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The Abbott Government

I see your Fabianism and raise you one IPAism.
Interesting article about a few lies the Coalition told before the election

Certainly rips it up the Coalition this is the telling bit

I have been thinking the same and wondered if any others would say some thing.

What are a couple of hundred lightly armed Aussies going to do against thousands of armed lunatics fighting a war.

I wonder if the Coalition arrogance extends to pushing Russian armed militias around in its back yard?

Abbott's mission to Ukraine branded 'nuts'

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I think that TA has done a superb job thus far on the MH17 incident. Even your beloved Bill Shorten has agreed on this.

European leaders who are also involved should be holding their heads in shame - the term "lack of balls" quickly comes to mind.

Obama is, for a better word, a pansy. What is need is leadership during a crisis like this. Someone like JFK during the Cuban missile crisis needs to step up and tell Russia to piss off!
I think that TA has done a superb job thus far on the MH17 incident. Even your beloved Bill Shorten has agreed on this.

This is a bipartisan operation, and any PM in this position would receive the support of the opposition.

It's worth mentioning that it's a lot easier to get a resolution into the UN Security Council when you actually have a seat on it, which is something the Rudd/Gillard governments worked very hard for.
I agree, DB, I think he has done a wonderful job.
His daughter not long arriving home from that flight, a few weeks earlier, would have really hit home.
This is a bipartisan operation, and any PM in this position would receive the support of the opposition.

But I think the ALP would have had a softer approach.

It's worth mentioning that it's a lot easier to get a resolution into the UN Security Council when you actually have a seat on it, which is something the Rudd/Gillard governments worked very hard for.

Yes, good point and I wholeheartedly agree with you.
No room to move there for Bill.

What though was Labor's motives for that UN seat ?

It took a Coalition government to put it to practical use.
What though was Labor's motives for that UN seat ?

It took a Coalition government to put it to practical use.

What an absurd statement. If Labor was currently in power of course they would have used the seat to condemn MH17.

The motives were to give this country more clout internationally which obviously have paid off. If MH17 had not happened, the seat could be used to have more voice in such things as the rise of China in our area. It's an investment that is now paying off and shows foresight on the part of Rudd who kicked the process off and Bob Carr who secured it.
It's an investment that is now paying off and shows foresight on the part of Rudd who kicked the process off and Bob Carr who secured it.
It was like everything Kevin Rudd did, purchased for his own self aggrandisement.

That we have it during the current MH17 disaster is merely fortuitous.
It was like everything Kevin Rudd did, purchased for his own self aggrandisement.

That we have it during the current MH17 disaster is merely fortuitous.

If you want to be that mendacious, it could be said that Abbott and Bishop used the Council seat to make themselves look good in the eyes of the electorate. Now I hope you won't drag this incident down any further than you already have.
I'm not dragging the MH17 incident anywhere.

I've simply offered my point of view on the UN seat and referred to the above incident in that context.
I'm not dragging the MH17 incident anywhere.

I've simply offered my point of view on the UN seat and referred to the above incident in that context.

"Fortuitous" is like winning the lottery. Getting a Security Council seat requires a lot of hard work for which you are prepared to give no credit whatsoever, because the people who secured that seat are on "the other side".

That is mendacity.
Agree. Obama is big on the fancy rhetoric and small on real action.

Perhaps an influencing factor is that there were (I think?) no Americans on board MH17?

Also that America has done more than its share of trying to run other nations?

Also that Obama is actually a bit scared of Putin. Putin is a bully. Someone like JFK would have stood up to him, but I don't reckon Obama has the b***s.

I'm sure the differing responses from TA and obama have nothing do with the fact that Australia has close to zero trade with russia and so can afford to burn fences whereas Obama needs Putin for the Iran negotiations etc. If only Obama would harden up like TA.
My take on the lack of US involvement.
During the coup in Kiev US politicians and head of the CIA were there if you remember.From the Russians point of view the US was undermining Russian interests in a country bordering Russia.One thing to engineer the overthrow of Gadaffi but a different ball-game for the Russians with this intervention that close to home.This was always going to have sequels and there were, with the annexation of Crimea and separatists in Eastern Ukraine.
The US are well advised to stay well out...they have done enough already.What if the roles were reversed with Russia agitating on the borders of the US?
No room to move there for Bill.

What though was Labor's motives for that UN seat ?

It took a Coalition government to put it to practical use.

Feel free to explain why the Coalition opposed the move for a seat tooth and nail, I'll give you a hint political bastardy of which Abbott is the master .

+ the Germans are not happy with the US messing in the Euro back yard lots of complexity Geopolitical wise to paint a black and white picture who is the most hairy chested.
Even your beloved Bill Shorten has agreed on this.

European leaders who are also involved should be holding their heads in shame - the term "lack of balls" quickly comes to mind.

1. I don't rate Shorten

2. "lack of balls" means your lack of understanding I suspect unless you are calling for an all out NATO offensive against Russia.
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