"Storm clients missed margin calls"
"ABOUT 1000 margin calls were never received by Macquarie Bank's Storm Financial clients when the market was crashing in October last year."
More by Stuart Washington in The Age here;
The argument will continue forever about whose responsibility it was to notify clients regarding margin calls.
It's clear that lenders notified Storm that some clients were in margin call, and it's also clear that Storm decided not to pass on that information to their clients.
Regardless of whether they failed their legal responsibilities, Storm certainly failed their moral obligations to their clients.
Common decency and concern for their clients - something that was clearly lacking at Storm - should have dictated that they do the right thing and let clients know they were in margin call.
Below are some extracts from the Storm website. The comments in bold are mine.
Our processes are transparent and we are accountable to all clients as we regularly monitor, measure and manage their portfolios.
OK - so wouldn't that include notifying clients if Storm knew they were in margin call?
At Storm Financial, our core desire is to support you in a genuine and lasting way in your quest for a fulfilling life.
OK - and wouldn't that 'support' include passing on the information to clients when a bank notified Storm that some clients were in margin call?
We take the confusion and complexity out of investing
OK - but wouldn't they only be increasing, not taking away, their clients confusion by failing to notify them of margin calls?
Storm Financial continue to be shown as incompetent, immoral and despicable.