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The Abbott Government

Very trollish to go the man rather than the issues though. So let's start again. Are you for or against them?

I keep being stunned by the "reforms" proposed.[/B]

I was not playing the man. It is just that I "keep being stunned" by how "the man" who says the reef belongs to everyone could consider a man, who is doing more than anyone else to trash the reef, as his last hope.

You say "let's start again". I say it would be futile to discuss the environment with a man who cannot decide whether he is a Greenie or a PUPpet supporter, i.e. an environmentalist or a wrecker.

I have a feeling that you declared for PUP only because you see them as the best chance of derailing the Abbott government which you hate.
You say "let's start again". I say it would be futile to discuss the environment with a man who cannot decide whether he is a Greenie or a PUPpet supporter, i.e. an environmentalist or a wrecker.

Don't discuss it then.
Agree. I also lost some respect for Hillary Clinton on 7.30 last night for so lauding Gillard's 'misogyny speech'.

It's the mantra of a conservative government to reduce layers of government. You seem to be implying that the States will be less responsible than the Commonwealth in looking after their own environmental matters.
I don't know why you'd draw that conclusion. eg I doubt that this change will suddenly render Fraser Island a miner's paradise.

We will become the only country in the world that will not have the main government controlling the environment. The Barrier reef for instance belongs to all Australians. We deserve a say.
How did you actually have a say in it when the Feds controlled it? Just your capacity to vote against them in a general election?

The other bit of information I wasn't aware of is that council grants have been frozen meaning council rates will have to rise substantially over the next 3 years. Bad luck pensioners and self funded retirees.
We'll see. In Qld the government declared that concessions would have to be significantly reduced for the reason you describe. The outcry was so huge, just two days later they reverted and issued an assurance no change would be made.

FWIW I recall a post of yours decrying the fact that Labor seem to be all over the place, unsure of what they represent. Hardly any sort of endorsement of Mr Shorten.
It's the mantra of a conservative government to reduce layers of government. You seem to be implying that the States will be less responsible than the Commonwealth in looking after their own environmental matters.

When the States benefit directly from mining royalty payments, I would say it's a clear conflict of interest that they have control over protection of the environment in mining and gas/oil production permits.
When the States benefit directly from mining royalty payments, I would say it's a clear conflict of interest that they have control over protection of the environment in mining and gas/oil production permits.

+1 Reminds me of the States and Gambling hopelessly conflicted there as well.

What are you talking about "RISING UNEMPLOYMENT"?......You are behind the times......unemployment has dropped has dropped to 5.8%......Labor predicted 6.2% last year.
When the States benefit directly from mining royalty payments, I would say it's a clear conflict of interest that they have control over protection of the environment in mining and gas/oil production permits.

I think you mean the taxpayer benefits from the royalties What you see as a conflct of interest, in getting rid of green tape, others see as common sense.
I think you mean the taxpayer benefits from the royalties What you see as a conflct of interest, in getting rid of green tape, others see as common sense.

The taxpayer also benefits from a clean environment. What you see as a commercial enterprise, others see as a pollution factory.
The taxpayer also benefits from a clean environment. What you see as a commercial enterprise, others see as a pollution factory.

It's obvious you are not a taxpayer so we are poles apart on Green tape. Could you give me an example where Green tape reduces my taxes by derailing development?
The taxpayer also benefits from a clean environment. What you see as a commercial enterprise, others see as a pollution factory.

And it would appear the Greenies agree with you.

Great ... we have a lovely clean environment and NO JOBS

Could be the stoush between Clive and the LNP (Gina Reinhart in the mix as well) has given the minister the jitters?

What's Abbott doing about it? Keeping the coal fires burning is what.

Read more:
What are you talking about "RISING UNEMPLOYMENT"?......You are behind the times......unemployment has dropped has dropped to 5.8%......Labor predicted 6.2% last year.

Over the last 12 months the participation rate has declined by 0.4%

That's equivalent to over 46,000 workers. To put it into perspective the improvement in unemployment was 0.3% over the last year, but the fall in participation accounts for that improvement and more. A stable participation rate would likely have an unemployment level of 6.1%-6.2%.

