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Social Engineering

What are you talking about?

There's no "Asian" or "Western" systems of welfare. There's just a system that either take care of its poor and its elderly or tell them to go tell somebody who cares.

Why do you think Western societies in the modern era (defined as post WW2) became so rich and prosperous?

They don't get there by having the very rich at the very top pissing down on the poor, take money from the poor and shower it on the rich... then have its "leaders" tell the poor to go get a job.

Name any third world, impoverished country in the history of the world, up to now, that doesn't have a tiny few elite owning everything.

So if the US, or Australia, make policies where wealth is taken from the poor, leading to, say, the top 3 richest Americans having the same wealth as the bottom half; or the top 10% owning all the wealth with some 20% at the bottom having negative asset...

If a "Western System" that created that... why is it any more special than what's found in VN or China or the ME etc. etc? Freedom? Democracy?

It's not about being soft or weak and humane or whatever... even though it is humane. But looking at it from a purely economic point of view... national wealth are not generated by taking from the poor and giving it to the rich.

Give the poor money and they can buy and create demand, increased demand increase investments leading to jobs and increased income, increased tax revenue etc. etc.

That and it's not too bad to have your own people sheltered, fed, educated, less family-breakdown; less crimes and violence.

So listening to those Senators lecturing how the poor, the sick and the elderly being parasites; how children shouldn't have healthcare or their parents food stamp because the gov't is broke and have no money... all during a debate where they literally argues to sign into law a tax code that will hand over some $1.5Trillion [that's with a Tee] to the very rich...

That's not just immoral, it's economic suicide.

You want to see how the West decline into a Third World... that's an example of how.
just want to point out this goes for years with changing start of the 80k limit zone, to make sure you get caught..the one I am talking is the freeway north of Brisbane from Northlakes onwards toward the sunshine coast, been going on for 3y or so, barriers are still there but nothing done...

It's the same in Britain. They have permanent road work barriers as you enter each district along the motorways, each with a camera.... I'm guessing there is a revenue sharing scheme in place between county and crown
Out here in NSW country town they don't bother removing the "Roaworks" signs until weeks later.

Fortunately they don't have the manpower to police all the locations.
Out here in NSW country town they don't bother removing the "Roaworks" signs until weeks later.

Fortunately they don't have the manpower to police all the locations.

I also find country people (in general), drive pretty fast because the distances can be long and they "Know their roads", perhaps it makes sense to leave the signs up a bit longer to warn people of changes.
It's the same in Britain. They have permanent road work barriers as you enter each district along the motorways, each with a camera.... I'm guessing there is a revenue sharing scheme in place between county and crown

They also send police cars around school pick-up and drop off hours too. You know, to save the children.

Then while they're at it, might as well take a drive around the neighbourhood and fine people who park funny.

How has Trump MAGA, again?

At home, he's destroying the working poor [aka, the "Middle Class"] and other parasites.

Literally taking some $400B from senior citizens and children food and healthcare program, handing it over to people like himself.

Gutting regulations on banks, environment protection, consumer protection from banks and financial institutions... Those laws that he and his party can't yet remove they put in place managers who would not enforce it.

Abroad he threatens nuclear war with N.Korea. When is it cool to threaten wiping out an entire country? And if that were happen, what would the consequences to neighbours and the region be, even if the war/s don't turn nuclear?

In the Middle East, to help Bibi's domestic trouble... and to make the Avengelical Christians at home a bit happier knowing that Rapture is a few steps closer... he just publicly declare something you don't really need to say because it's already been done.

That put American soldiers and diplomats at greater risk. Heightened security alerts costs money.

But I guess it's all worth it because Bibi can say that the great Donald edged the Trump name into a great and historical city. Kinda like graffiti, just more brass and in 3D. That and Bibi gets to tell the"violent left" to stop protesting against laws designed to protect him from probes into his alleged corruptions.

Why focus on small stuff like whether or not the PM takes money from businessmen, or make law against one media proprietor if the favoured ones promised to play ball... why such petty stuff when we got Arabs to deal with.
Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians, says it’s “institutionalized child abuse."

Even as a layman, that came across as very simplistic. She seemed to suggest that the conversion is done because (in many or most cases) the doctors are intimidated by threats of suicide by the "confused" patient. From what I know, the patient undergoes a long period of observation and diagnosis and only when it is apparent that the only conclusion is that there is a mismatch between the psychology and the physiology and it is in the patients best interests to go with the psychology, that the conversion through surgery and hormones takes place. That is not to say that there are not some extremists that want to push gender conversion as a political tool and care little for the well being of the person, either short time or long time.

It is interesting the source of the video. The Daily Signal is an arm of The Heritage Foundation, a right wing conservative organisation in the US. If they are so interested in the health of US citizens, they would not be the pusher of anti Affordable Health Care (Obamacare) propaganda, which they regard as having no positive virtues. This is a list of such topics on their website (they have a whole section just attacking Obamacare).

