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The Abbott Government

Bloody unreal...:frown:

I used to be such a fan of the ABC, WTF happened?

The Green/Labor left wing socialist planted their Fabian comrades into the ABC.....that is why they are so biased.

I bit off topic though for this thread....sorry.
Wayne I really, really, REALLY wanted to read just what amazing corrections The Australian could offer on ABC programs. Unfortunately it's behind a paywall.

Feel free to post their comments. Always interested in hearing what they can come up with.

Given that you confabulate the ABC with Andrew Bolts lies and invective I'm still interested in seeing something remotely close to that. I assume the outraged recipients have already started serious legal action on the matter...


But lets return to the topic. I thought the principal point about Freedom of Speech was also the freedom to not be lied about or otherwise suffer the consequences of another persons "Freedom of Speech" . Thats why we have defamation laws and why abusive and offensive language is considered a crime at various levels.
Sums it up well imo. As a society we have become unbelievably precious and ready to take offence.

If there were no kids around and there is no intent to cause offence, and someone wanted to walk around naked on the street I couldn't care less. It's not my sort of thing but it's not harming me so what do I care.
That seems to me also like a reasonable criteria to determine offensiveness. Personally, I'd be more 'offended' by seeing the naked form of one of Australia's many obese people than by the fact of the nudity itself.

OK I agree that being offended can sometimes be taken too far. The Adam Goodes incident is one example of the extremes to which offence can be taken. IMO Goodes just should have called the kid a bogan and got on with the game.
I agree, but others will pronounce themselves deeply offended. I couldn't help thinking when that incident occurred of the number of times Tony Abbott was described as 'walking like an ape'. Why is it that if some silly kid uses the same expression toward a footballer it's necessarily assumed to be racist?

But here you are imposing your culture on muslims, aren't you? How sure can you be that muslim women feel badly treated? Much that I've read attests to the reality that many of them choose to be eg covered up, and that they interpret what we perceive as their disadvantaged status within their own society as their men showing respect for them. No, we don't get it, but likewise, they don't get much of what we believe in either.

So what better ways are there to change thinking in your opinion ? We could have a massive education campaign I suppose, but at what cost ?
Who are you going to 'educate' about what exactly? Most of the last several pages just highlights the reality that it's virtually impossible to say what is offensive and what is not, because it's usually very subjective.
I have sufficient faith in the basic sense of our collective sensibility to believe that if something is really utterly unacceptable the public outcry will quickly point to this.

Take as an example the character (can't remember the name), a muslim born and bred in Australia who posted photos of himself with severed heads, boasting about what a great warrior he was. I don't think there was too much conjecture about whether or not that was offensive.

The proposals were always compromised because they were motivated as a personal favour for just one man: Andrew Bolt.
Really? And your evidence for this is? Seems like a complete assumption to suit your own political persuasion to me. I think you are grossly exaggerating Andrew Bolt's importance to anyone.

Are you serious sweetie ? Have you taken your medication today or you still away with the fairies ?!
Are you not the person who has repeatedly decried the use of unpleasant personal attacks? Sweetie???
What on earth is that about? And making suggestions about anyone's need for 'medication' is stupidly insulting, especially on a thread about what is offensive.
Really? And your evidence for this is? Seems like a complete assumption to suit your own political persuasion to me. I think you are grossly exaggerating Andrew Bolt's importance to anyone.

Really.......he is so unimportant to the Liberal party propaganda machine Abbott called him before making the announcement.
Looks like the wheels have fallen off .......more facts from the ABC

Extraordinary neither Abbott or Brandis can explain the policy so they have to use Turnbull who has a brain to do so unbelievable.

Malcolm Turnbull backs Government's anti-terror laws despite being sidelined on controversial data retention plan
Now we get to real pressure rising.....more facts from the ABC

Unemployment surges to 12-year high at 6.4 per cent; youth jobless figure hits 14 pc

Instructions on how to get around the Oz paywall abound on this forum and at a multitude of spots around the Interwebzzzz, yet basilio the (confirmationally biased) researcher is unable to figure this out like us who are putatively 'on meds'.

But here you are imposing your culture on muslims, aren't you?

Not imposing, just bringing their practises to public attention. We have all seen the examples of forced marriages, female genital mutilation and other horrors practised by a certain section of the community and it's only right to be able to say that these rituals do not fit in with our society.

As for women covering themselves up, I don't find that offensive as long as it is their choice. If we didn't like it we would have to criticise nuns as well wouldn't we ?
McLovin, that law changed in '95, I don't remember anything major happening.
I am sure we can all be offended if we wanted to.
I think all people have the right to freedom of speech.
I may not agree with what you want to say, but we all have the right to say it.

Rumpole, nuns don't have just their eyes showing, you can see their face.

