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The Abbott Government

Is he going to do a Rudd or a Mark Latham?
He strikes me as bitter as both of them, but more delusional.

I would imagine that he is confirming that the Liberals did the right thing dumping him as he continues to say stuff thats directly contradicts any available evidence like winning the next election and Turnbul not changing any of his failed polices.

I think people would be far kinder to his so called legacy if he went silently and remember he did stop the boats and dumped a couple of tax's where as now he is likely to be considered as you say delusional.

Still it must be burning him and his supporters up that Turnbul is building momentum at advancing policy conversations and debate in a statesman manner at a far higher level of intellect I got the feeling he could well become a wrecker.
Yes. Let's hope not.
Bolt, who seems to have lost it lately, will hopefully not encourage him.

His latest blog asks Is Turnbull Lib's Kevin Rudd?
Yes. Let's hope not.
Bolt, who seems to have lost it lately, will hopefully not encourage him.

His latest blog asks Is Turnbull Lib's Kevin Rudd?

Bolt has lost it.

Rudd is more comparable to Abbott, sitting on the backbench, waiting, plotting...while Turnbull is setting himself up to be knocked off, but unlike Gillard, after the election when the born to rule Right take back what they see to be rightfully theirs.
Bolt has lost it.

Bolt never had it. One of Abbott's many failings was believing that anyone except a few grumpy old timers (get off my lawn types) take Bolt/Jones/Hadley seriously. Bolt/Jones/Hadley are more annoyed that their opinion isn't held in the esteem which they think it deserves than by the removal of Abbott.

Alan Jones' audience declines every year, because his listeners are dying off. All but the most tin-eared of politicians would realise the futility of targeting this group as your core constituency. Then again, if Abbott thinks he's going to make a comeback he's more deluded than I ever imagined.
Bronwyn again.... from the Herald Sun

ABOUT 60 pieces of crockery were missing from former Speaker Bronwyn Bishop’s office in an August stocktake, a Senate hearing has heard.

Officials from the Department of Parliamentary Services confirmed that about a quarter of the 248-piece Queen’s dining setting was missing when Department staff went to check her office earlier this year.

Ms Bishop resigned as Speaker on August 2 after the Herald Sun revealed she had taken a taxpayer-funded helicopter flight to a Liberal fundraiser during the Victorian state election.

The stocktake was conducted on August 6 before new Speaker Tony Smith took over the office.

It is understood the missing pieces were returned to storage after the Department count identified the crockery was missing.

The Herald Sun understands that a similar stocktake in 2001 also found a number of items missing from Ms Bishop’s parliamentary office after she was dropped as aged care minister over revelations that elderly people in a Melbourne nursing had been bathed in kerosene.
Now - that he has no power - Hockey wants to make some great changes to negative gearing, superannuation etc. ! Changes most of us wanted and that were recommended in the Murray report. Now he says we should do it and fix our tax systems. Too damn late.

Completely wasted opportunity. I blame Abbott and the hard right.

Originally it was going to be Hockey challenging Turnbull on his own but Abbott backstabbed him.
I feel Hockey could have been a good Prime Minister but its history now.

BTW Anyone read Bolt today? Two attacks on Turnbull! Get over it mate!
Now -

Completely wasted opportunity. I blame Abbott and the hard right.

They're the puppets of their backers... watch the board seats that these traitors to the nations progress shimmy their shinny ar$es on to.
Negative gearing distortions enrich Banks and a plethora of real estate parasites... gross super tax concessions will be a 'nod and a wink' from mates at the turf & golf club.

Completely wasted opportunity. .... sums up abbotts tenure

It turns out he was too shy to have talks with the xbenchers, seemly preferring to antagonise his political opponents rather than consult and communicate.

The Thatcher Lecture; Oh the irony....
And to quote Tonies own words... 'if Thatcher was still with us'
Well...That's where we might get a bit of reality check, because dear olde Mage' would be able to tell us where Saddam Hussien got a good heft of those much talked about Chemical WMD's, because her government was happy to oversee British companies selling the stuff to him, at a nice profit ...

and many other sources, for those that want to know the uncomfortable truth. Or put your fingers in your ears and hum kumbaya.

So ducchie, seeing WMD's(supplied by the 'West', i.e. us) were a big part in way of getting all these refo's on the move, Why don't you suggest to Capt'n International Clown Shoes to start using some mustard and CS to get them to stop. Should keep out the peril.

abbott and brilliant in the same sentence. There's someone who can spot talent
Following is the speech as one John Grace of The Guardian heard it:

I actually don't think Tony has any other feathers in his bow than "stop the boats". What a p!ss poor performance. Was this guy really PM, or was it just a bad dream? The speech was something straight outta the seminary. Dogmatic world view from yesteryear dressed up as some sort of good v evil battle. I'm no Thatcher fan, but she ran rings around Abbott in every which way. Hopefully his farewell tour doesn't become like a John Farnham one.

God knows what the Tories were thinking. Maybe it was some wit's idea of satirical humour?
I guess we've all heard that Tony is actively spruiking the "next Abbott Govt" ???!!!!!!
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