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The Abbott Government

I hope so Knobby, as per usual I will just watch for a while.

Most of the above certainly served to make Abbott unpopular, but only a few points are policy based. Rudd/Gillard/Rudd have a list of policy faux pas as long as your arm (which I can't be bothered collating right now)

I was terribly wrong.

I feel sorry for Abbott. His intentions were good.
I was terribly wrong.

I feel sorry for Abbott. His intentions were good.

Afraid I don't think Abbotts intentions were good at all, good example bombing Syria and the security laws being used to raise polling thats criminal.

Has to be one of the most self indulgent governments ever particularly early on.

The right wing have squandered their political opportunity.
Well, it had to happen sooner or later...Better now than later but I would have preferred Scott Morrison.....I am sure he will be the next Prime Minister in waiting and by that time he will have had a lot more experience....It will be interesting to see if Morrison will be the "Captains pick" for the treasurers job.....If he does become treasurer, it will be the icing on the cake for him.

At least now we will not have to put up with barnacle Bill melodious voice repeating Mr Abbott 15 times in a 2 minute interview.

What now for barnacle Bill?......Will the polls now go up for the Liberals and Turnbull as preferred Prime Minister?.....If they do and the TURC goes against BS he may well be the next to get knifed by Tanya.
I feel sorry for Abbott. His intentions were good.


I don't think a lot of Liberals are happy with this decision, but as others have said, we will wait and see.

I would have preferred Morrison.

In my view, the media has pushed this all along.
Has to be one of the most self indulgent governments ever particularly early on.

The right wing have squandered their political opportunity.

Didn't learn one thing from Campbell Newman's blighted reign......right down to "we are open for business" (which was a lie, like all the rest of the promises).
I don't think Abbott had any idea what to do once he became PM. All his energy was put in to getting the office, after that he was walking dead.

He's a weasel, the kid that snipes, whispers and tells lies on the weak kids to the school bully, for kicks. The classic nice to your face and all the time trying to take your place. It's always been Tony for tony's sake, not the country, not the people and certainly not those evil Godless people who vote Labor....all IMO of course.
He will go down as if not the worst PM then definitely a candidate for it. I heard on the radio that as he failed to serve 2 years he will miss out on the PM perks which would have required him to hold the job until Friday, in some ways I feel sorry for him as all though he did an awful job his intentions were to better Australia.

I don't think a lot of Liberals are happy with this decision, but as others have said, we will wait and see.

I would have preferred Morrison.

In my view, the media has pushed this all along.

Well think of it this way:

In the last election:

the Liberals rec'd 4,134,865 primary votes
the Labor rec'd 4,311,365 primary votes

based on three party preferred:

Labour 6,006,217 = 46.51%
LNP 6,908,710 = 53.49% (~54)

Latest polls 54/46 to Labour = reversal of fortune.

Latest cabinet vote 54/44 = numbers reflect will of the people and 54 is Tony's number...

......I wonder if he watched "Car 54, Where Are You?" as a kid.
Julie Bishop is a backstabber and underminer.

No loyalty whatsoever.

Use to like her but she has shown her true colours.
Julie Bishop is a backstabber and underminer.

No loyalty whatsoever.

Use to like her but she has shown her true colours.

She's stands apart from the boys clubs ... rather well respected for being tiresomely anti Labor and pro the (real) Liberal Party. She has a tough road because of her wrong religious colours that do not meld well with the majority of politicians these days....... she's a Menzies Liberal not a Papal one.

I don't think a lot of Liberals are happy with this decision, but as others have said, we will wait and see.

I would have preferred Morrison.

In my view, the media has pushed this all along.

Now we know only too well where the cabinet leaks came from and combined with the Abbott haters in the ABC, Abbott did not have a chance of survival.....The polls did not help Abbott so he was well and truly domed as Prime Minister......What Abbott will do today will be interesting....Will he leave parliament or will he stay to seek revenge....I doubt revenge will be in his mind so he may take the alternative and quit parliament.
So who should people be more loyal to, an individual or the Party ?

Good question. To both ideally (but that does not work in the real world).

I am disappointed by her disloyalty to Abbott.

So I guess it's a personal decision as to which is more important.
Interesting following the various players on Twitter:

Congratulations to Malcolm Turnbull on becoming Prime Minister - a great honour and responsibility. JG

to which one of her fans posted:

We've been sharing your schadenfreude all day.

Good question. To both ideally (but that does not work in the real world).

I am disappointed by her disloyalty to Abbott.

So I guess it's a personal decision as to which is more important.

Abbot was a 50's DLP person masquerading as a Liberal. Bishop is a Menzian Liberal. True Blue.

Interesting seeing Peter Reith put his boots into Abbott today. Most of the party thought it. He was hopeless.
The Liberals have got their party back.

They will have to have an election and get rid of Cory Bernardi, Bronwyn and Kevin Andrews now and get the party back on track.
With Turnbull running the party they can enjoy the popularity of John Keys and get the reforms he achieved through as well.
So who should people be more loyal to, an individual or the Party ?

The Country!
Neither an individual nor any partying group of individuals should be considered more important than the people of the country they all pretend to represent. I find it quite telling that the noun party has the particular two meanings:


noun: party; plural noun: parties
  1. a social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment.
  2. a formally constituted political group that contests elections and attempts to form or take part in a government.

Add to #1: ... all paid for by a person or group of persons who may be unrelated, yet unwillingly conned into footing the bill and cleaning up the aftermath...
I doubt that many of the more punitive policy positions will change much, just a different coat of spin.

Gay marriage advocates, open border advocates, green energy boosters, all will be thrilled. Joe Hockey and Peter Dutton will be cleaning out their desks.

I admire Julie Bishop as a pollie, but this was not a good look for her, the first duty of a deputy is loyalty.

People forget, we've seen Turnbull in the leadership before. The caucus margin was not convincing 54-44, and this will not end well.
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