Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

September 2010 Mega Thrust Earthquake to hit US West Coast

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I’m deeply concerned for people who genuinely believe in a pre-destined event. They back themselves into a corner with no room to manouver. WeatherBill, you truly and utterly believe that this scenario will play out, and yet your reasoning stems from nothing more than signs and symbols that have allowed you to attribute significance, where perhaps significance should not be placed. God didn’t attribute the significance – you have found a place where you can stamp your own significance. You seek to place emphasis on these signs, and you are manifesting a destiny that does not need to occur; that is one of millions of infinite possibilities.
If you are building up a life that revolves around an event you say MUST happen, you are not giving yourself a chance to be wrong. But being wrong is the beauty of being human. Allow yourself to be fallible. Concede within yourself that the signs themselves are not significant, but rather you have chosen to give them the utmost significance. If you don’t give yourself this flexibility, you are seriously heading for an existential crisis. Mental health needs to be looked after. If you truly believe, give yourself some room, within yourself, to also not believe – God would allow you this. Within the All, there is room for All. All that can transpire, all that won’t transpire. All thoughts, beliefs visions:

Human frailty is da bomb my friend. Keep it by your side. Allow yourself that gift. In the end we are allhopping on board the train. No one is being saved or denied…It just is, as has always been:

This train
Carries saints and sinners
This train
Carries losers and winners
This Train
Carries *****s and gamblers
This Train
Carries lost souls
This Train
Dreams will not be thwarted
This Train
Faith will be rewarded
This Train
Hear the steel wheels singin'
This Train
Bells of freedom ringin'
This Train
Carries broken-hearted
This Train
Thieves and sweet souls departed
This Train
Carries fools and kings
This Train
All aboard
It's just someone trying to cash in on other peoples fear.

Why can't some of these people make some positive predictions for once, lol.

I really do resent that! You don't know the motives of people's hearts and for you to claim such a statement shows you are unacountable with your thoughts....your'e a loose cannon mate. Better tighten will come september 2010, that's earyl september 2010 and don't you forget it!
sO YOU BELIEVE IN the evolution hypothesis....better have an examination of your head mate and check out
every argument of the evolutionist's pseudo science is put well to rest!

Do you really believe we all came from Adam and Eve?When its scientifically proven that that we really just evolved from monkeys!

Do you really believe that some bloke called Moses built a bl00dy ark and put 2 of every animal that exsisted on it for 40 days.They all lived on that boat in harmony no animal ate one of the others.How the hell did they all get to this ark to start with?

I could go on and on about what was written in the bible over 2000yrs ago that just isnt true.

Do u really believe what was written in a book 2000 years ago Bill?

Ok some people believe in god and jesus etc.Fair enough if u need to believe in something like that just to feel better thats fine.

But coming on here and trying too tell everyone this god fella spoke to u threw a pack of cards!!!!Come on mate please.

Well sorry to break the news to u mate but u are crazy!!!!!Just think about it for a minute.I have no doubt u have completely lost the plot.

I really want to know the story behind noahs ark.How could Noahs ark possibly be true.That story alone convinced me the bible is not true. Ive asked a few god believers this before and none of them not one could explain anyhting about it because it didnt really happen and sorry to say but either did your bl00dy card trick.

Weatherbill get over it and do something productive with your life were not here long.Then again people like u make me realise Im not as Foc...ked up in the head as some.
I really do resent that! You don't know the motives of people's hearts and for you to claim such a statement shows you are unacountable with your thoughts....your'e a loose cannon mate. Better tighten will come september 2010, that's earyl september 2010 and don't you forget it!

Why do you have a paypal donation button on your blog then if you don't want money from the traffic you are trying to create??

You actions don't reflect your drivel. just like most god bothers.
lol this thread is an insult to the collective wisdom of ASF members.

On the bright side though, most of us are in Australia and I don't give anyone of us would give a crap about what would happen to US West Coast.