Look at the other sections and it is obvious that it is just another GOP mouthpiece, not too unlike Fox News.
Even as a layman, that came across as very simplistic. .

That's how American communicate ...using simplistic lingo and props. She has to have some smarts to hold the position she does.
How to engineer an all out race war.

A bright spark managed to obtain the style guide to writers who wished to contibute to the Daily Stormer. This is the key net site for promoting hatred of the Jews and a return to the glories of the White Supremacy and the Third Reich.

Quite chilling clever. The key point .?
"The key, per Anglin, is to maintain the site’s veneer of “non-ironic Nazism masquerading as ironic Nazism.”

First examples from the article.
1. Always blame the Jews.

Anglin writes that the Daily Stormer is “designed to spread the message of nationalism and anti-Semitism to the masses.” To that end, he notes that authors’ “prime directive” is singular: “Always Blame the Jews for Everything.”

"As Hitler says, people will become confused and disheartened if they feel there are multiple enemies. As such, all enemies should be combined into one enemy, which is the Jews. This is pretty much objectively true anyway, but we want to leave out any and all nuance. So no blaming Enlightenment thought, pathological altruism, technology/urbanization, etc. just blame Jews for everything."

Anglin goes on to assert that Jews should be blamed “for the behavior of other nonwhites” as well as white women. “Women should be attacked, but there should always be mention that if it wasn't for the Jews, they would be acting normally.”

2. Go easy on the swear words, heavy on the racial slurs.

Contributors are discouraged from “an overuse of profanity” which “can come across as goofy.” But Anglin recommends liberal use of racial epithets, and even offers a helpful list of specific “allowed and advisable” slurs.
The nutshell of the daily Stormers style guide.
Daily Stormer style guide
Let’s see that one more time.

This is obviously a ploy and I actually do want to gas kikes. But that’s neither here nor there.

Remember this the next time you find yourself wondering if perhaps they don’t mean it quite like that. Because they always, always do.

Have you ever wondered why the Alt Right uses outrageous, bad humour to say really ugly things ? Yeah. It's just a clever ploy to make a sick joke of hate and violence.

Remember this style guide the next time an alt-righter says something so hammily outrageous that you begin to doubt its sincerity. This is by design. The Daily Stormer and other groups like it want you to be unsure if you should take them seriously. Andrew Anglin wants you to think he’s just a troll, that he’s spouting incendiary crap for no other reason than to get a rise out of you. Remember that the irony and the coy misdirection are all in service of tricking people into following him on his path toward a white supremacist state. This is what he believes.
Learn about Andrew Anglin and Der Stormer. Very potent and effective Alt Righter.

About Andrew Anglin
Andrew Anglin is the founder and editor of the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer website. Styled after popular image-heavy Internet forums like 4chan and 8chan, the Daily Stormer is dedicated to spreading anti-Semitism, neo-Nazism, and white nationalism, primarily through guttural hyperbole and epithet-laden stories about topics like alleged Jewish world control and black-on-white crime. As of April 2017, the site ranked 13,137th globally and 5,597th within the United States, according to Alexa.

In his own words
“Fear. Now is the time for it … We want these people to feel unwanted. We want them to feel that everything around them is against them. And we want them to be afraid.”
—“Female Hajis Fear to Wear the Headtowel in Public After Trump Win—You Should Yell at Them”

“The fact is, when you give women rights, they destroy absolutely everything around them, no matter what other variable is involved … Even if you become the ultimate alpha male, some stupid bitch will still ruin your life.”
—“Brad Pitt Losing Weight and His Mind After Whore Wife Ruins His Life”

“Jews, Blacks and lesbians will be leaving America if Trump gets elected—and he’s happy about it. This alone is enough reason to put your entire heart and soul into supporting this man.”
—“Get Em Outta Here: Glorious Leader Calls for Kike Lena Dunham to Leave America,” April 26, 2016

The day is coming when we’re going to tear down the hoax [Holocaust] memorial in Berlin and replace it with a statue of Hitler 1,000 feet tall.”
—“SS Auschwitz Guard Dies Days Before Scheduled Lynching by Kikes,” April 8, 2016

“I ask myself this, in all things: WWHD? (What Would Hitler Do?). To be slightly more honest/specific, I ask myself what Hitler would do if he’d been born in 1984 in America and was dealing with this situation we are currently dealing with and also really liked 4chan and Anime. Hitler was, ultimately, the symbolic (and in some ways actual real life) culmination of traditional Europeanism.
—“Andrew Anglin Exposed,” March 14, 2016

“My problem with blacks is that I have come to understand that their biological nature is incompatible with White society, and that we will never have peace as long as they are among us, given that irrational outbursts of brutal violence are a part of their nature.”
—“Blacks Loved Slavery and Regretted its End,” Feb. 20, 2014

Pussy Oz:


They are just nonsensical quotes from Yang in retaliation for Yin having too loud a voice in recent times.

Interesting concept. I might have a looksee
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