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Slippery Pete

What's going on with the passenger's signature ?

There's a few variations amongst that lot.

Those cabcharge documents may raise more questions than answers.

I've been relctant to comment too much on this too because my gut reaction to both Slipper and Thompson is at this point is "Eeewww, I don't want to hear of or see either of them again, they make my skin crawl", which is not very objective
Further, is it considered quite fine for him to be swanning around inner Sydney throughout the small hours, criss-crossing suburbs? I suppose it is. Pretty hard to understand what sort of official business he was on at 4am.

King's Cross and Oxford Street were his favourite haunts I believe. Nothing to do with the interests of his constituents.
I was privileged to dine last night at the hotel, with two of North Queensland and the Northern Territory's premier forensic readers and interpreters of signatures, dockets, IOU's and rain-sodden wills.

These two gentlemen have still not served time in either jurisdiction and are now well respected members of the financial advice industry.

We downloaded Slippery's cabcharge manual vouchers which he kindly tweeted to one of us. Thanks Slippery.

It would appear to all three of us, I myself am an expert on handwriting having served many years in Stylus School, that Slippery has been severely let down by his handwriting.

I accept that it is his signature, and would fight anyone who says otherwise, however, it appears to be not, on forensic examination.

The consensus amongst us at the stage at which we were imbibing Baileys and none too steady on our flippers, was, that the signatures appeared sufficiently different to require further forensic analysis.

Then again we were pissed.

Which we are sure our beloved Speaker was not, when he signed the dockets.

We will further pass the dockets past the keen eye of one of our region's premier forgers, who is due to be released from The Creek today, at the hotel's famous "Sunday Roast" to ascertain his view on Slippery's dockets.


I recommend the Chteau Latour Pauillac 1990 to compliment the lamb.
Senator Milne said it was right that Mr Slipper had stood aside at the weekend, but stressed that he was entitled to the presumption of innocence.

The sexual harassment allegations against Slipper were in a legal document lodged in The Fair Work division of the federal Court last Friday.

One of the nastiest provisions of the Fair Work Act ensures that the employers are deemed guilty unless they can prove they are not guilty of the alleged wrongdoing. The employers of Ashby are Slipper and the Commonwealth.

Employers usually agree to a settlement payoff to avoid an embarassing court action. Slipper will probably be forced to contest the matter in court to avoid accusation of public funds being used for a payoff.

Slipper will have to pay his own court costs and these will be substantial.

(See article by Hedley Thomas in The Australian today, "Act's reverse onus a boon for victims")
Poor Peter.

The answers just don't stack up.

A small limmo company that calls itself a cab company.
The driver has not used the manual card system in between Peter slopper using it weeks apart.

The dockets that Slipper has submitted may well be dodgy. No doubt this will put him in even hotter water than he already is if that is the case.

One of the many ways that the system could be rorted - say a limo fare is $50 then the voucher issuer could say - I will write you, the limo driver, out a voucher for $100 if you give me $25 cash.
Good idea but they would never stoop that low..... wait they have sleeping in the car to claim hotel accom..Maybe don't vote form them is a good idea.
The plot seems to thicken with Slipper exposing his cab dockets. It would appear he is less smarter than he looks.
The only ones he seems to have convinced that he is in the clear is Albanese, Gillard, Roxon and Emmerson.
The thing I cannot understand is why he did it? Surely it was not for finacial gain considering his level of salary.
Noco Iif guilty its one of the 7 deadly sin called... greed ,just like the fed Judge refused to pay his parking ticket only this time Slipper is needed for his vote so he has some power in high place's
Noco Iif guilty its one of the 7 deadly sin called... greed ,just like the fed Judge refused to pay his parking ticket only this time Slipper is needed for his vote so he has some power in high place's


I guess the third one is the only one the Lord can't pin on him.
Anything less than squeaky clean and Peter Slipper was a fool to draw even more public attention to those cabcharges.

He should have realised that "anything you say may be used as evidence against you" not only applies in a court of law, it also applies in the court of public opinion.

Otherwise, the court of public opinion does not operate in the same way as a court of law, and that's something Julia Gillard should have realised.
...Otherwise, the court of public opinion does not operate in the same way as a court of law, and that's something Julia Gillard should have realised.

I don't think Gillard has ever realised this at all. One gets the feeling she thinks she is above democracy and SHE will decide what is best for the voters in this country.
I don't think Gillard has ever realised this at all. One gets the feeling she thinks she is above democracy and SHE will decide what is best for the voters in this country.
That's very much the impression I get.
I don't think Gillard has ever realised this at all. One gets the feeling she thinks she is above democracy and SHE will decide what is best for the voters in this country.

Yep that's Gillard alright, well she's destroyed the ALP for a generation at least
with that attitude and seriously impaired any chance of another woman being given the chance at the job in future.

Bull in a china shop all round I'd say.
This sorry saga gets more fanciful by the minute.

Peter Slipper's cabcharges may have originated from the department of finance, but they were made public by Peter Slipper.

The explanation for the actual cost of the fares is beyond belief.
One of the nastiest provisions of the Fair Work Act ensures that the employers are deemed guilty unless they can prove they are not guilty of the alleged wrongdoing. The employers of Ashby are Slipper and the Commonwealth.
Section 361 I believe
Gillards own legislation that she wrote and she chooses to ignore it. So it's ok for employers to cop it so long as they are not Labor members
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