terrorism, you loathe a fanatic religion you perceive to be oppressive and murderous; hates it because it want to take over the world and killing innocent people. That's a good and righteous thing to dislike in my book, if that counts for anything.
Now... apply the same principle you hold dear, put your thinking cap on and do some reading and not be spoon fed by popular "intellectuals" will you.
It is horrific what those terrorists did on 9/11 in New York; it's horrific what they did in Paris... people going about their business shouldn't be murdered like that; no one should have their lives taken like that.. and any religion, any ideology, any terrorists that does it should not be tolerated.
Do we have any idea what has and is being done in our name over there?
Drones taking out targets without really being sure if it is "the target", and everyone around that target is kill and everything around it blown to bits and it's put down as a success against terrorism.
There's an instance in a mountainous region of Pakistan where a drone hit a target they suspect of being an Arab in that region... and obviously any Arab in that region is up to no good. How did they know the target is an Arab? He's taller than the average people in that region. So they blew him and his terrorists up.
Turns out the guy is a teacher surrounded by students... yea, a teacher looks taller than the children around him and "we" blew them up. Oopps. There's no need to guess what the villagers think of western civilisation after picking up their children by the pieces.
You know what a daisy cutter does? Or know that missiles like HellFire suck all the oxygen around places it didn't flatten and suffocate people it didn't vaporised?
Those people deserved it because...? Because some terrorist murder our people?
Use your heart and your head people. I know it's hard because we're idealistic and believe we're a free and open society and our politicians and leaders are honest and just; and our "journalists" all speak truth to power... but come on, we're too old for this aren't we?
There's this scene in Ken Burn's "The Civil War", towards the end, where a lady in Atlanta cursed General Sherman of the US Union army, blaming him for torching and plundering his way all through her state of Georgia to the Atlantic. To which Sherman reply... it is not I who burn your city, that torch was lit many years ago when your state rebel and fired against the union and you supported it. The flame simply arrive home with me behind it.
The kind of rubbish I hear against an entire people... come on, you guys are better than that. Don't play right into the hands of those terrorists, and don't be played by our own warrior princes in Canberra either.
Do we seriously believe that a people is so bad, a religion is so evil, that all it teaches and all them people do is wake up, pray to their Allah and find ways to murder us because they hate our values? Hate our way of life?
We're not that special. People got more important things to worry about. And most of them probably couldn't locate where we are on a map they probably don't know or care to know about because they're trying to put food on their table and pray that their children aren't blown up on their way to school.
Anyway, somebody got to tell ya.