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The Abbott Government

And aren't you Fabians happy about nice to see a smile on your little faces.

Tut Tut...I am not a Fabian.......but must admit you using the term so often (like some people use the F word) makes me wish I was.

More tut tut........I am not happy employment is rising particularity youth unemployment, its disgraceful that the current government is crowing about non issues while the house is on fire.

Of course its all the previous mugs fault........isn't it that this lot have been in power for awhile now and they have passed legislation and formed policy (not) to take Australia into the future (not).

I wonder how much longer Australia will put up with a government driven by ideologues from the right running the show.
I have posted the body of the link, shown my point to be absolutely correct; and I am still amused that you believe the ABC to be a paragon of virtue. How naive of you.

Ultimately, your final straw was nothing more than a straw man.

Sorry lover, you painted yourself into a corner there.

And they are being restricted by a hostile Senate who are only interested in power and point scoring rather than the interest of the nation.
I have posted the body of the link, show my point to be absolutely correct; and I am still amused that you believe the ABC to beca paragon of virtue. How naive of you.

Everything is relative, and I for one would back the ABC for accuracy and fairness over their range of their services than any other outlet. And so do most people in virtually every media survey that I've seen.
Everything is relative, and I for one would back the ABC for accuracy and fairness over their range of their services than any other outlet. And so do most people in virtually every media survey that I've seen.

Horace, I wouldn't give a fat rat's if you thought the ABC had a direct line to the Pope.

Basilio asked for validation of my comments.

I gave one easily found example.... validated, case closed.

I remember the classic example back in the Fraser Labor years:

Malcolm said = "This budget is designed to win the confidence of the Australian people"

ABC reported = "Today the Prime Minister admitted his budget was nothing more than a confidence trick"

Horace, I wouldn't give a fat rat's if you thought the ABC had a direct line to the Pope.

And I don't give a rat's if you think the ABC is the devil's lawyer, most people don't agree with you.

Malcolm said = "This budget is designed to win the confidence of the Australian people"

ABC reported = "Today the Prime Minister admitted his budget was nothing more than a confidence trick"

I find it hard to believe the ABC said that, I think you are having me on.
And they are being restricted by a hostile Senate who are only interested in power and point scoring rather than the interest of the nation.

Behaving like Abbott I agree its a shocker Abbott could bring on a DD but wont because he will end up with more PUP problems than he has now.
Always a heady mix religion and politics.

Eric Abetz under fire for backing false claims linking abortion to breast cancer

AMA president says it is inappropriate for a minister to cite ‘pseudoscience’ put out by a group pushing its ideology
I think this is terribly unfair and typical left point scoring

Eric Abetz's abortion backtrack: an opportunity to study Liberal spin in its natural habitat
Now we get to real pressure rising.....more facts from the ABC

Unemployment surges to 12-year high at 6.4 per cent; youth jobless figure hits 14 pc

12 years hey..Tony Abbott and John Howard share another dubious achievement.
Well said, Wayne.

It is getting ridiculous hearing the squealing of the left, whenever any discussion is mentioned, which I have brought up through a few of these threads.

It just shuts down any discussion and it is wrong.
ABC is a top contender.

I am hoping that things change somehow, otherwise it does concern me.

What discussions has the left "shut down"?

If you've got a chance could answer the question I asked? Thanks.


I'm not trying to pick an argument, but I'd be interested in what you think should be done about the above ?

I'd suggest there may be a remedy in law for "disturbing the peace". Is that strong enough ? Otherwise what else would you suggest ?
I'm not trying to pick an argument, but I'd be interested in what you think should be done about the above ?

I'd suggest there may be a remedy in law for "disturbing the peace". Is that strong enough ? Otherwise what else would you suggest ?

Move them on. I don't believe in unabashed freedom of speech. It needs limits. Disturbing the peace sounds good enough to me. It's a pretty dismal state of affairs when a few religious nutters can hurl abuse at the funerals of those who died serving their country.

The only reason I brought it up is because Tink said that

Not even America has sacrificed their freedom for peace.

So presumably she thinks this sort of stuff is good.
So presumably she thinks this sort of stuff is good.
I don't think you can draw that conclusion Macca.

Here's my perspective FWIW. I spoke earlier of the hierarchy of liberties.

So we have:
1) The liberty of free speech, in this case to share their view that God is a homophobe
2) The liberty to conduct a funeral in relative peace, without intrusion from activists of one sort or another.

Clearly in the case mentioned, one liberty is impinging on another liberty, viz 1 is impinging on 2. Furthermore, the exercise of these liberties was not coincident, the church group targeted the funeral.

I think the standards we hold in the west would uphold liberty 2 over 1 in this instance, the church group can go make their point elswhere.

So while they have the liberty to be asses, they can do it elswhere and should be moved on.

That's pretty well reasoned logic, Wayne. And you'd think a mature society would reach the same conclusion.

The problem is that in the US, the Constitution recognises the right to free speech but does not recognise the right to conduct a funeral in relative peace. These sort of outcomes are the result of such an absolute freedom. The US Supreme Court agreed in Snyder v Phelps. That particular case concerned the same group who picketed the funeral of a solider who had been killed in Iraq.

I doubt that a bunch of agrarian slave owners really considered these sort of things when they hurriedly wrote that imperfect document.
I would have thought along Wayne's interpretation, McLovin.

You said yourself that you thought it should be changed.

The only reason I mentioned America, at that moment, was because I was disappointed that Abbott had changed his mind.
I would have thought along Wayne's interpretation, McLovin.

You said yourself that you thought it should be changed.

The only reason I mentioned America, at that moment, was because I was disappointed that Abbott had changed his mind.

Fair enough, Tink. I thought you were saying we should go down the path of America.

I don't have a problem with these fools protesting about God hating whoever. It's where they choose to protest. Generally, I think free speech is about having a market of ideas. Once you start to suppress free speech it ferments underground. Having said that, there do need to be limits, like this example.

I get Brandis and his right to bigotry remarks. I can even pretty much support it. Stoopidity is not a crime.

What I have issues with, and the Bolt case was a prime example, is a person who is unable to make an argument without making up the facts themselves. If you can't make a cogent argument based on verifiable facts, then you really need to rethink your argument, or better yet keep it to yourself, because it wont take long for anyone who's able to critically think and do the odd google search to quickly realise you're full of frass.

So yes, we have the right to free speech, but be respectful in the way you do it. The Church group you highlighted has shown nothing like the Christian values they supposedly uphold - I certainly doubt you'd ever find a group of atheists trying to make a point in public in a similar way.

If you can't make a truthful argument in a respectful manner, then I hope no one listens, or if they do that they rip your arguments apart and embarrass you in public.
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