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The Abbott Government

You're certainly proud of what dear leader Abbott and comrade Robb have signed us up for.

I'm wondering what the difference is between bringing in thousands of itinerant semi skilleds from China compared to allowing boat loads of religious, unskilled, social welfares into Australia? Or should be ban the lot of them?

It just seems hypocritical of the largely atheist labour movement to parade it's social conscience rolleyes credentials about skyfairy lovin', asylum seekers and wot not, then get upset that a bunch of self funded, brainwashed commo human drones might become a wrecking ball to wages and conditions..... get 'em drunk, take 'em to a footy match, assimilate them and the conditions will be retained..... and no Astrolord with a bunch of rules to get in the way.
It's curious that Waleed, (a noted and biased leftist) criticizes tactics created and honed by the left. What a hypocrite.

No previous Australian PM (including extreme right winger power nut Frasier) has ever trashed Parliament convention so badly, achieved so little in policy terms.

Had such a distinct lack of a vision other than three worded slogans repeated constantly in line with Goebbels protocol.

Waleed is not a hypocrite he calling out the bleeding obvious.

This mob are a really really bad government.

Interesting some one told me Steve Prices wife is on Greg Hunts staff I haven't had the chance to find out if thats true or more nasty leftest tactics.
You lost me at "extreme right wing power nut Fraser" ifocus.

Anyone who believes Fraser was extreme right wing is not thinking rationally.

Think you'll find the Liberals are more religious than the Labor movement.

Howard was proud for being a Big Australia PM, but I don't remember any leadership over thelast decade or more actually having an honest discussion with us as to is high population growth good for us, and how are we going to afford it. I'd argue much of the $45B spent on the east coast electricity infrastructure was to cope with pop demand. DeSal plants in Syd and Mel also mostly due to pop growth. Road and rail at breaking points in most cities.

I'd prefer to shut our borders for a few years until someone comes up with a way to pay for the population growth that doesn't cost those already here the quality of life they currently enjoy.
Malcolm Fraser drifted ever further to the Left as time went on.

He's probably right

I'd be inclined to vote for the UK torries or NZ National party. They just seem more liberal than the aussie version.

Would a truly Liberal party bring in the stoopid data retention laws. They didn't even bother to cost the policy before rail roading it through parliament.

Amen to that,

The other problem with rampant population growth is, it isn't reversible, if there are negative outcomes.

Imo Australia is getting way ahead of itself.
I'd prefer to shut our borders for a few years until someone comes up with a way to pay for the population growth that doesn't cost those already here the quality of life they currently enjoy.

Nods in agreement.
Not that it's relevant, but do you call $80/head fund raising, it's cost recovery at best.

Yes I do, knowing how these fundraisers work it's once you get there and you have people approach you asking if you'd like to donate or each guest is given an envelope with details on how to donate.
You lost me at "extreme right wing power nut Fraser" ifocus.

Anyone who believes Fraser was extreme right wing is not thinking rationally.

Most are clouded by Frasers later road to Damascus move.

He was in the day far more ruthless and aggressive than Abbott would ever hope to be as he seized power used a drunk to throw out Gough Whitlam fro government.

"Life wasn't meant to be easy"

Could you ever image any of the current bunch freeloaders having the arrogance to say that?
"Life wasn't meant to be easy"

Could you ever image any of the current bunch freeloaders having the arrogance to say that?

Chief freeloader Joe (I have never paid for a tank of fuel in my life) Hockey fits the bill.

But with the electorate he was honest supportive and fair. Today that sort of Government for the people would be regarded as fabien or communist. Just no comparison.
I'd be inclined to vote for the UK torries or NZ National party. They just seem more liberal than the aussie version.

NZ and UK conservative parties actually seem to govern for the county in a controlled manner.

This is thing most conservatives here seem to miss that we have a unique bunch of US style of Republican right wing nutters obsessed with power but no vision for Australia pass regressive draconian laws and class wars on behalf of their sponsors desperate to control the party numbers while leading them to a election cliff.

Its really been a bizarre period in Australian politics like no other with Abbott a caricature for some dimwit that must repeat ad infinitum every liar three worded slogan repeatedly that now no one believes.
Its really been a bizarre period in Australian politics like no other with Abbott a caricature for some dimwit that must repeat ad infinitum every liar three worded slogan repeatedly that now no one believes.

You're just suffering what the rest of the thinking population are feeling ... insulted that we are being constantly lied too, indignant that we have been sold a pup, frustrated at the talent available, perplexed how a gang of school kids with NFI got into govt. {imogee = head shaking and sigh}
So use lotsa 417's and send them home when tenure is up? Works for me ... does that make a bigot ... I can live with that.

Unemployment is increasing, I don't think that there are signs that there is a labour shortage. More emphasis and money invested in trades training wouldn't go astray in the long term.
Unemployment is increasing, I don't think that there are signs that there is a labour shortage. More emphasis and money invested in trades training wouldn't go astray in the long term.

That's not going to happen. The days of the factory and workshop system are gone and with it the nurseries for (exemplary) trade training.

The tradies today are quite different to those of the old and many have merely lego skill sets where they just piece together knock down kits or do repetitive tasks, rather than broad based fabrication, assembly and commissioning.

I watch the Korean guys on construction sites, for instance sheeting walls and ceilings, and they work much faster, are polite, very neat and many are actually union ticketed.... a far cry from the noticeable few bedraggled locals who come to site looking and smelling like they drank the Castlemaine Brewery dry the night before, have remnants of the poached egg from yesterday's breakfasts on their collar, can't talk without f bombs, and don't have a union ticket.

Who wants to be a tradie when you can earn lots more for a 38 hour week, have weekends off, holidays off, etc for just moving forms and sheets around offices to make the super numerated boss' work load light.
Who wants to be a tradie when you can earn lots more for a 38 hour week, have weekends off, holidays off, etc for just moving forms and sheets around offices to make the super numerated boss' work load light.

Well I guess that's fine IF our youth are really more into IT and professions than being a tradies, then that means we have a better educated and skilled, and therefore more highly paid (and more highly taxed) workforce, and providing that the work of the 417's is up to an acceptable standard then I don't see anything wrong with a "work now see you later" type approach to "guest workers".

But youth unemployment is high everywhere in the country and I just wonder where the jobs are coming from to take up the slack.
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