Bill on this forum any claims are normally asked to be backed up with statements or real proof. Do not claim that you send "thousands of my own money" unless you are willing to show it. Can you?I am a non profit, already spending thousands of my own money from my own pocket to tell warn people here on the west coast....... I as a person am a non profit..... I could have owned a home, but I rather chose to do ministry.
bit of fire and brimstone eh?
your god sounds evil m8 ......... i might go with another one
I'm confused now.every work of God needs some backing. the more funds I get, the more I can put it to warning people and saving lives.
every work of God needs some backing. the more funds I get, the more I can put it to warning people and saving lives.
We are but stewards of what is God's property. He will one day ask us to give an account for the money and time we spent. If we spend it all on oursleves and never give to good causes, we will not escape his judgement of that.
I think we can extrapolate from this that God is not a good guy.Why do you believe that god ahas told u personally. If hes such a good guy dont u think he would warn us all to make sure we are not on the west coast of the USA Sept 2010?.
bit of fire and brimstone eh?
your god sounds evil m8 ......... i might go with another one
No, I asked for the 6, the 10 and the 7, but God threw in the Ace because my math was off. the full story and understanding behind it is linked in my sig., but to understand you would have to do some reading. Not sure if you have time for it, but if you do, you will find my experience facinating and beyond "odds", if there's an inkling of reason in ya mate.
Yeah but you said in that you agreed with God that the 10 was a zero - so when the ace came out that would be 601 wouldn't it? How can a 10 and an Ace both be a 1? I still reckon it could be Aug 24th.
uh ?? i thought the ace was classed as 11 or 1 ? the kings and other royals are 10 ..... God got a dodgy deck of cards ?
I'd still be opening short positions on the 23rd Aug myself just in case.
Hey weatherbill - nun might be onto something here.
You agreed with God that the ten was a zero right ('cos you were expect to get 6-10-7 which was 607) - but instead you got 6-10-A - well I reckon that should be 601 (ace being a 1) - but if you treat an ace as an 11 ... well yeah then maybe 60'11' - yeah thats 611 that way ... I could buy that argument - so yeah maybe its the 3rd of sept after all.
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