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So What Asian welfare system do you propose?
Please put one forward, that offers more than a "Western System" and I'm sure lots will flock there.
I know our systems aren't brilliant, but please show us one of the Asian systems that is better or equal.
Also don't come up with the "money" crap, Australia gets 8 million tourists, How many do Thailand get? Also Thailand makes heaps of cars Nissan Navara RHD utes for a start, all Triumph motor bikes, a new Ducati plant has been built there.
Yet you go on and on about how we don't give enough, I hope you have renounced your other citizenship.LOL
Just joking, but don't pull on the heartstrings too much, you will kill us.lol
just want to point out this goes for years with changing start of the 80k limit zone, to make sure you get caught..the one I am talking is the freeway north of Brisbane from Northlakes onwards toward the sunshine coast, been going on for 3y or so, barriers are still there but nothing done...Yeah OK , woteva. WE are talking roads without any works happening except at night and that's on the shoulders with steel crash barriers. Tke last LNO premier saw it for what is was and wanted to introduce 100k during non works times (daytime) and 80k for actual work times.
We can all play the contrary game, but fact is they are ridiculous rules and great revenue raisers
just want to point out this goes for years with changing start of the 80k limit zone, to make sure you get caught..the one I am talking is the freeway north of Brisbane from Northlakes onwards toward the sunshine coast, been going on for 3y or so, barriers are still there but nothing done...
Out here in NSW country town they don't bother removing the "Roaworks" signs until weeks later.
Fortunately they don't have the manpower to police all the locations.
It's the same in Britain. They have permanent road work barriers as you enter each district along the motorways, each with a camera.... I'm guessing there is a revenue sharing scheme in place between county and crown
Americans are weak. Their universities are a joke.
If all it takes is a logo on a cap to make you tremble in fear.
Fordham University Republicans wearing MAGA hats are kicked out of campus coffee shop for violating 'safe space' in calculated stunt designed to 'test' to the store
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...cked-coffee-shop-MAGA-hats.html#ixzz50to6oMv1
Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians, says it’s “institutionalized child abuse."
Even as a layman, that came across as very simplistic. .
A Man Walks Into A Bar In The Nanny State Of Australia...
Having your ID recorded to get a beer is not normal.
14/08/2017 10:44 AM AEST | Updated 14/08/2017 10:50 AM AEST
- Trevor MarshallseaWriter for print or screen, and seasoned journalist on sport and other things. Used to be found at SMH and AAP.
"What's arisen through the lockout laws is this often oppressive atmosphere in pubs of suspicion, that we're all being watched like naughty children."
Sydneysiders -- you members of the biggest city in famously laid-back, can-do, bold and brassy Australia -- see if you agree with the following statement: If you want to go into a pub for a beer, it is entirely fair, reasonable and normal that someone should take a copy of your driver's licence, and a photo of your face, before allowing you in.
It's too ridiculous for words, isn't it? But it's happening. Right here, in free and easy Sydney, the storied home of that harbour, that big coathanger, the wondrous opera house, and massive feel-good parties like the 2000 Olympics, the annual New Year's fireworks, and a good time for all.
It happened on a recent Wednesday night, to this 50-year-old and his mate. We were inside a pub, a well known one in the Darling Harbour area. It's open 24 hours. That suggests that they're possibly not going to be all that fussy about their clientele at, say, 4.20am.
Having been there two hours and had all of four beers, my friend and I popped outside for a cigarette. You can't smoke inside, of course. That's fair enough. It harms other people. There's a cramped little sectioned-off smoking area on the footpath of this pub, but we didn't fancy it, so we went down the road (leaving our beers inside of course).
Still more gobsmacking was the reaction of the fourth member of our group. A man in his early 20s, he thought the situation was entirely normal and not, for example, "outrageous", or, say, "completely f***ing insane".
When we returned the bouncer asked: "Where have you guys been?" That didn't really stop me at first, but in hindsight it's become known as Outrage No.1. How was it any of his business where we'd been? We could have gone to make a phonecall, use an ATM, or to pop outside for a minute to mind our own business.
We told him we'd gone for a cigarette. He seemed unperturbed by this, but then asked us for ID. This was surprising, for we are old. But it became clear it wasn't for the purposes of age-checks, but to take our details, our names and addresses, if we wanted to achieve our goal - or, as it was starting to seem, our nefarious scheme -- of going inside for a pint.
