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Suicides in this GFC

12 April 2009
Everybody hear about the most recent suicide of a young Deutsche Bank trader in London because of his job?

Sad really. Amazing how upset people can get over such trivial things. Weak.

That's like 10 suicides/deaths related to the GFC that I can recall off the top of my head:

Adolf Merckle - German billionaire, suicide
David Kellerman - Freddie Mac CFO, suicide (hanging)
Kirk Stephenson - investor, suicide (jumped in front of a train)
Huibert Boumeester - ABN Amro CFO, apparent suicide
Ervin Anthony Lupoe - shot and killed his wife and five young children, then took his own life (

July 8 (Bloomberg) -- Murders and suicides spike with unemployment, U.S. and European researchers said.

The scientists, who combed through almost four decades of European Union records, found that a 1 percent increase in joblessness brings about a 0.8 percent rise in suicide and murder rates. Government programs to help workers offer some protection, they wrote in the July 8 issue of The Lancet.
Sad really. Amazing how upset people can get over such trivial things. Weak.

Weak is perhaps not the right word. Sad definitely is.

Important for everyone to have real friends, which includes family, that grounds oneself.

I was perhaps fortunate today and yesterday, with watching a bird drinking the nectar from an outside plant, that small thing had me buzzying yesterday, and today.

However I did reflect on those plugged into an MP3 player, and those which just turned up to work or where ever without feeling such joy (whatever that could be), without seeing the wonders of nature or love ... I think everyone needs to take a step back.
Amazing how upset people can get over such trivial things. Weak.

I think perhaps you could use a lesson in mental health. For most cases, to kill yourself is a result of depression.

Depression is not a sign of weakness. Ted Turner suffers from severe mental health issues. Is he weak for donating 1 billion dollars?

Depression is an illness on par with cancer, tb, parkinsons and a host of others. The problem with depression is that for decades, even centuries, it has had such a huge negative stigma associated with it. Typically, people see it as "weak", when in reality it is another one of mankinds horrible illnesses.
The two people close to me who committed suicide were anything but weak.

Imo they both had immense courage to do what they did.

And there are simply some insoluble situations where suicide is a perfectly rational action, even in the absence of depression in any clinical sense.
i agree julia. i've known many people who have unfortunately for certain reasons pulled the plug on things. not my peers but others.
and these people were extremely stong mentally. it takes strength to actually do it right and you don't get second chances.
one guy used drugs, but didn't have acess to quality products, so ended up brain dead and his parents had to pull the plug on him(life support).
we are just fed propoganda by the media in a vain attempt to reduce copy cat suicides etc.
in new zealand they have reporting restrictions etc, it doesn't work.
an open honest debate would be far better.

i've tried to add a tad more grammer but really can't get too enthused about it. point taken tho.

i agree also, i had a very intelligent and motivated friend who got into a servely depressed state. i was too uneducated and pig headed to understand it at the time.
she was fortunate in the fact that she had many very good friends and clawed her way out of it. she undertook a further degree and now is a very good medical practitioner.
i just could not understand why she was unable to just kick her way out of the disease. since i've learnt from her experience and education.
Weak is perhaps not the right word. Sad definitely is.

Important for everyone to have real friends, which includes family, that grounds oneself.

Yep I agree Weird -- Support is a big thing

Unfortunately sometimes these people dont see beyond that one thing

Also agree with Gordon with Mental Health and depression.
Well if you think coasting through life and taking pictures with all these pretty people and promoting your successes is what life is all about then you're ... or he's (Anjool) is wrong.
You get one little setback or bump in the road and you go and commit suicide?
You need setbacks in life to live life to it fullest. Overcoming bumps in the road is what builds character, that's what being human is all about. To chicken out and give in, that's cowardly. You just let all your naysayers win by doing that.

To me, I sort of view it to a certain extent as survival of the fittest. We live in a capitalist society, the strong willed and healthiest rise to the top. Now you may have a disease or a disability, but that doesn't mean you should stop competing and doing your best. Even if you know you're gonna lose, you should at least fight to the very end and give it your best shot. At least you can say that you gave it everything you got, and lived your life, rather than taking the easy way out and quitting.

If you're weak and unhealthy, well then try and get some help. Otherwise, so be it ... you become part of the rejected in our society.

Survival of the fittest. Stay strong. This too shall pass.
Despite all these nuclear weapons and problems in the world, I'm an optimist. To me optimism comes from some simple but important principles:

- The ability to adapt to change: whether economic, financial, personal or social.
- Accept responsibility when things go wrong that are your fault, and don't blame others.
- And take comfort in the dynamism and drive of the human race. That human beings have the capacity, when it matters, to choose the right problems and apply workable solutions to them.* This is not guaranteed, but on the whole, and on average will prevail.

RIP and Survival of the fittest.
'Adversity introduces a man to himself'.

I don't know you, but I'm not sure you have experienced that yet Matty2.0. Just a guess.