I asked if you have a problem with that group picketing the funerals of dead soliders/firefighters/bombing victims with billboards saying "God hates fags" and shouting obscenities at mourners. I'll infer, from your somewhat vague answer, that no, you don't see a problem with it as its people exercising their freedom of speech. The relatives of the dead are simply being offended because they want to.

The wonderful Bee Gees (with thanks to Gunnamatta for posting this on another forum)

TestosterTone could croon this“Tragedy”

Here we lie
in a lost and lonely poll result
Held in time
In a world of jeers we slowly fault
we just can’t make intelligent sounds
we really should be hidden from view
not seen by you
heard by you noticed by you

When Brandis is on 15 seconds is too long
It’s tragedy
When the morning moan brings up Testostertone
It’s hard to bear
With no-one who loves us we
govern in fear
When you gain control but you got no soul
It’s tragedy
When the morning moan brings up Testostertone
It’s hard to bear
With no-one who loves us we
Govern in fear
When the electorate’s gone and we must go on

After budget day
The public’s burning effigies
Burning hate
With a yearning flay us alive
Down we go
and we can take the economy as we go
we really should be smeared in pooh
hoisted in plain view
flayed and booed

When Bariatric Joe needs to stare at his toes
It’s tragedy
When the cabinet cries and leaks little white lies
It’s hard to care
When the party room is sweating
heading for the exit
Do we have the cojones to knife Testostertone?
It’s tragedy
When Eric Abetz is as good as we get
It’s hard to care
As the public despise us we’re
goin’ nowhere

And aren't you Fabians happy about nice to see a smile on your little faces.

Do you think this will get the Govt to focus on important matters rather than Dames and Knights and remvoing anti discrimination laws.

Practically a year in Govt and we've not really seen anything from them that makes me think they actually grasp the magnitude of the mining CAPEX cliff that's going to see the mining sector construction boom go from providing roughly 8% of annual GDP back to somewhere around the historical level of 2%.

With the population ponzi both parties support it's unlikely we'll get a technical recession, for most of us we're going to know we're in a recession due to stagnant to falling wages, real income growth negative, and once the dollar starts to fall the fall in purchasing power is really going to hurt.

So no, I don't have a smile on my face because I know what the unemployment statistics mean noco. I lived in a welfare family growing up. I know the stigma attached to it. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

I just hope the shock in the rise is enough to get Abbott and co to start to focus on what's important and leave their little ideologically driven agenda alone until they get jobs growth back above population growth. Is that too much to ask from the adults in charge??
Quoted By Julia

That was a very special effort wasn't it Julia ! And indeed it could be seen as particularly insulting considering that the topic was whether people should be able to simply ignore nasty personal attacks.

Perhaps that was of the reasons I used those phrases ?

But in fact there was another reason which perhaps might be considered more charitable.

For a number of previous posts I was trying to get established that Andrew Bolt in his infamous Aboriginality stories had made many nasty, factual errors about the people he was deriding. To bring some objectivity into the discussion I repeatedly referred to the findings of the judge in the case. You can check out the summary at will. I also produced the relevant extracts.

Wayne just decided this was simply not sufficiently true /relevant whatever. He said the judge was into judicial activism as distinct from simply deciding on the evidence that Andrew Bolt was repeatedly wrong in his factual assertions as well as deliberately nasty.

The final straw for me was his statement that

What you can't seem to grasp basilio, is that what Bolt did is du rigeur in the Australian media, most particularly the ABC. They all do it!

WOW!! What a breathtaking leap of logic and total disregard for reality. It was at that point I decided Wayne was either

1) Off his meds and therefore incapable of ratiional thought or
2) Completely incapable of understanding what the judge said in regard to what was written by Andrew Bolt or
3) Ruthlessly sociopathic enough to totally disregard the truth and come up with a diversionary falsehood ie everyone else in the media lies as badly as Andrew Bolt in particular the ABC

On balance I thought suggesting the first alternative was the most charitable.

But hey I could be wrong here.
The calm, articulate and informed voice of Turnbull having to be thrust in front of the clattering fools unable of differentiating their meta-data ......... because the only reason their in their post is because of their alma mater.
Youth unemployment marching north co-joined to an industry policy vacuum tied to ideological austerity budget idiocy that has youth unemployment in europe at levels unseen since the 1930's. And J.Hockey is disappointed. Really he is !!!

And a letter delivered to my house yesterday from the Local Area Command warning of a recent rise in opportunistic crime. Good to see an institution looking after my best interests. go 'Team Australia'

Luckily my children have a 'special' scholarship to ease them into a protected future. So things aren't all that bad. For me. Maybe one will be Attorney General one day, and if not they can still make a nice frock.
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