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The Abbott Government

Well Abbott and Hockey are gone, so let's look for the next victim.

Someone else has to fill up the Fairfax papers and the ABC content.
Q & A, Lateline and Fairfax reporters will be having sleepless nights, trying to write up material.

Ray Martin?
Anything else on Ray apart from a few unsubstantiated innuendos ?
Nope thought not.
I was simply outlining Ray's policy manifesto. Left of centre, a former long term ABC presenter and present day sympathizer. Having been appointed to head the enquiry, he had exonerated the ABC, before it had even gotten underway.
jeni replied to vic of gero

Wed 08 Jul 15
Ray Martin - lefty as they come - used to work for him -...
Huw Parkinson at it again:

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Abbott's mistake, was to not call another election, when he didn't get a majority.

He said he wouldn't operate, in the compromised minority Government, then he did.

His call, his stuff up.

He ended up, just as compromised as Gillard, more fool him.

His mistake was to treat the Senate as a rubber stamp and not negotiate. He simply did not have those skills. Like Rudd he was sadly lacking in the people management department and you just can't be PM without those skills.
His mistake was to treat the Senate as a rubber stamp and not negotiate. He simply did not have those skills. Like Rudd he was sadly lacking in the people management department and you just can't be PM without those skills.

What I was refering to, was the statement he made, that he wouldn't put himself in that position.

Then he did, just as dumb as Gillard.

I'm still not convinced Turnbull is the answer, but he has cut out a lot of dead wood in the cabinet.

Time to pass the baton on, and Turnbull seems to be doing it, which is a good thing.

There is nothing the older Liberal and Labor pollies can offer, the world has moved on, Turnbull may have realised it.
There is nothing the older Liberal and Labor pollies can offer, the world has moved on, Turnbull may have realised it.

Yeah I think some of them are emulating their grandparent's generation and role playing what sexagenarians did back in the mid sixties:

What a joke "I wont be sniping".............lying Abbott just hasn't got it the tribe has voted already (his own mob) he would not have won the election and his policy's will change.

I think Tony is mature enough not to snipe, sneer, dismiss, sabotage and white ant. He hasn't demonstrated those traits in the past so I see no reason why he would start now .... it goes to the essence of a man....
Take a look at the SMH and the AGE websites, what a mess, the whole front page is a mish mash of garbage.

Now having removed Abbott, they have removed 80% of their chook feed.

What a hoot, be carefull what you wish for, now they have to find something to write.

They obviously need to find, another person who is equally distasteful, check out Bill

Just a heads up, for lazy
I think Tony is mature enough not to snipe, sneer, dismiss, sabotage and white ant. He hasn't demonstrated those traits in the past so I see no reason why he would start now .... it goes to the essence of a man....

Actually I know nothing of him, but anecdotal evidence would say he is a nice guy.
Barry Cassidy points out the obvious

Tony Abbott's self-indulgent and damaging farewell radio tour
Is he going to do a Rudd or a Mark Latham?
He strikes me as bitter as both of them, but more delusional.

The fact that it would only take 6 people to change their minds and he's back in might encourage him to stick around.

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