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The Abbott Government

I think once we throw away inflammatory and divisive slogans likes "fabian" etc., it would be well worth re visiting the pillars of our nation (including "citizenship") and consider whether we need another hardman like Chifley at the wheel to steer us to the next level of development.

The LNP have shown us all how to contract our economy to cut costs. Even the poor GDP growth in the last year is based on overpriced junk stocks no one else wants. It's sad to see, but what most suspected, that the Abbott tribe are great at vitriol, obstructionism, opposition and subversion, but no good at leadership. Chifley might not have been a man for all seasons, but he did manage to get some foundations in place in spite of those who would rather take orders from the house of commons upto 1972.

The joke that we would be $550 better off because of the carbon tax repeal should be a major warning to those who think essential services in the hands of capitalists are mutually beneficial.

Sometimes you just have to skirt the edges to keep morale up.

Saying you can NEVER achieve a particular objective renders the persual of that objective meaningless.

I don't think Thatcher or Churchill would have made that sort of statement.
How is telling what she thinks is the truth not strong leadership?

It's a convenient lie that foreshadows weakness, not leadership. It is that exasperated capitulation that the uncouth, uncultured, vandals use to cement their brutal fear and bullying.

It's all well and good Julie dusting off Howard's old Cornflakes deputy sheriff's badge and picking fights with giant military machines on behalf of our US and UK masters, but it's another thing to lead inspirationally and aspirationally.

I think our own backyard might be a good place to start a cleanup of minds, It's pretty obvious we have been importing our own enemy via migration and asylum over a generation; perhaps it's time to put the old time squeeze on those who treat our treason laws with contempt.
With the Ashby/Slipper story on 60 minutes tomorrow the liberals are going to relearn Richard Nixon's adage that it's the coverup not the crime that gets you.

Nothing will happen. The Libs will merely change the laws, deny culpability and none of it will be played out for the public good in the Newscorp papers.

So long as the opposition have no teeth and no desire to pursue them through the (honest) courts or commissions, the crony Teflon men of the LNP (and ALP, etc) will continue what they do and always have done....... a flaw in the British system.

+1 again.

You're on form today Tisme
Christopher Pyne you lying scumbag:

Education Minister Christopher Pyne has suggested that James Ashby may have "misinterpreted" a discussion they had in which the former speaker's aide claims the senior Liberal promised him a new job and a lawyer in the event he took legal action against his boss Peter Slipper over sexual harassment claims.

Mr Pyne, who has constantly denied "specific knowledge" of Mr Ashby's sexual harassment allegations against Mr Slipper before they were made public, confirmed at a media conference in Adelaide on Monday that he had known the staffer was "uncomfortable" working for the then speaker, and was aware of rumours that long swirled around Mr Slipper.

Read more:
Very true. I don't think Mal Borough will come out with much political life left in him. Be interesting to see what is said about Pyne and his little fireside chat a couple of weeks before Ashby lodged his claims in court.
Let's wait and see. I think most people will continue to be as bored by this salacious little spat as they have been all along.

Christopher Pyne you lying scumbag:
Typical categorical and pejorative declaration, of course, banco.

You were not there. You cannot know what was said.
Mr Ashby has made allegations then subsequently withdrawn them elsewhere.

60 Minutes began the program with the information that Mr Ashby 'these days likes to fly under the radar'.
Really? That will be why he's appearing on one of the country's most facile, headline-grabbing programs.
Usually I avoid it at all costs, but after all the intense promotional promises that a sensational plot would be revealed which would rock the government etc etc, even I was curious enough to watch most of it.

An hour of rehashed, over-wrought stuff with the oh so sympathetic interviewer supporting poor Mr Ashby who was so naive and innocent he had no idea how to just say to his boss that he wasn't up for extra-curricular activity.

He was apparently employed in a position for which he had no specific qualifications or experience at $160,000 p.a. Even his parents couldn't understand why he could get such a job. He seems to be either playing a part in the hope of a financially advantageous outcome, or is really just completely naive. I find it hard to believe the latter option, given his various manipulations in this whole tawdry affair.

