Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The 2023 soothsaying Thread


9 July 2004
What say you, Knobbydamus? (Apart from the glaring headline misspelling)

...and y'alls predictions for the coming year.

Just for sh1ts and giggles, Im rolling my ASX prediction forward, increasing home veggie production and installing more means of self suffiency.

I might retire early and do something complete stupid like swing trade currencies, or start a yooootoooob channel nobody watches.

Whatever, but I don't think "they" have a good year planned out. Certain commodities to outperform however.
What say you, Knobbydamus? (Apart from the glaring headline misspelling)

...and y'alls predictions for the coming year.

Just for sh1ts and giggles, Im rolling my ASX prediction forward, increasing home veggie production and installing more means of self suffiency.

I might retire early and do something complete stupid like swing trade currencies, or start a yooootoooob channel nobody watches.

Whatever, but I don't think "they" have a good year planned out. Certain commodities to outperform however.
Dumb crap to keep the plebs buying the paper. 70% accuracy, if.

Probably located on the page adjacent the horoscopes.

Just noticed the previous years predictions are there. Good for a laugh!
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Dumb crap to keep the plebs buying the paper. 70% accuracy, if.

Probably located on the page adjacent the horoscopes.

Just noticed the previous years predictions are there. Good for a laugh!

:laugh: Quite so.

Any prophesies of your own there mate? Allords at 9900? Teals all go more purple? Charlie replaced by Klaus?

Give that crystal ball a rub ;)