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The Abbott Government

Maybe some current Labor supporters would actually vote Liberal if their leader wasn't as far Right as Abbott (and Morrison) are.

Just because people currently support Labor doesn't mean they are rusted on Labor supporters. What people are looking for is some sort of rational and pragmatic approach to policy making rather than a boots and all stick it to your opponents approach.

Would Liberal supporters vote Labor or Greens if Turnbull was Liberal leader ? It would be a choice between eating sh*t and eating humble pie, and I think they would go for the humble pie.
Didn't Abbott tell us the grocery code of conduct was going to shield us from the vagaries of the market?

My bunion is forecasting extra flags at future press conferences, along with the odd security scare.

I'm waiting for Abbott to follow Big Kev and wear a flag suit when be fonts the media.

yes the fish mongers and grocers were the solid underpinning of our robust economy.....oorah
a steady increase in teh deficit, services being cut for locals, and a PM that's happy to increase spending to drop bombs, while cutting back funds to drop food supplies.

Why is the west doing most of the heavy lifting in this region. Why is Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Kuwait that are faced with direct consequences from IS doing not much?

The Saudis have a military budget nearly 4 times Australia's and higher than the UK or France and even Russia, topped only by the USA and China last year.

IS has maybe 30,000 fighters. Why can't the combined forces of the Muslim country armies in the region wipe them out? Just combing the Saudi / Egypt / Turkey armies would provide over 1.1M active military personnel, let alone their para military forces and reservists that could be called up.

So why is Abbott spending my tax dollars on fighting a religious insurgency in a region where the countries most affected are doing practically p!$$ all about it?

IS is as much an idea as an organisation. Military action in the end wont defeat them. Only when the locals truly turn their backs on this monstrosity will it be defeated, and part of that process might be doing some of their own dirty work rather than relying on the infidels from the west to do it for them.
a steady increase in teh deficit, services being cut for locals, and a PM that's happy to increase spending to drop bombs, while cutting back funds to drop food supplies.

Hockey has doubled the deficit, so if he inherited a "debt and deficit disaster", he has made it disastrously worse.

Possibly the Saudis and the Turks have some sympathy with IS ? That's the only reason I can see why these countries are not more active. So why should we worry if surrounding countries are not ?

Obviously the US and therefore ourselves are worried again about access to oil, and if that is cut off then our economies will suffer badly.

If oil wasn't involved I think the West would sit back and say "ho hum, not our problem, let the region sort it out".

It's becoming increasingly clear that the US initially trained and supplied the seed of IS.

How many times do we have to waste treasure and blood on stupid wars in far flung corners of the world?

Khaki election here we come.
From the article you posted:

"Mr Morrison, who originally associated with the moderates of the party, is now seen as the rising star of the Coalition's conservative wing and has been touted as a future leader."
It'll never happen, but going to the next election with Morrison/Turnbull as PM/Treasurer would be the best bet in pure electoral terms.
It'll never happen, but going to the next election with Morrison/Turnbull as PM/Treasurer would be the best bet in pure electoral terms.

But MT's ego would get in the way, if he allowed an upstart to usurp his birthright to be PM.

But MT's ego would get in the way, if he allowed an upstart to usurp his birthright to be PM.

I think he has lost some hubris on the political battlefield.
I think you are spot on Logique.
If anyone could give some vision and get the support of the right and the moderates and win the next election it would be Morrison.

Unfortunately TA comes from the Bronwyn Bishop school of politics and if they do get him out of the Prime Minister's office there will be scrape marks all over the floor and door as they drag him out.
But MT's ego would get in the way, if he allowed an upstart to usurp his birthright to be PM.

IMHO, Turnbull is a Labor stooge and a Liberal Party cabinet leaker.....He is nothing more than a slimy member of the Liberal Party who is out to destroy Abbott and the Liberal Party.
IMHO, Turnbull is a Labor stooge and a Liberal Party cabinet leaker.....He is nothing more than a slimy member of the Liberal Party who is out to destroy Abbott and the Liberal Party.

So without any evidence you criticise MT as the cabinet leaker and then go on to do besmirch his character. Could it not be one of the 30 odd percent who voted for the vacant chair during the spill motion in Feb?

In the next breath you'll be condemning the ABC, Fairfax et. al. for saying anything negative about Abbott or the Govt.
IMHO, Turnbull is a Labor stooge and a Liberal Party cabinet leaker.....He is nothing more than a slimy member of the Liberal Party who is out to destroy Abbott and the Liberal Party.

Abbott is doing a darned good job of destroying himself.

Now coming out that it was he who wanted to get Australia bombing Siria. They stuffed Iraq, The ruthless Saddam was the only one who could keep the tribes there from cutting each others throat.

The mysterious weapons he was supposed to have were nought. What he did control was oil and was withholding it from the west. End of story, its "the money Ralph"

Abbott and his planes on the front page and soldier memorials is all about creating fear. But the people have had enough, he is a goner.
I don't know how electors are meant to process the government's current twin propositions that

- raising GST to 15% may be necessary...but..

- tax rates should be reduced to prevent bracket creep

Make the vulnerable suffer, seems to be their standard response. Yet another free kick to Labor.

I agree with you Logique, it is going to be difficult to reconcile tax cuts for high income earners, and an increase in gst to pay for it.

Certainly are losing the plot.IMO
I agree with you Logique, it is going to be difficult to reconcile tax cuts for high income earners, and an increase in gst to pay for it.

Certainly are losing the plot.IMO

If even the staunch supporters of the Liberal party admit they have lost the plot, then I don't see much hope for them at the next election.

What a shame.

Turnbull applied to join the Labor Party before he joined the Liberal Party.

Turnbull is after Abbott's job and most likely revenge.

Turnbull is communications minister and is closely allied with the ABC.

Turnbull is more than happy to allow the ABC to discredit Abbott.

IMHO. Turnbull would have to be the # one suspect.

I believe, because you have jumped to Turnbull's defense, I am sure you would like to see Turnbull replace Abbott.....Turnbull is more to the left of politics and would have to be an asset for Labor....Labor would also relish Turnbull as Prime Miniter.
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