That's right Specialed SICAG was started near Brisbane but those of us who have joined SICAG and live elsewhere can contact all of the Committee at any time by email or phone and they are amazingly patient people despite being in the same position as we all are. The Committee are to be congratulated for their work and SICAG members are able to support each other emotionally. We don't need the ASF for emotional support as we have all the support we need elsewhere.
I'm a bystander in all this and find the "Storm Model" incredibly dangerous. Banks are ar***oles. They will screw you at any opportunity. Never trust them, most are fools.
I just had a quick look at the SICAG website and at a glance it only blames the banks - it does not mention EC and JC at all. Please advise if I am missing something. Banks you have to expect to be ruthless and after your dough (I mean they are just money lenders after all) whereas your PERSONAL financial adviser is meant to LOOK after your money. Protect you from yourself and the vultures.
Good luck getting anything from them but personally I am not surprised by their behaviour. I think anyone who has had dealings with Banks (other than a home loan) knows what I'm talking about.