I find it usefull to Google the Astrology sites and see what those mystics and seers are thinking and seeing. We have had a bunch of people reflecting on the astros around 9/22-27 but this is deeper thought and insight. We are shifting from Jupiter to Saturn and that is a long term big change. I know of one Astrologer who has moved into the heart of West Viginia and gone back to living off the land based on his predictions. So here's some thoughts.
(3) I would keep a close eye on the Stock Market and the world economy in 2006 - 2007, there likely will be worsening economic problems in Europe, Asia, and generally in the world economy, but I think the U.S. will do much better than most of the world. I think that Europe, Asia, and Latin America will see economic chaos and economic recession or depression, and stock market decline and chaos, from in 2007. Watch the New York Stock Exchange and the Dow Jones average, but I think Wall Street and the U.S.economy will not do too badly, either staying steady or dropping some in 2006, but Europe, Latin American, and Asian stock markets and economies could be headed for serious problems in 2007. In particular, I think the world economy could worsen in 2007, see this page.
Also, investments and business dealings with Russia should be avoided. Europe and in particular Germany, which are increasing economic and political connections with Russia, I think are making a big mistake that will be regretted when Putin turns against Europe in the future. Putin is evil, but Europe will be fooled by him. Watch out for a mother bear (Russia) that has lost its cubs (Russia's empire), it can be an angry mother bear. I think Russia's economy will actually grow under Putin during 2006-2007, but I think Russia will turn very dangerous and angry towards the West within a few years.
I believe that 4 of the Planets correspond to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Revelation; Jupiter is the Antichrist, Mars is War, Saturn is Economic Depression, and Pluto is Death (and Hell rides with Death, Pluto has a single moon Charon, which like Pluto has a mythology connected with the Land of the Dead.) Saturn I would relate to economic depression, because in Greek / Roman / Etruscan mythology, Saturn was associated with agriculture as well as weights and measures and coins. So, there could be worsening world economic problems in 2007. So the third horseman, economic problems, could ride (in Asia, Europe, Latin America, and much of the rest of the world, the U.S. I think will not do too badly, the economy dropping some).
And I think there could be worsening economic problems also in 2007-8 in Europe, possibly a stock market crash in Europe. Also, watch out for the world economy sinking in 2007-8 after an August 2007 Middle Eastern war. World economic chaos and economic disaster I think will exist from 2007-2008. During this time period expect to see economic chaos and disaster, wars, Muslim terrorist attacks, Sunni-Shiite Muslim war in Iraq and the Middle East, disease epidemics, great earthquakes, great storms and global warming causing sea levels to rise, and possibly asteroids or pieces of a comet may hit earth. This ends with the Armageddon, World War 3, in August 2007. After that, after 2007, hope for the world will come from the Southern Hemisphere.
But how about in the past, were there any particular planetary alignments during times of economic problems? Yes, there is a general pattern we shall discuss here. During the October 1987 and October 1929 stock exchange crashes, the Planet Saturn was in the Astrological sign of Sagittarius. The significance of this is that Sagittarius, the combined horse/man, with Saturn having a connection in Greek / Roman / Etruscan mythology to agriculture as well as weghts and measures and coins, means that Saturn in Sagittarius represents the third Horseman of the Apocalypse, economic depression. When Saturn is in Sagittarius you may get the trigger event, such as a stock market crash, that begins an economic depression. Saturn will not be in Sagittarius for many years, but you can still expect great economic chaos in 2007-2008 as we will then be in the seven year End Times period, including a major war in 2007.
Other cases of economic problems when Saturn was in Sagittarius:
(1) Saturn was in Sagittarius in 1782, when an economic decline began that resulted in economic depression in the U.S. from 1783 to 1787.
(2) Saturn was in Sagittarius from 1838-1841, a severe economic depression, lasting seven years, began with the panic of 1837, caused by a series of bank failures.
(3) Saturn was in sagittarius on Sept. 24, 1869, when a Gold Market panic, "Black Friday", began an economic decline that resulted in a severe recession for the U.S. 1873-1879.
(4) The Panic of 1893 resulted in a severe recession until 1897, when Saturn entered Sagittarius, in this case at the end of the recession.
Generally, the U.S. economic pattern of recessions or depressions every 30 or 60 years is related to the 29.4 period of revolution around the Sun of the planet Saturn.
I am currently looking at buying a Pearson 39 sailboat which is another way of getting out of the way of all this. Sail the Caribbean for a few years while the world works its way through this mess.
Marshall Schroeder