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The Abbott Government

I don't know about 'Empty', he's a player too right, but someone with brains and access to Tony must be mentoring him.

I was just thinking of the Canberra nicknames some of the pollies have and having a chuckle on reflection:

Pizza Boy (Hockey's limited business acumen)
Wytha (Kelly 'O Dwyer "why the long face")
Baryard Voice (no clues req'd)
Turdball (ditto)
Abbo (see title of thread)

the greens and labs have boring nics.
Just WOW. We're constantly told there's too much Govt support going to renewable energy, but then it's somehow right to thought bubble investing into building a new coal mine that would be losing $50+ a tonne at current prices.

Just explain to me how investing in a rail line to a coal mine that wont make money is sensible policy, but declining to help fund a rail line to Badgerys Creek airport is....????
Just explain to me how investing in a rail line to a coal mine that wont make money is sensible policy, but declining to help fund a rail line to Badgerys Creek airport is....????

Maybe you could actually do some of your serious research, and answer your own question.

I'm busy trying to keep myself off the pension, and trying to remain self

By the way, Labors idea of taxing super incomes above $70k, would have been much better than dropping the assett test to $800k. The Liberal idea hurts much more.

But there you go another stupid super profits tax by Labor, dumb, dumb, dumb. But hey, it seems to attract the

Syd, you are living in the present when you talk about the low price of coal today and how a rail line will suffice with low coal prices.

The price of minerals including coal will rise in the near future so companies have to plan ahead.

Are you suggesting we wait for the price of coal to rise and then start a mine and a rail line to get the coal to port?..It will take at least 2 years

There are experts with a lot more foresight than you and I and the Adani coal mine and the rail line will take a couple of years to get off the ground....If we wait for the price of coal to rise we will miss the boat...India needs the coal to provide electricity to over 100,000,000 people.

You have to think ahead Syd boy.......Thank goodness the Labor Party and the unions are not in control.

Well unless you're forecasting coal prices to roughly double at a minimum, the Carmichael Coalmine would be a enormous white elephant. Why make tax payers take on the risk? India is doing it's best to limit coal imports as muc as possible, China the same, so exactly where is the demand going to come from to support the expansion of high cost supply by Adani?

Not sure wht you're moaning about Labor is though. You say Labor's super policy would be better than the Liberal's but then go on to bag Labor about a super profits tax?
Not sure wht you're moaning about Labor is though. You say Labor's super policy would be better than the Liberal's but then go on to bag Labor about a super profits tax?

A super profits tax is stupid it has no fundamental reasoning, other than that service or commodity is in vogue, next year it could earn nothing.

If you re read my previous comment, I think I inferred Labor's idea was stupid, as usual.

The coalition idea was much more effective, which I thought you would warm to, but blinkers are a problem.
I was just thinking of the Canberra nicknames some of the pollies have and having a chuckle on reflection:

Pizza Boy (Hockey's limited business acumen)

Where is my pizza Joe?
"Sorry I ate it."
"But if you get a good job that pays good money , you may be able to afford to buy another pizza."
"If pizzas were unaffordable, then nobody would be buy'in."
Where is my pizza Joe?
"Sorry I ate it."
"But if you get a good job that pays good money , you may be able to afford to buy another pizza."
"If pizzas were unaffordable, then nobody would be buy'in."

The way we are heading, pizza's will become unaffordable, as they used to be.

How many times did you eat out when you were young? Not many is my guess, unlike today.

Domino's pizza, pizza hut, maccas, hungry jacks, chicken treat, charcoal chicken, subway, all doing fine.
Domino's pizza, pizza hut, maccas, hungry jacks, chicken treat, charcoal chicken, subway, all doing fine.

Went to Hungry Jacks the other day. Bought 2 hamburgers, 1 fries, 1 drink and now it costs over $20!

I am becoming old, cranky and bloody hungry.
The last time I ate Subway or Chicken Treat (some time ago in both cases), the digestive response wasn't, well, fine.

