Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Social Engineering

Here's another organisation to watch.

My bet is that taxpayer dollars support this programming too.
Brandis had been putting our tax dollars to good use fighting hate groups like the Juice Media because... It's "not genuine satire"?

I guess he has a point though. Watching gov't policies speeches versus actual policies is genuine satire.

Just putting this here in anticipation:

FAIRYTALES could be at risk in public schools from moves to degrade the much-loved stories for gender bias.

Preschool books and toys could also be audited to determine whether they promote gender stereotypes, under a Victorian government plan to address family violence.

A teaching aid in the Respectful Relationship program wants pupils to analyse men and women in classics like Cinderella, Snow White and Rapunzel and compare them to modern stories challenging gender norms.

It argues that the traditional fairytales often serve to reinforce gender norms and to cause “a sense of entitlement in boys and lower self-esteem in girls”.

Children will be encouraged to act as “fairytale detectives”, to “describe and compare the roles commonly given to male and female characters” and to “identify gendered messages fairytales give readers”.

They would then be encouraged to consider what would happen if the characters in fairytales swapped roles — for example, if the girl were armed with the sword while the boy waited for her to rescue him.

The program suggests children would notice that in fairytales “men are supposed to be strong and brave and women are supposed to be beautiful and need rescuing by men”.

The program says: “If a man or woman does not fit this description, they are usually made out to be the ‘baddies’ or the villain — like a witch or an evil prince.”


Teachers are encouraged to explain that sex refers to different bodies people are born with, and gender “helps us to talk about the ideas we have about the pressure on men and women and girls and boys to behave in certain ways.”

The aid said: “Analyses of popular books have found that central characters are more likely to be male, female characters are more often in nurturing roles, and occupations are gender-stereotyped”.

It also includes a “Mind the Baby Relay” that sees grade 1 and 2 children in pairs — either as two boys, two girls or one of each, to represent modern families — carrying dolls across a room.

A Melbourne teacher said the pupils were too young to understand the message.

“I would rather be teaching them how to read, write and count. We really don’t need to crowd out the curriculum with this social engineering.”

The controversial Respectful Relationships program, which claims children as young as four can exhibit sexist behaviour, was recommended by the family violence royal commission.

But critics say that it introduces children to gender theory and notions of gender-based violence too early.

Australian Catholic University senior research fellow Dr Kevin Donnelly said the program would unsettle parents.

“It’s a concerted campaign across kindergarten to year 12 to indoctrinate children with a gender and sexuality program that is biased and ideological. My concern as an educator is, there is no real balance in the program. It is pushing a cultural Left argument,” he said.

Premier Daniel Andrews denied there was a move to ban fairytales in Victorian classrooms.

“We are very much in favour of kids reading stories and then sitting down and talking about them,” Mr Andrews said.

“It is called learning.

“Learning is about reading books and talking about them, it is a proper thing to do, it is not new.”

But he said poor attitudes to women were formed in early years and needed to be challenged at a young age.

“I think there are lots of attitudes formed in many different ways over a long period of time,” Mr Andrews said.

“Those attitudes are, in aggregate, are leading to some really bad outcomes for women.

“We have to challenge that and do everything we possibly can. But the notion the government is banning fairytales is just a fairytale itself.”


Opposition Leader Matthew Guy likened Mr Andrews to Pinocchio in hosing down Labor scandals, but “it doesn’t mean he should ban fairytales”.

A training kit, included in a tender to teach Respectful Relationships to 4000 early childhood educators, encourages them to consider bias in statements like “good morning, princess”, “boys don’t cry” and “girls can’t play with trucks”.

As part of training, educators would develop a plan which the kit says could include an audit of whether their books and toys challenge or support gender stereotypes.

Families and Children Minister Jenny Mikakos said the program gave teachers the “tools to treat children equally, regardless of gender, background or circumstance”.

“Fairytales like Cinderella can always be read in class.”

But Opposition education spokesman Nick Wakeling said politics shouldn’t be at play in classrooms.

Wantirna South mother of six Frith Mohring said the fairytales she reads her children are not sexist.

“My girls have always been interested in dolls and having tea parties,” she said.

“They climb trees, too, but they love their dolls. The boys have always just been more interested in trains.”

Telstra boss telling the crowd data collection and analysis will become more so.
Yesterday I tried to view a website for gifts and I could not get past a questionaire on my likes and dislikes. After that block I wanted to tell them that I look for what I want, not you (or algorithm) offering me what you think I want. This in your face, in your life stuff has no future if online shoppers and mobile device users reject it. Reject the monitoring, don't answer questions, switch off your device location.

Here's one for our apologists and engineers ..... a conundrum for them

Fear not, conservatives, tell it like it is

‘Ready to offend Australia’ ... Milo Yiannopoulos checks out Sydney Harbour yesterday. Photo: Nathan Richter
Conspiracy theories are taking hold of Western civilisation. Angry, middle-aged feminists — beloved by journalists, hated by the rest of us for their hectoring tone and perhaps for the stench of cat urine and disappointment that follows them everywhere — have persuaded our credulous, virtue-signalling elites of a number of things that are simply not true.