A machine had been set up. It wasn't there before, but it was there now at 11.30pm. The bouncer scanned our licences. Then we had to look into a camera, as he took our mug shots. He returned our licences and announced his verdict: We could go in. We could enter this 24-hour pub (which is short for "Public House" by the way), and, thank our lucky stars, we would be allowed to consume alcohol.
It seemed something that was a bit silly, a pain in the arse. "The things you have to go through these days, eh! Tch!" If you get yourself worked up about yet another entry in the bulging file marked "Nanny State bull****", it can ruin your existence in today's over-policed, over-governed, over-reactive Australia.
But then the enormity of what had just happened sank in. This wasn't Nanny State. This was, with no doubt about it, Police State stuff.
I've just had seven years in China -- Communist China, no less. It's a place condemned for its lack of personal freedoms, its crushing use of force, its many layers of law enforcement watching over its citizenry. And you can guess what's coming next, but that makes it no less chilling:
What happened to us in Sydney, Australia, on Wednesday night does not happen in Communist China.
Think about that. In China, where there are no free elections, no free press, where the government call tell you where to live and, until recently, how many kids you can have, you don't go out for a drink and have your personal details and photo recorded. You don't step out from that bar and return a minute later and have some door goon demand to know what you've been up to.
There was a third member of our party, a non-smoker who doesn't drive. Had he popped outside he wouldn't have been allowed back into this 24-hour public house because he didn't, in the vernacular of 1930s Germany, have his identification documents on him. Presumably, as a non-driver, if he wants to go out for a beer he should carry his passport.
Still more gobsmacking was the reaction of the fourth member of our group. A man in his early 20s, he thought the situation was entirely normal and not, for example, "outrageous", or, say, "completely f***ing insane". Likewise the other 20-somethings calmly, smilingly, going through the same process (or processing) at the door behind us.
Even worse, our young friend thought the whole thing, this most insidious and intrusive drip-down from the state's lockout laws, was, in fact, a good idea. Though nearly speechless, we old blokes put to him there was a cart before a horse there, asking what happened to "If you do something wrong, then we'll ping you". His response showed what we're up against, and will continue to see to steeper degrees if we're not careful in today's utterly changed Australia.
These steps would weed out the bad apples, our young friend said, and if you've got nothing to hide, no potential atrocities to commit, you've got nothing to worry about. Yes it was a Nanny State, and the Nanny State was good.
Where have you gone, George Orwell?
Who knows onto what data base, and for how long our details and photos were recorded?
We all know why the lockout laws were imposed, as a guileless, ham-fisted attempt by the New South Wales government to reduce alcohol-related violence. Some stats say that, in certain areas, that has come down, but at what cost to civil liberty? Governments aren't going to eliminate the chance of people getting hurt, banning this, that and the other potentially dangerous thing like it's a game of Whack-a-Mole. Life is potentially dangerous.
Likewise, it's not the role of governments to keep telling us to be very, very careful, as they do through Australia's countless list of "public service announcements" coming out of our TVs and telling us how to live.
Nikki Stamp: Lockout Laws Are A Sober Response To Drunken Aussies Who Can't Handle Their Booze
What's arisen through the lockout laws is this often oppressive atmosphere in pubs of suspicion, that we're all being watched like naughty children. If you put a foot wrong, you'll be turfed out (literally the case for a friend who, going for his first beer at 6pm, stubbed his toe on a piece of dowel on the pub's floor and was refused service for being clearly out of control). And if you do find yourself shut off, usually by some 20-year-old pint-puller using all their worldly experience to judge everyone's tolerance levels, good luck getting past the henchmen guarding other pubs from that lurking threat to hotels everywhere -- people wanting to get inside and buy drinks. How the hell is inner-Sydney's pub industry surviving?
It's not just oppressive. It's embarrassing. While I was once proud of my city's standing in the eyes of the world, I recently had a young Japanese waitress tell me she couldn't wait to get out of "boring" Sydney and "go somewhere where you can get a bloody drink".
