So the client gets to keep their profits from when the UMIS made them money (because they would have earned that money had they been in a RMIS), but they don't suffer the losses because it is a UMIS? They also then get to claim for a lost opportunity for not being in the market since November 2008? So they get the best of both worlds....ride the tails of the bull market, get to keep their profits, enjoy the types of holidays and the like that most only dream of, and then recover their losses because they were in a UMIS? And whats more, they can make a claim because the market went up and they weren't in it?
How do I invest in one of these UMIS? Money for jam if you ask me....high returns, no risk.
Are you not playing a guessing game with the previous quote above?
"they would not, therefore, be required to refund any earnings, as those earnings will be treated as the earnings they would have received had the Investment Scheme been registered and legal). "
Isn't that a guess? Perhaps a registered scheme would have lost money over the period, or certainly not made as much if gearing wasn't used. Lucky bastards....get the good part of the gearing strategy with the profits, and miss out on the bad stuff.
"with a further calculation to be made for lost opportunity as a result of being denied access to the markets since Nov, Dec 2008 to the present."
Isn't that a guess- so what opportunity did they miss- how would their money have been invested, would they have stayed invested? what if they did this? What if they did that? Pure guesswork. If they are compensated for the losses leading up to late 2008, they get a second bit because they weren't in the market after that? Nice work.
So how can they have it both ways? How can the clients benefit from the UMIS in the good times by getting to retain their profits, and yet they get to claim back everything they lost when the UMIS goes bad?
Again, where can I invest in one of these things?
Hi SJG 1974,
Now, that's certainly a lot of commentary and questions. I can understand your consternation. However, to deal with the latter half of your thread first. You do have to acknowledge that as a result of their unwitting participation in a scheme that ultimately resulted in the loss of their entire asset base, Storm victims were left unable to reparticipate in the market during its recovery (commencing April 2009). You do have to understand and accept that this constitutes a "loss of opportunity". There are means by which these losses are calculated that are acceptable to the Court. The figures determined will not be "guesses" - just trust me. Too long to explain.
In my view, YES I DO THINK IT IS FAIR, that this constitutes part of the assessment of damage. But, even more importantly, so does the Court.
With respect to your other burning gripe:"How can the clients of the UMIS benefit during the good times by getting to keep their profits, and yet they get to claim back everything they lost when the UMIS goes bad?"
The short answer is, because that is what the law allows for. To expand just a little. They, understandably, would be allowed to retain any profits they made - because those profits (dividends and distributions) were reinvested through the purchase of additional units within the UMIS umbrella. This is likely to be the same approach that would have been adopted by these investors within a RMIS.
With respect to the losses. These would be reflected through a drop in the unit price of the particular index (s) held within the portfolio. In the majority of situations within a RMIS, these would be paper losses, as it is unlikely clients in a RMIS would have had a margin loan account with an allowable LVR greater than 90%.
This begins to get quite technical now and I am not sure how much benefit any explanation I offer at this stage is going to soothe your angst. The Court will now begin to deal with these questions. The formulae for the calculations exist and will be applied.
Rest assured a fair outcome will be achieved. The compensation may be more than it appears you would be happy with. However, had you been in the UMIS - as you seem to think would have been a good thing - ask yourself what you consider would be fair compensation for you and your family. Having sunk everything you had worked for into what turns out to be an illegitimate scheme. I know, I know....You would never have done that. But that is not the question I put to you.
Finally - and I know you mean no harm; but this is not a trivial matter. A man has taken his own life, so overwhelmed was he by what has taken place. Many others, and I know them, have considered this path. This is a tragedy.
You would not wish to be a party to a UMIS. This or any other. You would not wish to be living the lives that many of these elderly Australians are currently living. This is NOT a great lark. There is nothing amusing about what has happened here.
Anything these people receive back in compensation for what has been done to them, will never be enough.