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Stephen Conroy is an idiot

Seems that the Treasury and the RBA like to keep their advice confidential. Seems that they are not normally bound to say anything whatsoever ... (though on this occasion they agreed to do so).

On the other hand (and lol - as they say , these economists have a lot of hands ), there's a bumper sticker attached below which could arguably apply I guess. (except that it never has under Libs either apparently).

Here's crikey's take on last week's grilling :-

Conroy points out not normal to discuss "what had occurred between Treasury/RBA and ministers" ... but Henry "wanted to clear it up"



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1. I guess Moxjo I was asking a serious question - why indeed aren't the Opposition being briefed!?
2. And speculating that it might be that the Govt don't trust them to act responsibly with the info. (just speculating - not judging).
3. Heck it must suit the Opposition anyway ... They don't have an official opinion on Carbon Trading / AGW / CC etc because they claim they aren't privvy to the scientific data that the govt allegedly are.
4. And now they don't have an official position on the Guarantee because they claim they aren't privvy to the economic data likewise.

PS Strange time to be fighting fellas, when you're supposed to be cooperating. / war cabinet etc.
:topic Reminds me a bit of the Vote of No Confidence in Winston Churchill's Direction for the War - mid 42 I believe - and the British Govt had to air its linen for all the world to hear - including the Nazis .,9171,932063-1,00.html
Reminds me a bit of the Vote of No Confidence in Winston Churchill's Direction for the War - mid 42 I believe - and the British Govt had to air its linen for all the world to hear - including the Nazis

:topic parallels here?,9171,932063-1,00.html

PS Speaking of recent international meetings, and upcoming travel plans for the PM - to G20 mtg in America - "[Churchill] is in America assembling the raw material for new perorations" etc :-
Imagine if Mel Watt and Peter Weir went to China for a meeting -
Leaders meet to discuss "Hu Watt Wen and Weir"
Turnbull might be scoring some points with multimillionaires and a few offshore financial institutions, but not with mums and dads who now have security over bank deposits.
He may also be scoring points with the grey army, some of whom had purchased income streams via some of these mortgage funds who are freezing their redemptions.

Article in The Age yesterday pointing the finger squarely at Ireland government for first guaranteeing deposits, causing a massive flight of capital from European banks to Irish institutions. The European leaders were forced to follow suit to stop the flow, and Australia had little choice but to follow suit.
He may also be scoring points with the grey army, some of whom had purchased income streams via some of these mortgage funds who are freezing their redemptions.
Yes, and as pointed out in other threads, why should government extend guarantees beyond bank deposits?
Mortgage fund income streams are dependent on maintaining deposits, not on withdrawing equity.
We can make the same argument for people investing in blue chip equities to have an income from dividends.
Brandis thinks Conroy doesn't get it.
Brandis and many others haven't got a clue.
There is a limit to what the government can guarantee.
Had the regulators been smarter the limits should have been set a long time ago at realistic and prudent levels.
As for retail deposits requiring a "fee", Turnbull has played a political card on this hand while claiming bipartisanship. Turnbull is being just a little too clever as his bluff has been called.
I would agree he is an idiot.

But, a dangerous idiot, taking the Labor Party down in to shambolic remembrances of the last days of the Whitlam Government.

His latest media bill is nothing more than a political move by his faction, and has nothing to do with good governance.

With his fettish for red underpants, he's an idiot with a difference.
His latest media bill is nothing more than a political move by his faction, and has nothing to do with good governance.
It is, as Kim Williams has said, specifically designed to pay back News Ltd for their criticism of the government.
It's not a sure thing that it will get through. Let's hope the Independents show a bit of backbone for once.
It is, as Kim Williams has said, specifically designed to pay back News Ltd for their criticism of the government.
It's not a sure thing that it will get through. Let's hope the Independents show a bit of backbone for once.

I heard Conroy being interviewed this evening by Richard Aedy of the ABC Media Report on Radio National.

It was an insipid, limp show largely due to Aedy's deferential questioning style.

Nonetheless it showed what a muppet Conroy is.

He was all over the place, and quite amusingly baffled by Aedy's "let off the hook" style.

The above is a link.

I have no idea how Richard Aedy manages to hold down a job as a journalist. He is passive and useless imo.
Conroy should be named Captain FW, sorry example of where politics are going. Sad just very sad.

He always is talking everything up, his acid tonque and agressive demenour doesn't seem to

Comes over as an aggressive loony who is out of his depth, to me he borders on feral lunatic fringe.
My personal opinion only

It would appear Rob Oakeshott has the same opinion.

Conroy's bill is history. What a muppet.

THE federal government will drop its proposed media law changes rather than force them to a doomed vote next week, key Independent MP Rob Oakeshott predicts.

Just watching Conroy on the ABC and he appears to be some sort of fool. The entire government appears to be inadequate.

Posted Oct 08' nothings changed except $billions have been wasted.
Just watching Conroy on the ABC and he appears to be some sort of fool. The entire government appears to be inadequate.

Posted Oct 08' nothings changed except $billions have been wasted.

I agree. Conroy appears to me like some sort of fool too. He reminds me a bit of that kid in the class at school that wanted everyone to like him but no one did because he was just pathetic.

Very much hope this bill doesn't get up.
I agree. Conroy appears to me like some sort of fool too. He reminds me a bit of that kid in the class at school that wanted everyone to like him but no one did because he was just pathetic.

Very much hope this bill doesn't get up.

When the playwrights get going in 10 or 20 years time on this mob of disordered muppets, promoted beyond their competence, it will outplay Don's Party, for all the wrong reasons.

At least Whitlam believed.

Conroy et al are players.

It would not surprise me in the future to see Conroy in a skirt at Crown Casino throwing a ball.

When he made that joke about the red underpants it made me shudder. I don't want to ever think of Conroy and underpants together
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