I hope you didn't spend too much time on this movie,

We are looking forward to seeing you back in Sep/Oct 2010 and give you our "faces". :)

oh my firend, you will give a crap because when this happens when I said it will happen, you will **** your freeking pants off because it will prove to you that ther eis a God and an eternal life to be had. Reality will smack you in the face mate and you willneed alot of toilet paper to clean up the mess......:D
sO YOU BELIEVE IN the evolution hypothesis....better have an examination of your head mate and check out
every argument of the evolutionist's pseudo science is put well to rest!

oh my firend, you will give a crap because when this happens when I said it will happen, you will **** your freeking pants off because it will prove to you that ther eis a God and an eternal life to be had. Reality will smack you in the face mate and you willneed alot of toilet paper to clean up the mess......:D
Oh good so then if it doesn't happen then there is no god. At last we will have a definitive answer :rolleyes:
Ladies and gents, there's been some pretty wild remarks and statements in this thread so far that have been; concerning, troublesome, abusive, insightful, and downright bamboozling. The better approach might be to attack the concept, not the individual. Let’s keep it all as friendly as humanly possible. Fancy me having to say this? Eeek. :cautious:
yeah sorry , but i was actually concerned

ok back to the tale of my cat picking the date the world will end
kids, get plenty of hugs when your young, otherwise you could
become fair weatherbill. dear oh dear

Back in the 70s when I was a young Duck.

There was a guy by the name of John Nash who made Australia wide news.
Adelaide was to be obliterated by a massive Tidal wave.
Actually met the guy.Reminded me of one of those straight laced red necks in Middle America.

He was so sincere--so convincing we were ALL going to DIE!.
He had seen it God had shown him---TOTAL devastation.

I asked how did God show you this catastrophy.

It came he said as a vision of the Adelaide Advertiser front page showing the city completely whiped out and few surviving.

Once I knew that I knew he was a nutter.
"The Advertiser" was in the heart of the city.
The same one which was to be completely devastated.

Fear can be very powerful as can blind faith!

I empathize with you mate, but that doesn't mean God doesn't reveal things to his faithful who seek him in fasting and prayer. And yes, false propheices can make a man synical, but I don't expect many to believe till after it happens, so I am just baring witness for right now, so when you all see this come to pass, then you can deal with Jesus and eternal life..... my ultimate goal is to see everyone who hears this message begin to believe and receive eternal life thru christ..... your eyes will be opened mate..... and I am patient for early September 2010 to coem along and prove it to you.
Ladies and gents, there's been some pretty wild remarks and statements in this thread so far that have been; concerning, troublesome, abusive, insightful, and downright bamboozling. The better approach might be to attack the concept, not the individual. Let’s keep it all as friendly as humanly possible. Fancy me having to say this? Eeek. :cautious:

thats a good word! I do believe folks here are just poking fun at me and having a good time. We all can laugh for now.
This thread has given me soemthing to look forward to in the mornings. Weatherbill are you gods way of making me happy?
Why do you have a paypal donation button on your blog then if you don't want money from the traffic you are trying to create??

You actions don't reflect your drivel. just like most god bothers.

every work of God needs some backing. the more funds I get, the more I can put it to warning people and saving lives.

Every church and ministry operates off of donations..... thi sis no different. I am a non profit, already spending thousands of my own money from my own pocket to tell warn people here on the west coast....... I as a person am a non profit..... I could have owned a home, but I rather chose to do ministry. I could have a nicer car, but I chose to spend it on the things eternal. I don't live for the riches of this world because I have a far better place to go. jesus also said not to labor for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures into eternal life...... you may not know what that means because you may not be able to comprehend what it means to live on an eternal scale and not a temporal scale.
We are but stewards of what is God's property. He will one day ask us to give an account for the money and time we spent. If we spend it all on oursleves and never give to good causes, we will not escape his judgement of that.
. He will one day ask us to give an account for the money and time we spent. If we spend it all on oursleves and never give to good causes, we will not escape his judgement of that.

bit of fire and brimstone eh?

your god sounds evil m8 ......... i might go with another one
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