There is a vast chasm in your understanding of human beings and the myriad of situations that can beset them.

Clearly neither despair nor compassion have ever intruded on your existence.
Matty, you can not judge these people unless you have been in their shoe, and felt how they felt. You may say big deal and belittle their situations, but that is irrelevant, as it is how these people felt in their situations that matters. I can't imagine how these people must have felt to feel ending their life was the solution, and I think unless you have been in that state of mind, you can't make informed comments on their decision.

I also think it's silly to say that these people were weak and take the coward's way out. I imagine it takes guts to kill ourselves, as it goes against our natural instinct and it's the ultimate decisive action. No return. A coward would probably struggle to do something like that.
Well I'm with Matty on this.
We are not talking suicide due to factors of misery caused by sickness or mental health.

We are talking of people committing suicide because of money and pride. To me this shows that rather than face their families and collegues, they would rather leave their children and spouse in the lurch at the point when they most need them. To me suicide in these circumstances is gutless and a betrayal of their loved ones.

A caveat, I know we don't know their individual circumstances and maybe their was an argument for some of them.

Pity the poor person who found them, though.
Capitalism needs strong willed people who see light at the end of the tunnel.
We can only pull out of a deep recession if there are people out there who get out and keep perservering and working hard, starting their own businesses, believing that this too shall pass. The Depression lasted as long as it did b/c people just gave up hope looking for subsistence hand outs from the govt. You have to get up, and get out there and keep fighting.

Just imagine ... if everyone gave up at the first sign of trouble? We'd have chaos and let socialism take over.
Well I'm with Matty on this.
We are not talking suicide due to factors of misery caused by sickness or mental health.

We are talking of people committing suicide because of money and pride.

Wrong...while the money and pride are part of the equation, its prob more to do with
the loss of identity and purpose in life...people are simple (even CFO's) and somewhat
one dimensional...what these people lost was there sense of who they were and where
they were going, there day to day normal life was gone. and gone forever.

I once knew a guy that drove a bulldozer, had done for 20 day he fell of a
log and couldn't drive his bulldozer any more, and due to his injury would never again...he
got a big insurance payout, owned his own home, had a great wife and kids.

But he lost is identity and sense of depressed and took his own life...some
people find it very very hard to start over...just look at the entertainment industry, its
littered with simple people that couldn't cope with simple change.

matty2.0...u need to expand your analytic skills.
matty2.0...u need to expand your analytic skills.

lol ... I love it when people get personal.
You'd probably jump out the window too wouldn't you? With your "loss of identity" ... lol ... whatever that means. Boo hoo ... cry me a river.

Survival of the fittest mate. Don't make excuses and suck your thumb. If you don't want to compete and fight, well then jump.
I'm neutral here, I think its up to the individual in how he/she reacts to their own circumstances & environment.

But its a little disturbing with the number of people who have known suicidal people & understand why they commit suicide. Do people agree that sometimes, this can be the only way out?


Anyway, for what its worth, in my experience, life goes from one age to another. Every 5 to 10 years, you become somewhat different in attitude because your priorities change. What depresses or stresses you out in your 20's will not be an issue in your 30's. So if you find the courage to top yourself, you may be missing out on the best years of your life.


You are such a twat. Seriously. No lol.

I just love how you walk in here and proclaim that people who commit suicide are 'weak' and you need set backs in life to live life to the fullest...classic lines from a clearly educated person such as yourself.

Here are a couple of interesting scenario's I would like you to ponder...and then see if suicide is weak:

- African children left to fend for themselves after their parents have passed away. A 13 year old girl looking after her siblings as well as working for peanuts...i'm sure this setback in her life is setting her up for Tattslotto!

- Soldiers who fight wars in foreign nations and see such violence/bloodshed and horrific scenes that they just can't live with the eternal nightmares. Kennas once wrote of soldiers witnessing bodies of children and women dumped on top of each other (absolute tragedy) in Rwanda. These unfortunate soldiers who are serving a purpose to protect the innocent in these war torn nations witness these scenes...but i'm sure they would be weak if they decided to end their own lives to rid themselves of the pain and suffering of seeing and committing such acts

- Paramedics - They apparently have one of the highest suicide rates in the world. I'm sure pulling people from cars, trying to restart the hearts of cardiac arrest victims whilst pleas, tears and screams of onlookers swirl around you, trying to jump start a person who has overdosed at such a young age and was probably born with potential...i'm sure these are all minor bumps...set backs as you would their lives for bigger things!

This is such a minute version of scenario's I can think of...but all things where I'm sure the people in those situations would not be frowned upon in society for committing suicide and as a weak..rather it would be viewed as a tragedy that these fantastic people who are just trying to live normal lives had to be exposed to such heartache situations that they had to make a choice on whether to continue with their nightmare or be at eternal peace with their souls...
I have a belief about suicide that some people can go through adversity and thrug of the most horrible sights, experiences etc. where as with others these things slowly accumulate until they reach breaking point.
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