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Suicide and Voluntary Euthanasia

no problem Mint Man

all I am doing is posting my entire sentence in full and not just a portion of it like you are out of context.

no problem - I just called it as I saw it and since you or MM couldn't post anything that proved anything I said was not correct you took the easy way out and deleted my post.....everything I said is 100% correct


bullmarket said:
Hi Blitzed

I can assure you there are many people out there who do put their money where their mouth is, as you put it, and so help make a difference in reducing the pain and suffering of those much less fortunate.



True, but we can't even look after all the aged people properly here in Australia now....let alone in 20 years or less if things stay the same.
old people do not have an expiration date,also they are the ones who have paid for all the services you are now saying cant afford to look after them ,by virtue of being old.
Not all old people are old because of their age.

I`ll tell you who I`d euthanase given the choice the old farts who whinge all day about no one caring for them,who sit in the corner of the room and expect you to bloody well look after them because their time has arrived to be looked after by virtue of turning whatever age they deem is old.

Who expect you to live like them even though you are 40 years younger and who expect you to listen while they go on and on and on about how their lives used to be when they were your age.Yes lets uethanase them.I`m sure even God didnt intend for those farts to ever see the light of day,so who knows we may in effect be cleaning up his ,not quite right humans.

Mr Bullmarket

1/ You post had sections that were deleted because they contravened the code of conduct, pure and simple.

2/ Just to re-iterate, I have no interest in debating this topic. I can see from both sides of the debate, and I can see that both sides are problematical. But you are behaving as if I am disagreeing with you.

3/ You cannot prove anything you have posted is 100% correct either. This is a discussion of pros and cons, not a court of law.

4/ Joe runs a very fair and open board here and allows people to have their say. But you must realise that you are annoying people with your cliches' and debating style. Many boards would have had you out on your ear by now.
I am asking you to cutting the use of these down to a bare minimum, people would really appreciate it.

And on a much brighter note,when the Delezio family went on 60 minutes and told of their horrifying story,my opininion at the time was that they were a very selfish family for allowing the suffering of their daughter to continue,in their position I didnt know what I would do but felt nevertheless that all that suffering maybe wasnt what I`d choose.Given that the family had been given the choice to let her go.Today she is going home again,having survived another horrifying accident.I `m so very happy to have been wrong,well as I said I didnt know what decision I would`ve made,but I`m glad that the only thing I contributed was tears.And am so very glad that Sophie has turned into an inspiratin to all loving families.And that never say never, attitude.
hi wayne

I disagree with you that my original post breached any code of conduct.

In my defence, I challenge you to reinstate my original post in its entirety and unedited and then point out which part(s) break any rule of conduct.

I maintain that everything I said in my post is true and you, rather than try to post anything that proved anything I said was not true, chose to take the easy way out (as moderator) and delete the post because you didn't like what you's as simple as that imo...

Now, if you can't show how my post was not accurate in any way I will take the screen dump of my post (pre-deletion) and other relevant screen dumps and post them on other sites warning others who might be considering coming over here of the unfair censorship and slander/defamation (of me at least) that has occured in the past on this site.



Ditto Mint Man's final paragraph for me. Bullmarket you have effectively subverted a serious discussion where several members have offered genuinely thoughtful responses into a pathetic squabble over who said what when.
I find your cliches and banalities simply boring. You have added nothing meaningful to the discussion.

Hi Julia

no problem but what I actually said was:

no problem - I just called it as I saw it and since you or MM couldn't post anything that proved anything I said was not correct you took the easy way out and deleted my post.....everything I said is 100% correct

you seem to be upset that I didn't answer the question you asked me earlier and the reason I did not answer it is, as I said earlier, because you are either unwilling or unable to answer the question/challenge I issued earlier in the thread to Happy and to all those that support euthanasia.

imo you can't have it both can't expect me to answer your questions when you won't answer mine's as simple as that



Yes, a beautiful little girl in pink she was today. Such a princess. I must say though, I never would have considered, if she was my child, that I would let her go - I didnt know they had been given the choice but I guess that was an unspoken question by the medical people. I think it goes back to my original thoughts - Sophie was going to improve - albeit in some pain but she still had a life to look forward to and contribute in her own way.

I think we just need to accept that people here have fundamental differences in their approach to the meaning of life and let it rest. Some value life above all esle including suffering, others value life without suffering.

Mr Bullmarket,

I am not interested in your challenge, or your misrepresentation of the truth. Move on with the topic please.

Bullmarket, you have been neither slandered nor defamed on this site. Nor have you been censored unfairly. You have, however, done your darndest to deliberately annoy as many people here as you possibly can.

If nothing else, perhaps you might consider cutting down on the repetition in your posts as a good will gesture to other ASF members who find it annoying and irritating. This is a community and we all have to play our part to contribute what we can to the wellbeing of the community as a whole.
Prospector,at the time of the interview Sophie was addicted to painkillers,her survival wasnt assured and the doctors had given her parents the choice to let her go should she slip up again.They`d to make that choice anyway initially when it looked touch and go.Plus if she survived she faced a lifetime of pain because of the ongoing operations that she will need for the rest of her life,her dad refused ,forcing the doctors to do absolutely everything they had to, to keep her alive,for him any quality of life was worth it.Turned out to be right and Sophie looks absolutely gorgeous for what she has been through.
We are just bullied by person who says in his signature:

‘Please be aware that I am retired, a passive investor whose main objective is income and I am not a trader. Any views I express are based solely on my personal circumstances and so are not be taken as recommendations.’

Which is good news, actually fantastic news, as with bit of luck can happily experience first hand and be able to see what others are saying.

Best of luck, hope it is not agonisingly slow, and lonely, with no hope, no sight, no hearing and inability to move, or even pass real ****.
Guys,I know I`m the last person to be moderating but the ignore button works real well,I`ve got rederob on it,fabulous.You only see the people on the ignore list if you are not signed in.
visual said:
Guys,I know I`m the last person to be moderating but the ignore button works real well

Yes, I advocate the use of the ignore list as well but some members seem reluctant to use it.
Hi Joe

Joe Blow said:
Bullmarket, you have been neither slandered nor defamed on this site. Nor have you been censored unfairly.

I disagree with you and I have screen dumps from other threads where I have been clearly slandered and defamed and I have already passed them on with relevant details to appropriate people.

No offence, but whether you believe I have been slandered/defamed or not is of no interest to me.

Wayne's refusal to reinstate my original post that was deleted and then point out which part(s) he believes are not true or break any conduct rule gives me even more confidence that the post was unfairly deleted....but I have a screen dump of it so it doesn't matter

Wayne's refusal to show how my post was not accurate or breaks any conduct rule (which I accept is 100% his choice) is also a denial of natural justice in that in this country we are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

I have stated in my earlier post what action I will take as a consequence of Wayne's refusal to account for his deleting of my post.


bullmarket said:
I disagree with you and I have screen dumps from other threads where I have been clearly slandered and defamed and I have already passed them on with relevant details to appropriate people.

Perhaps you can link to the posts to which you are referring.
Joe,do you think Bullmarket is linked to the Gatto brand of reconciliation
sorry couldnt help myself.
Hi Joe

Joe Blow said:
Perhaps you can link to the posts to which you are referring.

You're now sticking your nose in something that doesn't concern you at all because I don't hold you personally responsible for any of the posts.


Joe Blow said:
Perhaps you can link to the posts to which you are referring.

Can't this stuff be put on a new thread and others continue with this one? It's a :swear: shame.
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