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The Abbott Government

Not another election ...

Perhaps if the Green/Labor socialist left wing could stop their stupid propaganda and lies, then these letters would not be necessary.

I am not sure how you came up with a figure of $2 per letter but I believe you have inflated the cost to it make look worse than it really is.

I am not sure whether the Government even pays postage...perhaps some other ASF members may know better.....I tried to google the subject in question but could not find an answer.
Perhaps if the Green/Labor socialist left wing could stop their stupid propaganda and lies, then these letters would not be necessary.

perhaps if this government had a modicum of communication skills, they could explain their budget properly, as it is they are trying to sell a stinking carcass using taxpayers money, and proving as hopeless at that as they are bringing down an equitable budget.

Considering all the incorrect information various MPs from the L+NP have provided their constituents regarding the medicare co-payment, it's probably best they put something in writing, though even that is no longer proof that the L+NP will actually follow through with what they say.

You've proved you can copy and paste, but you've missed the fall in the participation rate over the last year and ignored the near 30 million fall in hours worked as well. At the minimum rate of pay that's close to half a billion less in wages for the month. No wonder even the reject shop is having problems with people not spending.
With a bit of luck, we will get Labor back, we deserve it.

Luck has not so much to do with it .... The proletariat deserve the government they elect.

Back to the printing press and throw it around to the bleeding hearts and artists I say !! Austerity or Prosperity? The answer is who pays the bill when the music stops? Which leads me to a vexing question that I am sure the more cerebral type of ASF member can answer.

To what debt levels can Australia bend to and still remain liquid? Does the debt ceiling need to be raised again? Do we need $700 cheques x 3 in the mail to spend on imported goods to stimulate the economy? As in that we seem to be carrying far less debt (Government and personal) than just about any other Western civilised Country. Austerity or Prosperity? Is Labor mentality of spending up big to pay your way out of a hypothetical recession or is it far better for Liberals to be toe cutting the economy? Do you spend your way out of debt to encourage the economy and tax the proletariat more? Or do you toe cut and sneakily shift boundaries to increase revenue from already underfunded failing systems?

Greece or Germany? Who got it right?

There is no debt ceiling. The Government with the Greens have removed it.

Better question is should the 8% of GDP in tax expenditures (highest in the world according to the OECD) be targeted. That's over $120B worth of foregone revenue. Surely there's some fat in there that could be taxed better?

Just up the company tax rate, broaden the super profits tax, increase the carbon tax and increase tax rates for those on $80k+,.
Increase the dole, increase the pension, increase rent assistance, increase first home buyers grant,increase 457 visas for remote area workers.
Problem solvered.

Instead of whinging like your comrades, why don't you ask B*ll $hittin to come with his solution to fix the mess the Green/Labor socialist Government left behind last year.
PUUULEEEEZE peoples ... solutions and not fanciful hip shots is the order of the day. Who is right? Is there any country that has spent it's way out of a hypothetical "recession" ?? Would it work? Did it work for Greenspan? Or is it right to be toe cutting and cutting costs?

Discuss ...

Sydboy007 might have exposed a flaw in the tax system that could easily be implemented to the tune of 120 billion. Is there any other ideas out there?

If you read the superannuation thread, he puts $50b of it down to super tax concessions.
I think he is cherry picking, to support ideological arguement.
These same fiscal issues were present when Labor was in government, he said nothing, now the coalition is in, he can't shut up.
Any coalition sugestions, he is unwilling to entertain, so what is the point in debating when all he wants is an audience.IMO
To make wine you must crush grapes to release the goodness. You have to break eggs to make an omelette. There needs to be some rough and tumble to be able to come to a solution. If an audience is required to pepper the rhetoric than so be it. Superannuation is a cash cow for the government and I am sure they have not finished tweaking the purse strings on this behemoth just yet. The government runs a fine line of either upsetting the industries that drive the stock market and or the economy as well as regulated savings. These are the "untouchables" but if it is mining or profit orientated (read free enterprise) then the government of the day thinks it is fair game (usually Labor policy to crush the employer) and I am wondering if Tony has the balls to implement similar strategies of taxing the BIG END of town or is he more for trimming the snouts in the trough methodology.

