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The Abbott Government

In that case, I wonder why Slipper ended up in court over an essentially non existent offence ?

His appeal was successful and charges were dropped, because it is in fact not possible to legally define what is parliamentary business.

Technically all Bronny, and the other wedding chargers, were guilty of was not passing the sniff test, but it's very very doubtful they broke the law.

Hopefully Abbott leaves the festering to continue long enough that he is either forced, or Labor decides to force, meaningful reform through and cut back on the $500M lavished on the federal politicians.

It's outrageous a tax payer can be audited back over 5 years and hounded by the ATO to pay their fair share, but politicians have designed a system to allow them to suckle from the public teat to do their best at keeping their flabby butt on the so softly padded bench in parliament, with little to no oversight.
His appeal was successful and charges were dropped, because it is in fact not possible to legally define what is parliamentary business.

If that's the case, then maybe Slipper has an argument for malicious prosecution.
Is there someone with a less jaundice view on this ghastly witch that could give me the positives that B. Bishop would have been able to add to the upcoming conference of parliamentary speakers in N/York, that now, she will no longer be attending. The egotistically maniacally partisan behaviour in the role as speaker of the house of this deluded harridan, is more to the flavour of African despots, than anything equating to reasonable democracy...

Of course as caveat, she is Representative the North Shore of Sydney.

I'm with Clive on this one... Cathy McGowen for speaker.

Clive suggested Bruce Scott on Insiders this morning.

"This has obviously been a very difficult day for Bronwyn Bishop…I think we should respect the fact that it's been a very difficult day for her,"

It's her own fault. I'm sure if Abbott was talking about say a single parent or someone on newstart he wouldn't be showing anywhere near as much sympathy

"I have not taken this decision lightly, however it is because of my love and respect for the institution of the Parliament and the Australian people that I have resigned as Speaker," she said.

No Mrs Bishop. If you'd had respect for the Australian people you wouldn't have claimed travel allowances as the chair of a parliamentary committee on 15 separate occasions for times and places when records indicate the committee was not conducting hearings. Once is an incident; twice is a trend; thrice is a tradition...I have no idea what 15 times would be. Possibly just an attitude of entitlement?

"I think we should also be grateful that something has been done here that will resolve this vexed question of entitlements, as far is humanly possible once and for all," he said.

Seriously, you thing waiting for a crisis like Bronny Gate is the best way to see reform of a broken system? Hmmm, certainly reflects how your managing the economic slow down.

"Without wanting to underplay the significance of some of the errors of judgement which she herself has conceded and apologised for, I think she's certainly done the right thing," he said.

It took over 2 weeks for an apology, and well if it takes 2 weeks for you to apologise I think most would agree it's not particularly sincere. The right thing mind you, would have been to not make bogus claims, but that seems to get back to the general sense of entitlement eh.

"What has become apparent is that the problem is not any particular individual, the problem is the entitlements system more generally

"We have a situation where spending is arguably inside the rules but plainly outside community expectations."

Surely after the Slipper witch hunt, and his successful appeal due to their being no legally enforceable definition of what committee business is, you'd have decided then was the time to start looking into some serious reform? You can't break the rules if there are no rules. But you chose to keep the current system because you like the $500M in cash that lines your parliamentary pockets.

Does Abbott just not get it, or is he too afraid to show that he does
I'm disappointed. I wanted her to survive until at least the first week of sittings for the entertainment value.

Oh well, good riddance. She was a disgraceful speaker and a disgraceful MP.
Does Abbott just not get it, or is he too afraid to show that he does

The degree of hypocrisy and denial that Abbott shows is mind boggling.

Did not Abbott himself have to repay money that he claimed for promoting his book ? Claiming that on expenses is as much fraud as was Bishop's helicopter ride. How that man can go barefaced in public with those types of rotting fish hanging over him is beyond me.

From memory, didn't Rudd have a bit of a name, for air travel?

Or is it, you think, that miss use of taxpayers funds will be confined to the Coalition?

That would be novel, to think Labor, don't have their noses in the

It would appear to me, you as Labor do, shoot from the hip. I would think all sides of politics, will shy away from an investigation into miss use of funds.

I don't think for one minute, that it isn't a common practice and seen as a perk of office.IMO

The only thing I find mind boggling, is your
Oh well, good riddance. She was a disgraceful speaker and a disgraceful MP.

Best remembered for kerosene and helicopters.

Oh wait, there's a trend there too. Choppers run on kero don't they?
Damn! Question time will be boring now. Who else could invoke 94a with such aplomb?
From memory, didn't Rudd have a bit of a name, for air travel?

The Libs had every opportunity to have a go at him and they didn't.

Or is it, you think, that miss use of taxpayers funds will be confined to the Coalition?

Both sides do it, but its about time it was stopped

That would be novel, to think Labor, don't have their noses in the

See above

It would appear to me, you as Labor do, shoot from the hip. I would think all sides of politics, will shy away from an investigation into miss use of funds.

Who was shooting from the hip over Slipper ?

I don't think for one minute, that it isn't a common practice and seen as a perk of office.IMO

The only thing I find mind boggling, is your

And you're not of course ? LOL !!!
Damn! Question time will be boring now. Who else could invoke 94a with such aplomb?

She reminded me of those holier than thou types that use bidets. You know, 'cause their **** don't stink. Looked like a bit of a troll in the end. :frown: Wouldn't hesitate to give her a good back answer.
In that case, I wonder why Slipper ended up in court over an essentially non existent offence ?

The general reason criminals target other criminals ... they don't like those that rat on them
From memory, didn't Rudd have a bit of a name, for air travel?

But Rudd isn't the PM, Labor are not the govt and the Libs are being paid to run the show. Accountability isn't predicated on the misbehaviour of the enemy.
Damn! Question time will be boring now. Who else could invoke 94a with such aplomb?

I'm wondering what the Finance Dept have found that was compelling enough for Tony to pull the pin.

I'm hoping a whole lot of the parliament have the jitters and wanting the bad man to go away. I still smirk at the LNP polly up here who loaded his wine glass with his privates and sent the subsequent pic to an angry GF ... who sent it on to social media ... the guy was plonkers
I'm disappointed. I wanted her to survive until at least the first week of sittings for the entertainment value.

Oh well, good riddance. She was a disgraceful speaker and a disgraceful MP.

She remains a disgraceful MP. She only resigned as Speaker.
And the Speaker designate, Phil Ruddock, makes me wonder: Careful what you wish for
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