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The Abbott Government

I'm not sure about assistance to the unemployed to start their own businesses. So many fail. I'd have thought anyone who had the talent and initiative to start something themselves would already be doing it.

Yes, some will fail, maybe most, but they will be out there trying and in doing so may run into prospective employers willing to give a go-getter a job.

Also, some capital is needed to start a business. It's hard to find that when Newstart is widely considered inadequate even for a living allowance. Applicants would have to have a business plan, you wouldn't give just anyone a grant and expect them to think something up.
I'm not sure about assistance to the unemployed to start their own businesses. So many fail. I'd have thought anyone who had the talent and initiative to start something themselves would already be doing it.

I wasn't referring to funding the unemployed to start their own business, because most would not have the mind set and skills to be successful.

We do need some form of funding for entrepreneurs and companies that have climbed a few rungs on the ladder and finding that access to debt is a constraint on their growth rates.

If the banks, or some other private sector entity were doing this then it wouldn't be too much of an issue, but since you either need real estate as collateral for the banks to be interested, or pay such high interest rates as to make the business non-viable, I think this is the kind of market failure the Govt can step into.

The issue with this kind of program is the politics, because every failure will be harped on by the media and opposition, while successes will be briefly lauded and generally forgotten about.
Goes to the heart of this governments credibility absolutely none, what is Hockey thinking saying the budget numbers are wrong from treasury?

Government holding back on documents

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The plug's been pulled on S18C reform, apparently by the PM himself.

The Coalition will have a job to hold on next time.
The plug's been pulled on S18C reform, apparently by the PM himself.

The Coalition will have a job to hold on next time.

Not a hope in Hades, I am already arranging my affairs for a Short'un Labor administration in just over two years time. Between these two mobs of muppets, what a disaster for Australia.

The plug's been pulled on S18C reform, apparently by the PM himself.

The Coalition will have a job to hold on next time.

I expect a big backdown on PPL imminently as they'll want to put out all dirty laundry at once. Good to see they are keeping their election promises.
I'll be happy if Abbott is big enough to break his PPL promise next. They must have got some really bad polling results on the S18C reform /sic and realised they were so far out of touch with the voters they had no chance.
Not a hope in Hades, I am already arranging my affairs for a Short'un Labor administration in just over two years time. Between these two mobs of muppets, what a disaster for Australia.


What a sad day if that happens and what pathetically short memories voters have if they think that voting back the clowns we just got rid of can make things better. The best we can do is vote in the mob that is the least incompetent. I think that's what we have now.
I'll be happy if Abbott is big enough to break his PPL promise next. They must have got some really bad polling results on the S18C reform /sic and realised they were so far out of touch with the voters they had no chance.

S18C 'reform' was just a thank you to Andrew Bolt for his support, and so he could say he had been hit by 'unfair' legislation.
Not a hope in Hades, I am already arranging my affairs for a Short'un Labor administration in just over two years time. Between these two mobs of muppets, what a disaster for Australia.


I just don't think Shorten will be there...........but then I thought that about Abbott.
S18C 'reform' was just a thank you to Andrew Bolt for his support, and so he could say he had been hit by 'unfair' legislation.

Back lash from indigenous caught Abbotts attention I think George Brandis is a nasty boof head recon the tensions are rising within the adults team.
Chris Berg writes a good piece (ABC of course)

Abbott needs to hit the reset button
The bottom line for the Prime Minister is this, and it's dire: the Government is unable to legislate its budget policies that voters don't want anyway, writes Chris Berg.
I just don't think Shorten will be there...........but then I thought that about Abbott.

Hope you are right. With Labor's convoluted leader selection process, Tony Abbott should call an election the moment Shorten is challenged. Labor would have to run an election campaign without knowing who they are proposing for PM
Hope you are right. With Labor's convoluted leader selection process, Tony Abbott should call an election the moment Shorten is challenged. Labor would have to run an election campaign without knowing who they are proposing for PM

I've drafted a short speech for TA to use when that day comes:

An Honest Speech
Voters I am going to be honest with you today. Yes I know that’s hard to believe. But it’s true. And because I’m honest I am not going to make any hollow promises - today or ever. Because we all know that promises get broken – sometimes with intent but at other times because that other mob are able to block our promises in the swill pen. Instead I want you to judge me and my party based on what we are and not on what we promise.

So what are you? … I hear you asking.

Well for a start we are incompetent. I swear that every candidate in my party who is standing for election today is individually and collectively incompetent.

Secondly we are greedy. We are greedy for the perks of office and the nice pensions we get after you throw us out of office. But we are not as greedy as the other mob.

Thirdly, we are big-spenders’. Yes we love to spend your money on what we think is best for you but we don’t spend as much as the other mob.

But here’s the really important part. We are not as incompetent as the other mob. So don’t kid yourselves that by voting for them you will get something better.

I therefore urge you to make an informed and intelligent choice today and vote for us; the one party that will deliver to Australia the least amount of incompetence during the life of the next parliament.
I don't suppose any of you critics about the backflip by the PM today have even remotely considered that the reason he gave was simply stating what is.

In light of the increased threat of home grown terrorism, jihadist trained dopes from the Muslim community who might be attempting to return to Australia and commit what they have learned in Syria, Iraq, etc to effect within Australia, the government really needs to have the complete support of the muslim community here.
If that community has suggested to the government that the revised legislation would be insulting/threatening/whatever word you like to them, then it seems reasonable enough to me that he should be prepared to go along with them.

Yes, we all love to crow when governments of any persuasion break their promises. But, just personally, I'd rather someone who is prepared to change a promise in light of changed circumstances to one which stubbornly insists on an earlier stand, even when it's not in the national interest.

We might hope that he has now bitten the bullet and will be prepared to take a similar attitude over the dreaded PPL.
For the plebeians, it not about reality, it's about perceptions.
In one practical sense I am delighted to see the government has decided against the changes to the Racial Abuse laws. It was always a load of ugly, ugly xxxxx that just played into the hands of mindless bigots.

The shame of the situation was that they proposed them in the first place. The fact that they have come to their political senses and dropped the proposals gives the Libs a fighting chance of recovering some of the ground they lost with almost every migrant and community group in the country.

If I have a problem with the decision it is just that there is now one less clearly outrageous policy decision to beat them over the head with.

But hey... from my count there are still a score more.

We can always count on you to spin something in Tony Abbott's favor. They made an ill advised promise on the racial discrimination act not realising how sensitive it would be with ethnic communities (probably because the liberal party's policy making apparatus is as white as they come). Pairing it with the terrorism measures announcement is just cynical media management.
Disappointed with Abbott.

Not even America has sacrificed their freedom for peace.
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