I could list many other manifestations of these depressing, overbearing, lockout laws and their attendant effects, like when a group of us were refused service in another seedy (journalists') hang-out, by a 20-year-old pint-puller who'd determined that several middle aged men standing in a corner talking sport posed a clear and present danger to the joint's other, gentrified, patrons. Or when I saw three 20-something men, mildly tipsy at worst, refused entry to a pub. They just stood there considering where else they could go. They weren't outraged. They weren't even annoyed. They just seemed to accept that this was the new normal.
Having your ID recorded if you want a drink is not normal. It is also not acceptable. Will someone please make all of this stop?
For if you tolerate this ...
Learn about Andrew Anglin and Der Stormer. Very potent and effective Alt Righter.
About Andrew Anglin
Andrew Anglin is the founder and editor of the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer website. Styled after popular image-heavy Internet forums like 4chan and 8chan, the Daily Stormer is dedicated to spreading anti-Semitism, neo-Nazism, and white nationalism, primarily through guttural hyperbole and epithet-laden stories about topics like alleged Jewish world control and black-on-white crime. As of April 2017, the site ranked 13,137th globally and 5,597th within the United States, according to Alexa.
In his own words
“Fear. Now is the time for it … We want these people to feel unwanted. We want them to feel that everything around them is against them. And we want them to be afraid.”
—“Female Hajis Fear to Wear the Headtowel in Public After Trump Win—You Should Yell at Them”
“The fact is, when you give women rights, they destroy absolutely everything around them, no matter what other variable is involved … Even if you become the ultimate alpha male, some stupid bitch will still ruin your life.”
—“Brad Pitt Losing Weight and His Mind After Whore Wife Ruins His Life”
“Jews, Blacks and lesbians will be leaving America if Trump gets elected—and he’s happy about it. This alone is enough reason to put your entire heart and soul into supporting this man.”
—“Get Em Outta Here: Glorious Leader Calls for Kike Lena Dunham to Leave America,” April 26, 2016
“The day is coming when we’re going to tear down the hoax [Holocaust] memorial in Berlin and replace it with a statue of Hitler 1,000 feet tall.”
—“SS Auschwitz Guard Dies Days Before Scheduled Lynching by Kikes,” April 8, 2016
“I ask myself this, in all things: WWHD? (What Would Hitler Do?). To be slightly more honest/specific, I ask myself what Hitler would do if he’d been born in 1984 in America and was dealing with this situation we are currently dealing with and also really liked 4chan and Anime. Hitler was, ultimately, the symbolic (and in some ways actual real life) culmination of traditional Europeanism.
—“Andrew Anglin Exposed,” March 14, 2016
“My problem with blacks is that I have come to understand that their biological nature is incompatible with White society, and that we will never have peace as long as they are among us, given that irrational outbursts of brutal violence are a part of their nature.”
—“Blacks Loved Slavery and Regretted its End,” Feb. 20, 2014
It's a lot to do with the older generation causing it. Glassings/fights became a regular thing in pubs late 90s to 2000, so we ended up with plastic cups and scans.
How to engineer an all out race war.
A bright spark managed to obtain the style guide to writers who wished to contibute to the Daily Stormer. This is the key net site for promoting hatred of the Jews and a return to the glories of the White Supremacy and the Third Reich.
Quite chilling clever. The key point .?
"The key, per Anglin, is to maintain the site’s veneer of “non-ironic Nazism masquerading as ironic Nazism.”
First examples from the article.
1. Always blame the Jews.
Anglin writes that the Daily Stormer is “designed to spread the message of nationalism and anti-Semitism to the masses.” To that end, he notes that authors’ “prime directive” is singular: “Always Blame the Jews for Everything.”
"As Hitler says, people will become confused and disheartened if they feel there are multiple enemies. As such, all enemies should be combined into one enemy, which is the Jews. This is pretty much objectively true anyway, but we want to leave out any and all nuance. So no blaming Enlightenment thought, pathological altruism, technology/urbanization, etc. just blame Jews for everything."
Anglin goes on to assert that Jews should be blamed “for the behavior of other nonwhites” as well as white women. “Women should be attacked, but there should always be mention that if it wasn't for the Jews, they would be acting normally.”
2. Go easy on the swear words, heavy on the racial slurs.
Contributors are discouraged from “an overuse of profanity” which “can come across as goofy.” But Anglin recommends liberal use of racial epithets, and even offers a helpful list of specific “allowed and advisable” slurs.
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