Now… I will make some general comment….
While all you older generation complain about the younger generation, think about this...
we are now living in an era where house prices are at record highs, students finish unis with record HECS loans, students have to go to uni cause the older generation (who occupy all the managerial positions) demand this of new recruits, the older generation (politicians and employers) have also drastically cut trade places, apprentiships, etc and devalued the function/prestige of the tradesperson. The older generations have also more and more moved away from teaching religion/social structures at home and at school, you have the present govt promoting a highly individualistic agenda, where is each to their own... its hardly surprising that most of the young people are atheist, and have no sense of community... and hence don't really care about most things other than numero uno and their immediate family/friendship circle...
young people, in the end, are a reflection on their parents and the society they grow up in.... and if they are no good, its probably more a sign of weak parenting and misguided social policy of govt's, legal system, television producers, etc... who all happen to be people from the older generation!!!
ok.. that was my general comment on the topic...
personally, i work to earn money to invest, i trade shares to earn more money, so that i can pay off this massive mortgage that I have on my property as soon as possible...
I can tell you this, my job is OK... but hell, i'd rather be doing other stuff. I have a university degree, but that’s only cause that’s what companies and managers (incidentally all of the older generation) seem to value... but I definitely didn't learn much from that degree, i've learnt more on the job. I would have been much better off working straight after school and getting straight into the property market then doing a 4 year uni course, then getting a paid job, than trying to get a house, when the house prices had trippled thanks to cashed up older generation investors!
i know all this now... but hey, when i was going to school and looking for advice on what to do... i didn't hear a single older person tell me anything contrary to this...