There is no “rape culture” on college campuses. That doesn’t mean rape doesn’t happen or that it isn’t awful. But rape rates have been falling all over the West for decades.

There is no “gender pay gap”. In almost no organisations are women paid less than men for the same work. When stories do come out about pay gaps, they are almost exclusively in left-wing organisations, such as Gawker, the BBC and Hillary Clinton’s election team. Even a — female — Harvard economist couldn’t prove the existence of a wage gap when she tried last year.

Instead of celebrating our society becoming more enlightened and men learning to respect women and women having equal access to education and pay, the bitter, man-hating lesbians of gender studies departments concoct scare stories to terrify young girls.

We’ve got to a point where citing studies and questioning facts is enough to get you blacklisted from media, academe and the entertainment industry. I live in America, where the touchiest subject has always been race. Liberals have been calling conservatives racist for decades to shut down debate, but recently they have stepped up their assaults.

They don’t call us racist any more. They call us “white supremacists” or “neo-Nazis”. Hilariously, they even do it to me, despite the fact I have a black husband and have never uttered a racist sentence in my life.

If you bring any of this up, you’ll be called a misogynist, a sexist, a racist and perhaps something worse. Calling people names has become a substitute for argument for the bossy left-wingers who tell us lies while lecturing us about how we should live. Instead of persuading us (which they can’t on the facts), they bully, manipulate and intimidate us into pretending we agree with them. Then they shriek in horror when we turn around and vote for Brexit or Donald Trump, just to spite them.

You’ve probably encountered something similar in your own life. Being told something you know isn’t true. Perhaps you’ve had to sit through “consent classes” at university, or mandatory “equality and diversity training” at your job. These compulsory finger-wagging sessions sound innocuous, but they are not. They’re designed to scare you into agreeing with far-left political positions.

This month, a Cato Institute study revealed that 75 per cent of conservatives were afraid to express their opinions in public. You don’t need to be afraid. These people have only the power you give them.

The tide is turning, and the era of social justice is coming to an end. All we defenders of common sense have to do is press home our advantage. Conservatism and libertarianism need an injection of good humour and mischief. So grow a spine, and grow a sense of humour. Australia, of all places, is not lacking in either courage or comedy.


Milo Yiannopoulos speaks to journalists yesterday. Photo: Getty Images
The reason I describe all feminists as bitter single lesbians and left-wing journalists as soy-fed beta male cuckolds isn’t just because it’s true — it’s because they have been hurling out insults for three decades at the rest of us. Frankly, they can handle a taste of their own medicine.

You don’t have to be as sassy or insolent as I am. It’s probably not a great idea to call your vice-president of human resources a fat, miserable social justice loser who just wants to make everyone else as miserable as she is.

But you can laugh. Laugh heartily. No one can resist the truth wrapped in a good joke, and ridicule is your most powerful weapon against the nannies and scolds of the left. And let’s face it, the left is hilarious, from the mannish bores on TV squealing about perceived offences to the feral, unemployed protesters who assemble at the drop of a hat to howl and moan and generally make asses out of themselves.

Don’t be scared when pea-brained politicians from the Greens call your favourite journalist a “pedophile apologist” or “white supremacist” when you know it isn’t true. They’re just trying to make you afraid. Like all bullies, they are cowards. If you stand up to them, they will fold quickly.

Laugh, and keep laughing, and between your uncontrollable fits of giggles at the comical excesses and hypocrisies of the progressive left, keep spitting facts, data and logic. If you can be a happy warrior instead of the usual fulminating Fox News host, if you can be charming, likeable, attractive, funny and modest — like me — you will win.

Milo Yiannopoulos is an award-winning journalist and a New York Times bestselling author.
Here's another one, where children are given no boundaries, or penalties.
Where you can do what you like, because it is everyone else's fault, where there is no fault laid on the perpetrators.
Can't wait to see how the do gooders, will reign in this sort of behaviour, nothing will happen until it starts happening in Canberra.
But it won't happen there, because it is a Company town, and the family would be made to leave.IMO

I know I'm being hard and the kids, they didn't mean it, jeez I'm sorry for saying anything.
My Bad.
Here's another one, where children are given no boundaries, or penalties.
Where you can do what you like, because it is everyone else's fault, where there is no fault laid on the perpetrators.
Can't wait to see how the do gooders, will reign in this sort of behaviour, nothing will happen until it starts happening in Canberra.
But it won't happen there, because it is a Company town, and the family would be made to leave.IMO

I know I'm being hard and the kids, they didn't mean it, jeez I'm sorry for saying anything.
My Bad.

By looks of it they would also be shielded from discipline because of ethnicity?
I can certainly see why "Milo the Man" could be a poster boy for some posters on ASF. Just manages to skewer anything and everybody left of Genghis Khan with such a deft fun loving stiletto you'd be in stitches forever. (Just don't worry about any pesky facts. They only spoil the story.)

Very droll indeed.
While we are on the topic of how the world turns these days perhaps this view is worth considering.
Here's a classic example of "them" people frustrated at not ever being able to pass themselves off as "us" :D:D

Seriously though, did these kids never get any parental guidance about the world not being fairy floss, unicorns and what farcebook memes would have you believe.?
