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The Abbott Government

I agree strongly with that Ross Gittens article.

The majority of Australians agree with with Ross Gittens on this issue.This Budget is a dead cat, The Government revved up the 'emergency' rhetoric to meet their ideological ends. It stands now exposed for it's double standards and mixed messages promoted only by the fatuous protestations of its authors.
And the Labor government would have somehow walked amongst the active warmongering factions, held up their hand with a Peace sign, and before the majesty of their presence, all the warring factions would meekly melt away, providing unimpeded access to the crash zone?

What do you expect the government to do exactly?

And don't confuse what is the Australian government's responsibility with what is the responsibility of the usually ineffectual UN.

While that Greenie Ban-Ki-Moon is the UN Secretary General, the UN will remain a toothless tiger.

We need our Kevvie in the top job to get some action to save the world from disater.LOL

I don't know what Labor would have done and that situation won't arise so there is no point speculating.

What I want the government to do now is to publicly request an armed UN task force to go into the area to secure the crash site. If the UN can't even manage that then there is no point going any further, and we have to ask why bother with the UN at all. At least our government can make a stand and try to stimulate action on what should clearly be an international effort of practical purpose, instead of a mealy mouthed statement signifying nothing.
Good that you acknowledge the wussiness (not sure if that's a word) of the UN, Rumpole. Mr Abbott, Ms Bishop et al can hardly all by themselves order some suitably armed UN force to tackle the warring factions.

Do you have any practical suggestions for how a resolution might be achieved, rather than just carping from the sidelines? Do you think, for example, that Mr Putin bears some responsibility for having his rebel force withdraw, at least long enough to allow investigators to do their job?

It must be heartbreaking for the families of the people who died.

As I'm not a member of government all any of us can do is "carp from the sidelines".

Tony Abbott can't order anything. But he can make a request for UN protection for recovery teams.

If the UN turn him down that just shows how useless they are. The Secretary General may feel obliged to defend his organisation by actually doing something positive, otherwise he would be exposing his own weakness.

What has the government got to lose by making a request ?

Of course Putin bears some responsibility, but don't you think you should tell him personally instead of carping from the sidelines ?
So do I. An excellent example of what could have been done if we had a fair minded government instead of the elitist class warriors we currently have.

Class warriors?

Well that takes the biscuit Horace, the most absurdly ironic post on ASF.... ever.
Class warriors?

Well that takes the biscuit Horace, the most absurdly ironic post on ASF.... ever.
It has plenty of competition from the same author.
I give up, Rumpole. There are genuine discussions and debates and then there is just determined partisan cussedness.

I'll leave you to it.
It has plenty of competition from the same author.
I give up, Rumpole. There are genuine discussions and debates and then there is just determined partisan cussedness.

I'll leave you to it.

What I was saying was summed in in the Ross Gittins article. The majority of the Hockey budget robbed the poor to give to the rich. Simple as that. That's what a class war is about.

Most of the country including yourself acknowledges that the budget was unfair, I don't see how telling it like it is can be described as "cussedness". Perhaps continued defense of the indefensible is.
What I was saying was summed in in the Ross Gittins article. The majority of the Hockey budget robbed the poor to give to the rich. Simple as that. That's what a class war is about.

Come on Rumpy.....please come up with something new.......I have been hearing that talk from the Fabians for the past 70 years.......You know as well I do, people in this country have never been better off than they are now......things always improve under Liberal/National Government and then become chaotic under a Fabian Government......just look at 20007/2013.......enough said.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott must act now to reverse Australia’s economic demise

Jessica Irvine
News Corp Australia Network
July 30, 2014 12:00AM

The president of the Business Council of Australia, Catherine Livingstone, this week correctly identified Australia as at a crossroads. But her prescriptions for growth — reducing red tape, harmonising regulations and a greater government focus on promoting winning industries like mining, agriculture and energy — fall short of the mark.

The truth is, business should not be looking to government to set the agenda.

Has done all it can to stimulate the economy ... Reserve Bank Governor Glenn Stevens at t

Has done all it can to stimulate the economy ... Reserve Bank Governor Glenn Stevens at the RBA in Sydney

Reserve Bank governor, Glenn Stevens, said it best last week: “My sense is that in a lot of areas of business people are sitting around tables saying yeah somebody needs to do something and we’re waiting for someone else to do it.”

All governments can really do to help business in the long term is to get out of the way as much as possible. The main way governments interfere with the market is through taxation.

As a party committed to small government, the Coalition should be a natural champion of reforms to increase the base and rate of the GST and use the revenue to fund tax cuts on the rewards from labour and profitmaking investments.

But if a government can’t sell the need to increase excise on petrol to the Greens, what hope have we that it can mount the case for a higher rate of GST — a great big new tax on everything?

Glenn Stevens again: “The key question might ultimately be really whether the current processes can result in collective confidence in the country that we can actually grapple with difficult issues, long term issues, have a sensible conversation and come up with some solutions.”

