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System for the casino??? (baccarat)

Only home games. Online lacks interaction, and live poker often has the wrong type of social interaction (idiots, losers and sweaty, smelly gamblers). Good game with a decent bunch of people though.
Well known poker sites don't skew cards.
I don't know about others.

Lots of people blame rigging, but it's not rigged.

Lots of these idiots play 9 handed.. Lets have an example..
9 handed
Hole Cards: AA
8 other people have 2 random cards each.

You are only 35% to win. That means 65% of the time you will lose with this hand. People expect to win with AA much higher percent of the time, but it's just not going to happen.

Im sure if these people who claim rigging study probability at a high enough level (like i have) they would understand the claims they make are ridiculous and can be attributed to something as simple as probabilties.

The public is hopeless when it comes to probability, which is why these kinds of activities can be lucrative.

Also note how many of those that lose with pocket aces lose after the flop, often with the money going in after they're behind. They'll cry their aces didn't win, and that the other guy lucky etc etc. Used to have great fun winding these people up, some of them would absolutely lose it. You know you're playing well when you have some loony follow you around from table to table . I played SNGs most of the time, and the fish back then were far too passive, so decent players were typically labeled as maniacs due to the required aggression.
Not sure where to put this video, But I found it super interesting.

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