One brief expression probably sums it all up:

So you believe it is our role, to defeat IS, otherwise we are defeated?

Firstly, it would entail a massive invasion of our troops and secondly, defeating IS would necessitate genocide.

You believe Julie Bishop should be advocating those things to show "strong leadership"?

Frankly, I am astonished that you could be remotely serious.

Whilst it all is a bit of a storm in a teacup I do agree with Banco's assessment that Pyne is a lying little rat. Of course at the end of the day it's his word against Pynes but he did appear to keep logs and some of his comments were rather random to have just made up (when commenting that Wyatt Roy had contacted Pyne but Pyne wouldn't confirm that to be the case and just let Ashby talk without acknowledgement of what he said). It's also in Pynes best interest to lie about his knowledge but I'm not sure what Ashby gains by making it up.

I've never liked the nasal voice and smug private school boy look on the self-entitled brat with the condescending political style anyway but hopefully it may alter how some perceive him in the public eye.

There are other ways to defeat ISIS than in battle.

Cut off their supplies of arms and ammunition, finance and logistical support. Precision strikes against their leadership. Intelligence gathering. The usual ways these things have been done before. I'm amazed that you are short sighted enough to only see a military solution.
. I'm amazed that you are short sighted enough to only see a military solution.

Yes lopping the heads off the Hydra can be done many ways. I'm not sure Julie has that ability even if she is sitting in Julia Gillard's UN Security council seat....we need a Paul Keating on this one, someone who can insult the enemy within to capitulate and assimilate into our great racist nation.

've just been watching Keating's interviews with Kerry O'Brien, and PJK took great delight in boasting that he had to "execute" Bob Hawke.

Maybe similar treatment would be in store for treasonous rabble.

I don't think he goes back to Bankstown much anymore, so there isn't much opportunity for retaliatory strikes.

Maybe someone can answer this question.

As part of the mining tax introduced by the Gillard government, miners were allowed to claim State royalty payments as tax deductions.

Will this still apply after the mining tax is rescinded ?
I am sure James Ashby was encouraged by those in the Liberal Party however he is a solicitous lying scumbag and I am personally glad that Peter Slipper succeeded in having costs awarded against him.

If he was stupid enough to believe the assurances of some of the party without getting it in writing (remember Tony Abbotts words) then more fool him.

Ashby should have realised that he would become an untouchable if he lost the case and would not get a job working for the Libs.

Also I noticed the following info which suggest the Libs may have paid up in any case.

In announcing his intention to drop the case, Mr Ashby said his lawyers, Harmers Workplace Lawyers, had absorbed the $1 million he has incurred in legal fees to date.

Read more:

And Ashby had a gay affair with a minor.

I wouldn't trust Christopher Pyne to walk my dog, but Ashby's credibility is pretty close to zero imo.
Did you even read the link you posted? That is in fact the strategy. While is might put them back in their box, it will not wipe them out, nor their ideology.

I stand by my earlier comments.
Did you even read the link you posted? That is in fact the strategy. While is might put them back in their box, it will not wipe them out, nor their ideology.

I stand by my earlier comments.

If putting them back in their box means they are no longer operative, then they have been defeated.

I'm sure there are a few Nazis wandering around harbouring desires for "blitzkreig" , but they aren't carrying out their desires so their ideology, while it may remain in some, is not a threat.

If what I said was "the strategy", then why did you bring up the ridiculous proposition that I was suggesting that we should commit genocide ?
Maybe someone can answer this question.

As part of the mining tax introduced by the Gillard government, miners were allowed to claim State royalty payments as tax deductions.

Will this still apply after the mining tax is rescinded ?
You could look a the financial accounts of one of the big miners to see how royalties are treated.

I'd be surprised if that aspect of tax treatment of royalties changed with the mining tax.
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