Australia’s economy does stand at a cross roads; it’s time to push ahead on the path of economic reform.

Prime Minister Abbott has demonstrated honorable leadership on the international stage in the wake of the MH17 tragedy.

At some stage, it will be time to return thoughts to home and the reform challenges we face.

That time is fast approaching.

Originally published as Our economic dream run is over Comments

Abbott is doing his level best to fix the mess left by the Green/Labor left wing socialist but is being hamstrung by idiots in the Senate who have no interest in the welfare of this nation....they only have self interest
Come on Rumpy.....please come up with something new.......I have been hearing that talk from the Fabians for the past 70 years......

And you keep trotting out your IPA nonsense of total privatisation of every public service so that the LNP mates in business can build their empires and rip us all off.

You realise that soaring power prices are the result of network privatisation by both Labor and Liberal governments ? That's one example of the IPA dogma of stuff the customer as long as someone can make a profit.
The point Jessica is making is that the Abbott Government has completely failed to sell the reforms. In my view (and many others) it is due to the fact that the budget is a highly ideological and unfair collection of budget measures.

If anything is to be achieved this term there needs to be a game changer. In my view Abbott and Hockey should be shown the door, new leadership of the Liberal party should occur and the budget be recast so as to be fair and then they would be able to get some measures through.

I heard on the radio the other day the commentator was shocked that people under 30 dislike this government.
Well, if you were under 30 what's to like? You are told your retirement age is now 70, if you lose your job you will get no unemployment for 6 months (imagine what would happen if you had children or didn't get on with your parents), if you go to Uni your fees are going to at least double, if you do charity for Landcare (I know young people who do work at the weekends for this) the funding has been drastically cut, on the same basis if you are worried about global warming - don't be, you are told that the older unemployed will be given employer subsidies to beat you at getting a job when the unemployment rate at this age is well above 25% and finally houses are too dear to buy as foreign and local investors are buying them all up with government taxation subsidies.

Well What a surprise! I found it funny that the conservative radio commentator was expressing shock. maybe the Libs should think about appealing to this section of the electorate. If things don't change they will be a one term government.
Class warriors?

Well that takes the biscuit Horace, the most absurdly ironic post on ASF.... ever.

“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”
- Warren Buffett

Really!!!..... I don't recall ever mentioning anything about privatization.....But nevertheless, it may have to be done to pay off the Green/Labor socialist left wing debt in both state and Federal Governments.

Perhaps you would prefer to lift the GST to 15% as they have done in New Zealand, but Labor and Liberal are terrified to do it for fear of being ostracized.
What I was saying was summed in in the Ross Gittins article. The majority of the Hockey budget robbed the poor to give to the rich. Simple as that.

What? What you were saying was nothing to do with the budget! It was all about how Tony Abbott has failed to have the warring sides in the Ukraine parting like Moses with the Red Sea, to allow investigators entry to the crash site. That no, you had no idea what Labor would have done. That it was up to Tony Abbott to talk Mr Putin into ordering his acolytes to desist fighting whilst investigators did their job. Never mind the Dutch with a far greater stake, the Malaysians also, not to mention the Americans. No, not at all. All up to Mr Abbott.

And now you start on about the budget, somehow, weirdly, conflating the two utterly different issues.
And fwiw Ross Gittins is well known for presenting the Left view. He is a reporter. I'd take a bit more notice of people like Glenn Stevens, Martin Parkinson, Chris Richardson et al.

The point Jessica is making is that the Abbott Government has completely failed to sell the reforms. In my view (and many others) it is due to the fact that the budget is a highly ideological and unfair collection of budget measures.
Haven't we been all through this before?

if you lose your job you will get nounemployment
Sigh. You will receive taxpayer support if you are unemployed if you are studying or training, if you cannot find a job. That's what Joe Hockey has said.

And re power prices: I can only comment on my local area, but no privatisation here and prices have about tripled in not too many years.
What? What you were saying was nothing to do with the budget!

Huh ?

Now I'm confused. You quote WayneL quoting me on class warfare and you said " I give up". I was replying to your comment by referring to the Gittens article.

As to MH17, I gave a simple example of something that it is quite possible for Abbott/Bishop to do (request UN protection for recovery crews), that they haven't done. What is your problem with that suggestion ? Do you have any others ?

I'd be interested because all I hear is great accolades for actions that have so far produced very little in the way of practical results.
“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”
- Warren Buffett

1) What is Buffet's understanding of Australian socioeconomic situation?

2) Do you think Buffet might just have been commenting on American socioeconomics, rather than Australian?

3) Do you think America's SE situation could possibly different to Australia's?

Astonishingly absurd irony leads straight to astonishingly unintelligent argumentative fallacy!

Sheesh, and the left fancies themselves as intellectuals. The evidence strongly points to the opposite.
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