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The Albanese government

Who is going to be the first to try and knife Airbus next year?

  • Marles

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Chalmers

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Wong

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Plibersek

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Shorten

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Burney

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
Sorry about this you Westerners, but handing over $50 billion in GSt adjustments to WA when WA doesn't need the money just to win seats is pretty stupid.
Well the thing is, that W.A has a boom and bust economy, when minerals are up they do well, when they are down they do crap.
The problem with the GST carve up, it never was in synch with the economy, so when the mining bust happened during Barnetts time W.A were only going to get 30% of the GST they paid back.

So the State had to take on a huge amount of debt, to build badly needed infrastructure, which was a hangover from the influx of population into the State and the lag in infrastructure, during the boom that happened in the Rudd/Gillard era.

So McGowan got a lower limit set at a minimum of 75% of GST paid, so NO State can receive less than 75% of the GST they pay into the pot.

That could be seen as unfair because W.A gets a lot of royalties when a boom is on, but on the other hand Victoria had a moratorium on gas exploration, so should they be given special dispensation at W.A's expense, because they didn't want to exploit their gas reserves?

Also other States could exploit their resources and natural assets more than they do, rather than bending over backwards to placate minority groups, why should W.A have to pay extra GST to facilitate that?

Some States get more GST back than they pay, due to reasons beyond their control, that is unavoidable and why 75% lower limit makes sense.

Other States spend more money than they can afford and want other States to support their irresponsible spending by giving them more of the GST pot, why should that be the case?

Think of it like a family unit, you have everyone putting money into the pot and the money is shared out on an as needs basis, to help the the whole family move along.

Then all of a sudden one of the kids gets a FIFO job and works away but earns bigger money, so they put more money in the pot as they can afford to and it helps.

Then you find another couple of the kids start having a beano on this extra money, they start having a good time splashing money on flash new cars and caravans, maybe a couple of overseas holidays.

Then all of a sudden the pot isn't covering the families expenses.

What do you do, hit up the FIFO kid for more money, because he can afford it.

Sounds like Australia.
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Well yeah. Maybe we should have a zero tax rate for billionaires and 50% for everyone else to encourage people to work harder.
like spending like a drunken sailor and reckless open the border to any one & release pedos, rapists & murders like hacks of Clare O Neil, Andrew Giles & Mark Dreyfus did!

unfortunatly nothing will change as we are in a society of self entitlement and over bloated duds in the government
Also other States could exploit their resources and natural assets more than they do, rather than bending over backwards to placate minority groups, why should W.A have to pay extra GST to facilitate that?
The counterargument would be that federal policies over an extended period have, in practical implication, favoured WA, Qld, Sydney and Melbourne over NT, SA, Tas and regional NSW + Vic.

There's quite a list of things where individually it could be seen as being about some specific issue but when there's enough of them, over a long enough period, that's the overall effect.
^ "The harder you work, the luckier you get"

Samuel Goldwyn
Well yeah. Maybe we should have a zero tax rate for billionaires and 50% for everyone else to encourage people to work harder.
Isn't that where it is heading, in 1975 the top tax rate was 65% and it cut in at $25,000, the top earners do a lot better these days.

On the same note, Victoria could be seen as spending above their means for an extended period while indulging in social politics regarding gas development, should the other States subsidies that?

Also over an extended period W.A has had to spend a lot to facilitate the mineral development and rural infrastructure, over a huge area, with very small taxable population.
Also over an extended period W.A has had to spend a lot to facilitate the mineral development and rural infrastructure, over a huge area, with very small taxable population.

Yep even with all the infrastructure spending the roads are all still in grid lock every morning, trains chockers etc, the North West and remote regions in WA are hardly bastions of suburbia still pretty harsh out there.
Yep even with all the infrastructure spending the roads are all still in grid lock every morning, trains chockers etc, the North West and remote regions in WA are hardly bastions of suburbia still pretty harsh out there.
On the TV news tonight can't remember who was sprouting but WA's population is getting close to 3 million.
A constant stream of people coming here, so I guess it is very hard to keep up the infrastructure etc, etc.
Wow. When my family immigrated here in 1972 it was around about 900,000.
On the TV news tonight can't remember who was sprouting but WA's population is getting close to 3 million.
A constant stream of people coming here, so I guess it is very hard to keep up the infrastructure etc, etc.
Wow. When my family immigrated here in 1972 it was around about 900,000
On the TV news tonight can't remember who was sprouting but WA's population is getting close to 3 million.
A constant stream of people coming here, so I guess it is very hard to keep up the infrastructure etc, etc.
Wow. When my family immigrated here in 1972 it was around about 900,000
And just look at it now, not only are we getting more populated, we are going to send the World into a climatic death spiral with our emissions.
Who would have thought so few, could inflict so much damage to the World, I always knew we punched above our weight. Lol

From the article.
Scientists are warning of serious climate impacts unless the state changes course.
Maybe WA could build some nuclear reactors with all the GST billions they are getting.
Maybe WA could build some nuclear reactors with all the GST billions they are getting.
My guess is, eventually we will have to, we are as flat as a billiard table and as dry hell, so there are much fewer options in W.A. Lol

Many a true word, has been spoken in jest.

Wow. When my family immigrated here in 1972 it was around about 900,000.
Ah Wayne I remember 1972 well It was the year I tied the knot.
Smaller population, less traffic and a lot safer everywhere.
In fact I used to ride the sweat machine into Perth where I used to work.
Albo needs to be careful what he says, someone may ask what he has done regarding negating emissions, Dutton could well be setting him up.
Not that the coalition has ever been very good at that, Labor have always had for better media presentation.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has accused Opposition Leader Peter Dutton of being worse than former prime minister Scott Morrison on climate change, in a direct attack on the Coalition’s plans to ditch Australia’s 2030 emissions reduction target.
Albanese’s attack, during a press conference in Canberra on Monday, comes after Dutton declared he would reverse Australia’s legally binding climate target to cut emissions 43 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030.
Yet we keep this endless migration going when it’s stated humans are the largest cause of emissions
Leak bang on target again.

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It’s amusing that Sekta is back in the news after some years in hiding in South Australia, he fled there after stabbing his CMFEU members in the back by not supporting them during the COVID saga, They protested outside the city branch office as they demanded to speak with him, he refused to come out and remained bunkered down, a someof the members became rowdy, Sekta soiled his pants called police and the riot squad came.
He then fled to Adelaide for some time and re appeared with the protection of 6 Rebel Bikes showing his true colours

The soiling his pants part was stated by one of the police ministers reporting of the days antics
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