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Social Engineering

Here's another organisation to watch.

My bet is that taxpayer dollars support this programming too.
Brandis had been putting our tax dollars to good use fighting hate groups like the Juice Media because... It's "not genuine satire"?

I guess he has a point though. Watching gov't policies speeches versus actual policies is genuine satire.

Just putting this here in anticipation:

Telstra boss telling the crowd data collection and analysis will become more so.
Yesterday I tried to view a website for gifts and I could not get past a questionaire on my likes and dislikes. After that block I wanted to tell them that I look for what I want, not you (or algorithm) offering me what you think I want. This in your face, in your life stuff has no future if online shoppers and mobile device users reject it. Reject the monitoring, don't answer questions, switch off your device location.

Here's one for our apologists and engineers ..... a conundrum for them

Here's another one, where children are given no boundaries, or penalties.
Where you can do what you like, because it is everyone else's fault, where there is no fault laid on the perpetrators.
Can't wait to see how the do gooders, will reign in this sort of behaviour, nothing will happen until it starts happening in Canberra.
But it won't happen there, because it is a Company town, and the family would be made to leave.IMO

I know I'm being hard and the kids, they didn't mean it, jeez I'm sorry for saying anything.
My Bad.

By looks of it they would also be shielded from discipline because of ethnicity?
I can certainly see why "Milo the Man" could be a poster boy for some posters on ASF. Just manages to skewer anything and everybody left of Genghis Khan with such a deft fun loving stiletto you'd be in stitches forever. (Just don't worry about any pesky facts. They only spoil the story.)

Very droll indeed.
While we are on the topic of how the world turns these days perhaps this view is worth considering.
Here's a classic example of "them" people frustrated at not ever being able to pass themselves off as "us"

Seriously though, did these kids never get any parental guidance about the world not being fairy floss, unicorns and what farcebook memes would have you believe.?

So many people so jealous of the apex male they have to attack it:

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