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Social Engineering

That lady in the video said all the content is available online, and the school was happy to talk to her.

I am not sure what you expect, do you want teachers to have a meeting with parents about the topics covered in every class?

If she is right, what was online didn't cover the actualities of the class. I doubt if the online content specifically mentioned making vaginas or masturbating.

In any case you are missing the point. This is supposed to be about Safe Schools not sex education.

People can be bullied for all sorts of reasons not just gender alignment, so why concentrate on the ins and outs (pardon the expression) of just sexuality ?

How about the kids with an intellectual or physical disability, of other races, whose parents aren't as well off as the rest etc ? These sorts of things are much more likely to occur in a cohort than one or two gay, lesbian or transgender children if they are even aware of such things at that age.

The website identifies LGBT issues to be a particular focus due to the high rates of reported abuse, these are pretty high numbers.

  • 61 per cent of LGBTI young people report experiencing verbal homophobic abuse
  • 18 per cent report physical homophobic abuse
  • 69 per cent report other types of homophobia, including exclusion and rumours
  • 80 per cent of respondents experienced the reported abuse at school.

These sorts of things are much more likely to occur in a cohort than one or two gay, lesbian or transgender children if they are even aware of such things at that age.

Do you have any stats on that.
I have said this before, the unsafe school program, needs to be removed.
what is your main problem with it? and how does that problem stack up with the rampant child molestation that has been happening in your catholic schooling system at the hands of those sexually repressed.

Your churches practices have failed children and adult members alike.
Do you have any stats on that.

What % of school children are LGBTI ? What % are of different races ? What % with a disability ? How many are obese, too thin, too short , too tall etc. ?

Gender issues a a much smaller problem than other factors.

You can quote 60% of LGBTI being abused, but that is likely to be 60% of a very small number.

And even then, why go into specifics about their sexuality ?. Just tell other kids not to bully anyone for any reason. That covers all the bases.
There is some pretty sobering suicide statistics for members of the LGBT Community.

• The rate of suicide attempts is 4 times greater for LGB youth and 2 times greater for questioning youth than that of straight youth.

• Suicide attempts by LGB youth and questioning youth are 4 to 6 times more likely to result in injury, poisoning, or overdose that requires treatment from a doctor or nurse, compared to their straight peers.

• In a national study, 40% of transgender adults reported having made a suicide attempt. 92% of these individuals reported having attempted suicide before the age of 25.

• LGB youth who come from highly rejecting families are 8.4 times as likely to have attempted suicide as LGB peers who reported no or low levels of family rejection.

• Each episode of LGBT victimization, such as physical or verbal harassment or abuse, increases the likelihood of self-harming behavior by 2.5 times on average.

I think the bolded text confirms why its important to increase understanding in the community,
If you want to run your religion, VC, make the school private.

If you want to run your religion, VC, make the school private.

???? Why do my tax dollars have to prop up religious schools?

Religious schools should be 100% privately funded or preferably banned. Religion should be taught out side of the schooling system either at home or by appropriate religious "authority"....... But then I guess how would you indoctrinate young children
If you want to run your religion, VC, make the school private.

More deflection tink? Anything to avoid the truth that your organisation failed children, I can see through your smoke and mirrors show tink.
I would rather look at the people that built this country, not the ones that are trying to destroy it.

I thought you said you wanted the truth.

Christianity is a part of our culture.
No Christianity, no western culture.

I don't agree with your political correctness.

Since it is a taxpayer funded school, I hope they are celebrating all our public holidays.
It is a part of this nation.

This is my view.

I'm still trying to figure out who started exploiting human vulnerabilities in getting mass people onside condoning, even promoting once abhorent behaviours? You can't even talk about past taboos, without someone jumping in lecturing about the wrong of that history and throwing in all sorts of spurious and unrelated supporting argument.

Is otherwise intelligent individuals joining a chorus to sing the anthem of things like the "safe schools" LGBTxyz agenda a Baader- Meinhoff brain fart, obeying a synchronicity worm put their by someone in the past or just a herd mentality in play? Or is it just that people like me who refuse to be part of a herd mentality are a rare breed, forever treading water in a sea of mediocrity.
Or is it just that people like me who refuse to be part of a herd mentality are a rare breed, forever treading water in a sea of mediocrity.

Yes, you are one in a million.

This Safe Schools thing is a perfect example of minority interest groups hijacking an agenda at the expense of the majority.

Other examples are family trusts, negative gearing, corporate tax cuts, superannuation tax discounts, power companies....

And here's me thinking there is the few who fight back against the drone, rote conscribed people: e.g.

Just tell other kids not to bully anyone for any reason. That covers all the bases.

Agreed in theory but bullying is pretty entrenched in society at all levels unfortunately and tends to be most concentrated among those making decisions since that's what bullies are naturally attracted to - controlling others.

I'd love to see it stamped out but it won't happen in my lifetime.
Agreed in theory but bullying is pretty entrenched in society at all levels unfortunately and tends to be most concentrated among those making decisions since that's what bullies are naturally attracted to - controlling others.

Definitely there are corporate psychopaths in many areas of life.

I wonder if they started off as schoolyard bullies that were never corrected. I wonder if they can be corrected at a young age or whether it's just part of their nature. We might need to ask a psychologist about that.
This Safe Schools thing is a perfect example of minority interest groups hijacking an agenda at the expense of the majority.

Not sure about this one. LGBT may be a minority group but recent polls supporting same sex marriage suggest a majority of population support this minority group and education about them.

This same sex marriage thing is a perfect example of minority interest groups hijacking an agenda at the expense of the majority.

Abuse 1 gentle boy in a school and you are already at 33.33% threshold. Do you remember me putting the actual "attempted" & achieved suicide numbers versus percentage on the old board and our resident arguer going silent on it after that.

Every kid gets bullied at school in one aspect or another. When they really went to town back in the pre sissy days it was grist for the mill to call any male victim a "fag" or "homo". These days some damaged teacher or guidance councillor on lunch duty with a hand counter, probably clicks maniacally adding each kid on the receiving end of a name callout as homos and then grooms them into readiness at the onset of puberty.
As per our Code of Conduct, it is unacceptable and may lead to dismissal if queers are abused. The party line is inclusion of all human beings regardless of race, religion, gender or sexual preference. 'Bullying' is an online course completed by all personnel outlining what is not acceptable in the company. This surely leads to a better world since one third of most peoples lives are in the workplace and a place where most interact.

While on the subject of workplace, they are devising their own system of things. Rules, regulations, prosecutions and verdicts are now 'the way we do business'. The accused legal representative may be a Union Rep. if the accused are in a Union.
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