Then we also have the fall in aggregate worked hours, the hidden unemployment and underemployment in the economy. May aggregate monthly hours worked decreased 2.1 million hours (0.1%) to 1,598.6 million hours. May 2013 aggregate hours worked was 1,628.5 million hours. Basically 30 million hours less work available last month.

The ABS estimates the labour force underutilisation rate is 13.5%.

I look forward to seeing how you can put a positive spin to the above reality.
I know the level of trust in politicians is minimal, but imo to suggest that, because the Federal government has taken its hands off environmental matters and instead the responsibility rests with the states, all environmental concerns will be dumped and the whole of Australia will become one giant pit of mining is ludicrous.

What on earth is it about political afficionados that they persist in resorting to descriptions of doomsday when the slightest change is mooted?

Let's just recognise that a balance needs to be attained between appropriately caring for the environment and providing jobs for people.

If the Greens and their various supporters here had their way, we'd have about three quarters of the population on ultra generous dole payments.
Fine. Just advise where the money is coming from.


Apr 2014

May 2014

Apr 14 to May 14

May 13 to May 14
Employed persons ('000)
11 560.0

11 573.1


Unemployed persons ('000)



Unemployment rate (%)


Participation rate (%)


Seasonally Adjusted
Employed persons ('000)
11 569.4

11 564.6


Unemployed persons ('000)



Unemployment rate (%)


Participation rate (%)



Employed Persons
Graph: Employed Persons

Unemployment Rate
Graph: Unemployment Rate



Employment increased to 11,573,100.
Unemployment decreased to 719,700.
Unemployment rate remained steady at 5.9%.
Participation rate remained steady at 64.7%.
Aggregate monthly hours worked decreased 2.1 million hours (0.1%) to 1,598.6 million hours.

Here are the latest statistics.


Employment decreased 4,800 to 11,564,600. Full-time employment increased 22,200 to 8,068,300 and part-time employment decreased 27,000 to 3,496,200.
Unemployment increased 3,200 to 717,100. The number of unemployed persons looking for full-time work increased 9,000 to 529,700 and the number of unemployed persons only looking for part-time work decreased 5,900 to 187,400.
The unemployment rate was unchanged at 5.8%.
Participation rate decreased 0.1 pts to 64.6%.
Aggregate monthly hours worked increased 26.5 million hours (1.7%) to 1 ,604.5 million hours.
If the Greens and their various supporters here had their way, we'd have about three quarters of the population on ultra generous dole payments.
Fine. Just advise where the money is coming from.

Surely you don't have such a low opinion of our capabilities that you think we can't do anything else except dig stuff out of the ground ?

Australia is a big country and there are plenty of places that minerals or gas can be dug up from without potentially affecting water supplies or peoples health, so when it comes to putting gas wells on farming land or near towns people have a right to object.

Lots of other countries have minimal natural resources and they get along fine. Australia has a lot of resources and we can afford to develop those resources that don't interfere with peoples lives.

It's also interesting to note that some people approach the realms of hyperbole by assuming that all people who want a clean environment object to all mining activities. That is oversimplifying the debate to the point of absurdity. As has been said, there must be a balance.
Rumpole, are you so bored that you continually attempt to create argument out of agreement?

I have already said, above:
Let's just recognise that a balance needs to be attained between appropriately caring for the environment and providing jobs for people.

Continue if you wish. I won't be further responding.
Let's just recognise that a balance needs to be attained between appropriately caring for the environment and providing jobs for people.

To which I agreed.

Julia , once again you confuse 'discussion' with 'argument'. If you don't want a response to some of your points, the only way is to not make them in the first place, and that would deprive us of your opinions and those of others in response, and we would be the poorer for it.

I'd hate to think that in any forum, people always have to agree. Variety is the spice of life.

I may have taken that you were referring to me as a "Green's supporter", who you criticised. Am I not entitled to respond ?
I find it bizarre that they are spending so much money to send a personalised letter to the pensioners just to explain that they will be ....... of never mind

So some quick maths :- 2.4 million letters at a cost of say $2.00 each made up of stationery, envelope, stamp, print costs etc. = just shy of 5 million dollars WASTED !!!
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