Tip for HJ's.

Ask for a burger with no mayo.

The burgers are definitely better with no mayo.
Went to Hungry Jacks the other day. Bought 2 hamburgers, 1 fries, 1 drink and now it costs over $20!

I am becoming old, cranky and bloody hungry.
With that sort of appetite, you should hang on to the vouchers.

Forget the drink by the way, unless you like drinking watered down battery acid but that's what I think of Coke in general. At my age, one has to consider one's dentistry.

The last time I ate HJ's, I noted the fries hadn't been murdered with salt to the usual extent.
The price of minerals including coal will rise in the near future

The fundamentals of oil are massively stronger than coal and yet we've seen oil prices collapse from USD 147 down to USD 40 and still falling.

Oil - still very much in demand for transport fuels, doesn't have anywhere near the political move against it that coal does and it's a relatively limited resource in terms of what's in the ground with much of that in a few countries with various internal and external political difficulties.

Coal - a definite political move against it and there's heaps of the stuff in numerous countries. USA has heaps of it but closer to home there's plenty in Indonesia and even New Zealand. For that matter, every Australian state has mineable coal so there's no shortage of the stuff. There's no fundamental reason that I can see why it should be selling for much more than the cost of extraction in the long term.

Maybe coal prices will rise, maybe they won't, but it's not a sure thing in my view.

You mean like Hockey's proposal for tax cuts for the rich at the next election. Tax cuts while the deficit is still increasing.

No understanding that income taxes are so high because of the leakage due to the massive level of tax expenditures we have. We even beat the Italians with how much revenue we willingly bleed. Fix negative gearing, fix super tax breaks, fix profit shifting by companies and help the states move to raising revenue from a broadly based land tax (which treasury forecasts would cost only 90c to raise $1 of revenue compared to stamp duty that sucks out $1.70 to provide just $1 in revenue)
A super profits tax is stupid it has no fundamental reasoning, other than that service or commodity is in vogue, next year it could earn nothing.

That's right, but that's no reason to discard the idea completely.

Labor's mistake was to apply the revenue from the mining super profits tax to recurrent expenditure when they should have applied it to reducing debt.

You get the tax when the conditions are right, but if the taxable item suffers a downturn then it doesn't affect your bottom line as much if you don't have to make up recurrent expenditure from somewhere else.
Went to Hungry Jacks the other day. Bought 2 hamburgers, 1 fries, 1 drink and now it costs over $20!

I am becoming old, cranky and bloody hungry.

You probably bought it on Sunday and had to pay extra for penalty rates....Stop whinging...blame the unions.

Yeah, the ph of coke is is not good for the teeth but also the kidneys...Your kidneys can operate at 25% with the other 75% could be badly diseased without you knowing it.

I understood the "BIG" income from Swan's mining tax was to to fund the NDIS....but we all know what happened to that hare brain scheme......the funds did not eventuate like a lot of Labor ideas..

I think Labor's big mistake in thinking was that here would be an exponential increase in productivity and thus revenues with large initial investment in social, educational and facilities spend. Australians aren't Asians and don't look 20 years out, they can't even look the standard corporate 5 years out.... they want it and they want it now. We are very susceptible to scaremongering and short term rewards.

If we had a working NBN, we might even have had an asset left to sell of for profit.
Turnbull HAS to make a move on Abbott NOW..........or soon anyway.

It's glaringly obvious that Abbott wont win the next election and Turnbull is a far better communicator and would do a far better job.

OR we get that Union hack Shorten running Australia and that's not even funny.

No point bringing back a failed leader. It didn't work out too well when labor switched back to Rudd.

I would rather see a fresh start with either Scott Morrison or Julie Bishop rather than resorting to recycling - that's a labor thing!

It's worrying that so many labor supporters are the ones behind Turnbull's popularity in the polls. Why would they want the best for their political opponent? I suspect Turnbull could cost the libs some of their own support base. Turnbull doesn't come across as a good team player either.

Morrison is a rising star, IMO
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