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The Abbott Government

For another view on the Governments failure to get support for revising the Racial Vilification Act check out Gay Alcorns thoughts.
Another view?

From the Grauniad? May as well say another view from the Labor/Green axis.

As far as the judge, yep, judicial activism is alive and well, he really had to stretch the bounds of 18C/D with some convoluted and tenuous reasoning for that one.
Of the clunkers on the front bench, Brandis would have to be the one to do the australian public the biggest favour by his swift re-location to a park one. Pity the poor pigeons though.
As far as the judge, yep, judicial activism is alive and well, he really had to stretch the bounds of 18C/D with some convoluted and tenuous reasoning for that one. Wayne L

Really Wayne ? Really ?

Identifying the 18 mistakes /misrepresentations Bolt made in his story? Recognizing the sneering, ridiculing style of the article which was calculated to trash readers views of the people he was writing about ?

Of course IF his reasoning was so convoluted and tenuous then an appeal to a higher court would no doubt have seen this overturned wouldn't it ? But clearly the Bolt/Murdoch lawyers didn't think there was much point pursuing a legal argument based on facts versus a populist argument relying on their own creative writing skills.

It's worth comparing what Justice Bronmerg found to be the facts in the trial versus Wayne assertion of convoluted and tenuous reasoning .
What you can't seem to grasp basilio, is that what Bolt did is du rigeur in the Australian media, most particularly the ABC. They all do it!

Bolt's mistake is using the word 'aboriginal', which enabled the leftist activists to drag out 18C on a very farking long bow and torture 18D into submission, essentially via leaps of faith and heresay.

Bolt was commenting on the politics of the Aboriginal industry, perhaps having a shot at what identifies 'Aboriginal', rather than denigrating them as a race. Hardly racism or anything in 18C.

Of course the left can turn anything it wants into racism. I could perhaps accuse the the committee of the Italian club of being self interested sheisters (as a hypothetical example) and be prosecuted on the same basis, if some grubby group leftists wanted to stitch me up.
I do agree with them. There is a chasm of difference between offending someone and making a false statement about that person.

Andrew Bolt did make false statements about people. A judge said so.

Andrew Bolt did make false statements about people. A judge said so.

False statements don't necessarily defame, for example I could say basilio is handsome and intelligent, but that wouldn't be defamatory.
Andrew Bolt did make false statements about people. A judge said so.

I don't believe I said that he didn't, or that I was even talking about Andrew Bolt. All I said was that, imo, someone has the right to offend as much as someone has the right to be offended.
I don't believe I said that he didn't, or that I was even talking about Andrew Bolt. All I said was that, imo, someone has the right to offend as much as someone has the right to be offended.

Well, I just think that sometimes we have to trade some freedoms in to be a more civilised society.

Just because people think they have a right to do something doesn't mean that such behaviour is socially acceptable.

Should we all have the right to walk around the streets naked ? Or to pee in Archibald Fountain ? After all these actions don't even hurt anyone do they ? Why should people be offended by them ?

Excellent post, Wayne.

Everyone has the right to free speech.

That is the bottom line.

Do you want to end up like Britain?

Even libertarians recognize a hierarchy of liberties Horace. If by exercising a liberty, it impinges on another's liberty, it can be regulated.

EG I might believe I have the liberty to set up camp in the middle of the Bruce Hwy, ignoring the risk to life an limb, it would be impinging on the liberty of users of the highway of unrestricted thoroughfare, traffic jams notwithstanding.

So even a completely free society decides on a hierarchy of liberties with appropriate means of enforcement.

Becoming offended is a personal choice, every person has the liberty to not be offended. Today in Australia. becoming offended is an industry and a sport which only serves to divide society. There are better ways to change thinking, legislation just doesn't do it.
You neatly avoided my questions on my previous post, but the case you linked to did not appear to be motivated by racism so I don't know if it would be actionable under our laws. That case is going too far imo.

If there were no kids around and there is no intent to cause offence, and someone wanted to walk around naked on the street I couldn't care less. It's not my sort of thing but it's not harming me so what do I care. It would help if they were a hot female. Peeing in a fountain has public hygeine consequences so no.

That being said, not all freedoms are equal so taking an extreme position by comparing public nudity to free speech is not really apples v apples. I can, for example, ignore an opinion piece in a the local paper, it's a bit harder to avoid an old dude sunning his junk in the town square.

OK I agree that being offended can sometimes be taken too far. The Adam Goodes incident is one example of the extremes to which offence can be taken. IMO Goodes just should have called the kid a bogan and got on with the game.

And if being offended is a personal choice, I go back to the example of walking around naked. Some may take offence if I did that, others not. I may even give amusement to some. Why should I be arrested if I want to do that ? Where should the line be drawn ?

If a significant section of our community feels offended by something said, especially if what was said has no basis in fact, then I think that is a concern. If offensive comments do have a basis in fact, then I believe that is part of a normal debate and should not be sanctioned. eg there is a lot of debate about Islam and the way they treat women. Muslims may be offended by that , but the fact is that their religion allows women to be treated badly and people have a right to point that out.

So what better ways are there to change thinking in your opinion ? We could have a massive education campaign I suppose, but at what cost ?
Excellent post, Wayne.

Everyone has the right to free speech.

That is the bottom line.

You're ok with this then? These are the same idiots who picketed the funerals of dead soldiers with their stupid "god hates fags" rubbish.

I'll go out on a limb and say if it was your relative's funeral you wouldn't be hoisting the freedom of speech flag.

There's a pretty good doco on them by Louis Theroux
This is the bit that killed of the whole deal IMHO

The proposals were always compromised because they were motivated as a personal favour for just one man: Andrew Bolt.

Dumb that the 1st thing an AG would want to do is a favour for his mates seems sheer arrogance is no replacement for getting the needs and priorities correct for Australian constituents.

Revealed that Abbott phoned Bolt 1st digs another hole for Abbott

Are you serious sweetie ? Have you taken your medication today or you still away with the fairies ?!

In what universe does the ABC make repeated factual mistakes in stories that are also designed to ridicule or denigrate the subject ? You can point these out perhaps ? Or is it just easier to pull ridiculously absurd comments from the usual place you find them.

And furthermore my feral little friend you can of course accuse the committee of your Italian Club of being shysters if you actually have some evidence instead of make believe BS. Otherwise you might be up defending a defamation suit ( or perhaps something more colourful ?)

Finally, sweetie, sucking up to me with fine compliments might turn someone elses pretty little head - but I'm still with Noco. At least I know where I stand with him.
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