If it is a saving and for the greater good of the country then does it matter whose policy it is?

P.S. NSW won the State of Origin

P.P.S. Do you think the Libs will pull the trigger and go back to the polls?

In a word NO.
It would be suicide, the media have carved them up, Labor and the Greens have wedged them.

It is hard to sell a bitter pill, even harder if the media is telling you not to take it.

The problem is the longer you leave it, the bigger dose you have to take.

History shows Abbott is no idiot, my guess, he is working to a plan.

Any chages to increase tax, will leave Labor and the Greens with little option other than agree. Then all tax increases are down to them, as they wouldn't agree to reductions in spending.

The problem is Rumpy, not only is the coalition fitting against the lies and the propaganda of the the Green/Labor socialist left, they are also having to contend with the biased ABC and Fairfax who do not want to see the Coalition remove the stinking dead carcass left behind by the Green/Labor socialist left.......$1 billion (taxpayers money) a month in interest on money the Green/Labor socialist left borrowed from the chows and if we had reelected the Green/Labor socialist left again in 2013, we would be paying $3 billion a month in interest.....You cannot deny the fact that this message has been spelt out by the coalition on a daily basis but the biased media only want to emphasis the bitter pill that is required to fix the Green/Labor socialist left sickness..

And of course you will never say how hopeless the Green/Labor socialist left were from 2007 to 2013.......the infighting, the change of leaders.....the wreckless spending and please don't tell me it was all about the GFC.....that was the excuse and not the real reason....the promises of budget surpluses year after they opened the flood gates to illegal immigrants that has cost the tax payers over $11 billion....Swan and Gillard told us 500 times in 2012/13 they would have a surplus...perhaps we should have got that in writing.

The Green/Labor socialist left wing party do not have the National interest at heart, it is all about forcing their socialist ideology on the Australian community.

Plenty of alternatives have been put up by myself and others on this forum that would have reduced the deficit more fairly than this budget has.

I won't go into detail again, but here are a few

Don't get rid of revenue sources like the carbon tax and mining tax (and don't spend the money that Labor allocated against the mining tax)
Phase out negative gearing on residential property
Don't introduce expensive PPL
Reduce tax avoidance by high income earners via family trusts and superannuation
Take action against tax avoiding international companies
Apply the medical co-payment directly to public hospitals
Reduce diesel fuel rebate
If necessary, modestly increase income tax rates across the board , and the Medicare levy.

So Rumpy, in your theory above what are the figures you would come up with......I mean how much will it cost and how much will we save to get the budget back under control....there is no point in you coming up with ideas without some facts and figures.

But Rumpy, you seem to forget the Coalition were elected with a huge majority with a mandate to abolish the carbon tax that Rudd also bring the budget under stop the boats......Don't you remember Rudd saying he would abolish the carbon tax and of course we all know why he said it.......It is the Green/Labor socialist left wing saying one thing before the election and something different after the election like there will be no carbon tax under a Government I (Juliar) lead.

We live in a democracy...if this Government do not succeed in getting our finances under control, then we have what is called a ballot box where people can show their approval or disapproval in 2016 or before if there is a double dissolution of both houses...... The voters will decide whether they want a stable Government of whether they want to go back a big spending and a big taxing Government.

So I suggest you advise your comrades of the left to allow the Coalition to do what they propose to do in the budget and stop obstructing.......The Green/Labor socialist left wing have even blocked $6 billion of the own proposed savings....So please tell me why they have exempt these savings now?

Tax resources, tax consumption, tax land

Why would you suggest increasing taxes on hard work

Income and corporate taxes are the most inefficient taxes.

GST / land / resource taxes are the most efficient.

A change in the tax base could allow increased revenue AND lower taxes.

It would just take some true leadership to explain how this is possible to the electorate. The Abbott Government can't even get their facts right on how the GP co payment will work, so I doubt they have the skills to get the public onside with major tax reform.
McLovin, Mr Abbott is still determined to make it happen. Have a look at the Religion is Crazy thread.
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