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The Abbott Government

Amen to that,

The other problem with rampant population growth is, it isn't reversible, if there are negative outcomes.

Imo Australia is getting way ahead of itself.

Agree with this. Australia can't keep on taking in 200,000 plus ad infinitum.

Meanwhile Abbott and Shorten are both hoping the coalition wins in canning.
But youth unemployment is high everywhere in the country and I just wonder where the jobs are coming from to take up the slack.

Stand up comedy!!! you just start with the name of tis thread....... I've been using it for weeks never fails to get a laugh.
This thread title is increasingly becoming a misnomer unfortunately.

"The Abbott Government"

Can't argue with "The" and "Abbott" since there most certainly is an Abbott. Trouble is, they're not doing too much governing these days.

If I want to see a circus then I'll see a real one next time it's in town. Not sure what a ticket to the show costs, but I dare say it's a fair bit less than what taxpayers are paying to keep this mob supplied with cigars and helicopters.
Well I guess that's fine IF our youth are really more into IT and professions
IT and profession are 457's first target:
10y experience IT guru for 60k competing against locals who were last paid that much 20y ago;
your kids with IT and professions have not a chance to ever find their first job in nowadays Australia
...bizarre period in Australian politics like no other with Abbott a caricature for some dimwit that must repeat ad infinitum every liar three worded slogan repeatedly that now no one believes.
Come on IF.

You mean three worded slogans like "Moving Forward Australia" and "Price on Carbon", or the classic "We Are Us". All equally inane.

Liar worded? Would this qualify: "There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead."
The Liberal candidate for Canning looks like an impressive fellow, but I can't help feeling he will be representing the Defence Forces rather than his electorate.
The Liberal candidate for Canning looks like an impressive fellow, but I can't help feeling he will be representing the Defence Forces rather than his electorate.

Yes and some of the useless Labor Party have already tried to drag him into some event that happened a couple of years ago by one SAS soldier in Afghanistan, whom I believe that one particular soldier is still under investigation.

The candidate for Canning who was a Captain in the SAS and has a clean record as an ADF personal.

How low can the Labor Party go...more dirty tactics by the Labor Party.

How low can the AGE go to discredit Andrew Hastie and the Abbott Government......Rumpy this what I mean about the lies the left wing Age and the Green/Labor dominated ABC broadcast...It is so blatant and dishonest...It is just another distortion of the truth to persuade voters to vote Labor.

You judge who gets your respect.

Andrew Hastie, until last week a captain in the SAS, is the Liberal candidate for the seat of Canning in next month’s by-election.

More about him in today’s The Bolt Report and in my column on Monday.


The Sydney Morning Herald should shrivel with shame:


To be clear: Hastie was in a helicopter when the incident occurred. He reported it. He was cleared. The corporal responsible was following guidelines issues by investigators to establish identity of slain Talibani back at headquarters.

This reporting is utterly shameful. WA Liberal Senator Linda Reynolds, who became a brigadier in the Army Reserve, gets it said:


(Thanks to reader Peter of Bellevue Hill.)

Do read the whole link and the comments that go with it.
If I want to see a circus then I'll see a real one next time it's in town.

There was no worse circus than the one that lasted six years, they even had to change the ring master a few times (Rudd Gillard Rudd).

Now that was a circus!

Australia will have to make sure that circus is never allowed in town again!

Note: the problem was that they had too many clowns performing.

Read the headline from the Age Newspaper......How distorted that head is...Shame on them for trying to bring Andrew Hastie in to disrepute.

Wonders never cease.
I agree with you IFocus, Fraser IMO was the nastiest, most ruthless, uncompassionate P.M I've seen.

The experts recommended price and wage control, Fraser opted for wage control.
Wonders never cease.
I agree with you IFocus, Fraser IMO was the nastiest, most ruthless, uncompassionate P.M I've seen.


I certainly thought that at the time. Maybe he had a hidden side, or just got soft in his old age.
More sick jokes about Andrew Hastie by Labor in Western Australia....They must be mentally deranged to venture into such disgusting propaganda full of lies and deceit.

Mr West, the state opposition agriculture spokesman, re-tweeted: “A chopper with Bronny in comes in to land & here’s Hastie’s chopper, to chop off your hand! #Canning u believe this?

Plenty of clowns in this government.

Abbott, Hockey , Dutton, Joyce, Andrews, Bishop (B), great fodder for laughs all of them.
Wonders never cease.
I agree with you IFocus, Fraser IMO was the nastiest, most ruthless, uncompassionate P.M I've seen.

The experts recommended price and wage control, Fraser opted for wage control.

I think he may well have had his Damascus moment later in life, but at the time he opened the gate to hate and loathing. It cemented the belief among many that "born to rule" was not just sarcastic quip, but a serious contender for truism.

To me, Malcolm's smug arrogance was personified as a facial expression and received accent that he probably couldn't help having, coming from an old school style pastoralist heritage and best of private schooling. Reminded me of my great Aunts at the time who also had that accent when out in public.... "how now brown cow".

Gough saved his rep in his later years ... labor people can't help but forgive.
For crying out loud, more Fabian lies with the ABC. Malcolm should be doing something about this out of control waste of taxpayer monies that has a secret agenda to tell the fricken truth and hurt our political feelings.

Look at this fool, trying to convince us that the Metadata laws (that are only there so the govt can do nothing with it) are in fact some intrusion of privacy:

It's patently bias because they ran a similar story in February and two times is media hysteria isn't it?
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