If anyone's been following the ForexFactory thread, you might have noticed the LinuxTroll thread has been closed. LinuxTroll himself has said that he's going to just focus on his own forum - Scalpers Helping Scalpers.
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hey trade_it: did EFX mention if there were any fees to change the account denomination from USD to AUD? Did they say it would be converted at the prevailing market rate - or by their banks rate?
I'm thinking of getting the ball rolling now and opening USD then changing to AUD when it's offered.
5 more & we're done.
Hey Tayser,
I have been getting stuck into Phil Nell's four hour system of late not much scalping going on ATM.
I did not ask about any fee that would be incurred to change over, best to hit them up on live chat. I am actually thinking about using Oanda to scalp EUR/JPY as they offer a 2 pip spread. EFX is always 1-2 and the brokerage is 7$ per bloody side kinda makes it more expensive! even at 1 pip plus brokerage makes it 24$ per trade.
I am opening a live account with Oanda, will take it from there. they offer some kick ass spreads .9 on the eur/usd and 1.8 on aud/usd. Not suyre how much it fluctuates though. Have u seen it increase around London open?
you look to be doing well, good on ya!
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