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The Abbott Government

Also of interest, Ben Oquist is involved with Clive Palmer and PUP.
Ben Oquist was deeply involved in the action today,
It's a sound strategy but the politics is such that its foundation is the repeal of the carbon tax.

With the political friends Clive Palmer and at least two of his flock of 4 are keeping (Jacqui Lambie and Ricky Muir), PUP's ultimate genuineness in repealing this tax is very questionable in my view.

In addition to Clive above, Ricky Muir has former New South Wales politician Peter Breen (Breenie the Greenie) as his policy advisor,

and Jacqui Lambie has palled up to Penny Wong.
At that quantum I'm not surprised it is being classed as a tax. Plus taxes have to be in separate Bills so they'll need to pass that separately through the House.

I am sure that windbag Palmer will eventually pass it as it cost him $6 million last year....He is just showing his strong arm tactics and is like a cat playing with a mouse.......He is getting a lot of publicity from it all and has left the Greens in the back ground.......Palmer has taken over the limelight.
I hope you're right but between Labor and Green tentacles penetrating PUP and Clive Palmer and Tony Abbott falling out in 2012, it may run deeper than that.
On matters Clive, he's walked out during an interview with Sarah Ferguson for the ABC's 7:30 program.

With the carbon tax repeal where it is, there hopefully won't be any loose cannon from the Libs in response.
On matters Clive, he's walked out during an interview with Sarah Ferguson for the ABC's 7:30 program.

With the carbon tax repeal where it is, there hopefully won't be any loose cannon from the Libs in response.
Sarah Ferguson did a very good job of persisting against Mr Palmer's obfuscation, to the point where he walked out on her. The contrast with the subsequent interview with Greg Hunt was marked, the latter being polite and remarkably restrained in his comments.

Noco's observation about Palmer angling for a DD might well be correct. Depends, I suppose, on whether people are starting to see through him yet.

It's absolutely in his own interests to see the carbon tax abolished, so all this stuffing about is pure theatre on his part. So childish and silly.
Isn't it ironic Clive's associated with something called Media Circus.

Clive's interview helped fill in some of the gaps as to what happened. He claimed the government's approach was pass the carbon tax and move his amendment later as it had to pass through the reps which he baulked at.

It couldn't happen that way though as a consequence of advice from the clerk. Interestingly in the interview that followed, Greg Hunt didn't mention this aspect either. The Libs I'd suggest are going soft on Clive at the moment in the hope the carbon tax repeal passes next week.

I also suggest he's not endearing himself to other parts of the business community with his commentary, either about them or China.

He was clearly not a happy camper as he walked out.
A former advisor to Tony Windsor is involved in this as well.

I'd be suspicious too.

My bolds.
Why does Tony Abbott really want to kill the price on Carbon ?

Clearly he made it an clarion call in the last election. His argument was that this was going to strangle the economy, throw thousand out people out of work, destroy towns, make the curtains bleach ..(any argument would do)

Two years later one can't point to any clear indication of economic woe caused by carbon price. It seems to have been absorbed into the economy with suitable compensation given to some affected people. Billions of dollars in compensation have also been given to companies. It only has a short time to run before it becomes morphed into an international carbon pricing scheme where the price will come down.

It has clearly had an effect on CO2 emissions. Electricity suppliers are using less coal and more gas/hydro/wind/solar power

The theory that cutting the tax will result in cheaper prices for consumers is pretty fanciful. Clive Palmer is attempting to actually make sure that happens. I believe many businesses are concerned about such a zealous approach to making sure consumers get the benefit of any tax cut. Far better in their pockets they would imagine.

It's also interesting to see the effect of two very capable parliamentary advisors on the PUP team. Parliament is about process. Without having advisors who understand the way to get bills analysed, drafted and negotiated the new PUP Senators would be dead pups. From Abbotts point of view it's a shame he didn't have the foresight to encourage a more government friendly advisor.
This government is in or running complete chaos

Now it's Tony Abbott's turn to do 'dodgy deals' with minor parties

The chaotic last-minute bargaining in the Senate corridors made the government look like a flock of geese

Tony Abbott used to tell us that he would not lead a government “depending upon dodgy deals … or wayward independents”.

“There is no point in basing government on dishonest deals behind closed doors,” he said.

Do they have any idea what they are doing? Apparently sheer arrogance wont work with Clive.

And this
What a mess Labor teaching the Coalition how to behave as adults talk about bizarre.

Mathias Cormann trying to put lip stick on a real great big pig

Labor closer to axing regulation that weakens financial safeguards

The Abbott government failed in a bid to delay the parliamentary tabling of its changes to financial advice reforms
It has clearly had an effect on CO2 emissions. Electricity suppliers are using less coal and more gas/hydro/wind/solar power

The carbon price is causing a reduction in domestic CO2 emissions, but what is the effect of our carbon price on global emissions, which is what matters.

If industries have lost business to overseas companies that do not have the add on effects of a carbon price and that causes an increase in CO2 emissions there, then the effect globally could be negligible and possibly make it worse if they use dirtier supply sources.

This information is missing from the debate and without it we may be hurting our industry for no global benefit.
The transcript of last night's interview is now available.
The Libs are used to dealing with career politicians. Clive doesn't care. He wants to create mayhem and cause pain. The Libs will have to suck up to him to get things past, not act haughty like Abbott has been doing. In fact, his statement that day that he would get his way was like a rag to a red bull. Clive wants to set the agenda, not the other way around.

The Senate has a mind of its own.
The Liberal Democrat Senator a libertarian joined hands with the Family First Senator to prevent the government from income tax breaks that were to disappear with the carbon tax!

The Coalition need to stand back and reassess how they are going to govern otherwise this term is going to make the Gillard/Rudd previous term look like a picnic. Busting through is not an option. We are in a democracy chaps, the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.
Julia Gilliard kept her minority Labour government operational and effective for a full term. That was in spite of the full press "take no prisoners" assault of Tony Abbott.

The key element in her legislative and operational success was excellent communication and negotiation skills. She managed to work with the Independents and Greens on a daily basis.

I cannot see how Tony Abbott will emulate that feat. Not yet at least. On all accounts he doesn't have the skills and diplomacy to effectively negotiate with the herd of cats on the cross bench. Frankly I think he would be better coming to terms with the Labour Party in negotiations - but after the way he trashed the last Labour government I just can't see any chance of good will.

He poisoned the well and now he has drink from it. Karma.
On matters Clive, he's walked out during an interview with Sarah Ferguson for the ABC's 7:30 program.

With the carbon tax repeal where it is, there hopefully won't be any loose cannon from the Libs in response.

Doc, that "DUMMY SPIT" with Sarah Ferguson certainly did not do him any favors.......she well and truly painted him into a corner and he did not know to get out of it so he pulled the plug.

Sooner or later this windbag is going to come unstuck......The chows could yet be his down fall.
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