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Saturday's popcorn discussion - Heath and the Oscar hype

He was found with enough "prescription" drugs to put 10 people to sleep for a few days and they are all at it in Hollywood. So he was at it.
m8 - I took "nodoze" to get through some of MY exams -
he's entitled to twice that for the sort of challenges he took on (imo)
m8 - I took "nodoze" to get through some of MY exams -
he's entitled to twice that for the sort of challenges he took on (imo)
Oh please! What an asinine statement.

I could walk into any pub in Cheltenham and find 10 people with more challenges in their lives than Heath, without even trying. If I asked a few probing questions I could find some real sob stories.

Sure, some resort to an excess chemicals to escape, but most don't, bar the odd pint at the pub or a cerapax at night... and only because of the images burnt into their memory.

Give me a break!!!
it was a quicjk comment made whilst watching the rugby wayne

but give you a break ?
sure for as long as you like lol
The poor bugger should get an Oscar. All the fame made him a drug addict who doctor shopped for some release. At least his talent would be recognised.


It also made him wealthy enough and popular to open doors to the world's best help yet he refused it. He could hired personal minders to force himself to stay away from drugs. He could have walked away from his "fame" and the pressures by working live stage instead of film if he needed to continue his thespian desires. Enough said on that by this individual.

Haven't viewed batman and may not as I found the actor who played batman in the last movie as wooden as I have found Ledger to be in the movies I have seen of his. The only actor more fiberous than Ledger imo is cguire from the spiderman movies. You would swear that guy is reading his lines from an autocue. From first seeing Black Rock was apparent there would be a following for Ledger. Maybe Two Hands was his shining light.

Is he in the same class or better than previous award winners? He will surely get the sympthay vote, though..

m8 - I took "nodoze" to get through some of MY exams -
he's entitled to twice that for the sort of challenges he took on (imo)

The doses that were prescribed, his prescription history and the blood assays would indicate that he had taken sufficient drugs to classify him as a doctor shopper of prescription medication. The types of medication cannot be compared to nodoze, which is innocuous and not a prescription medication. They were what I believe are called opiates and benzos.

I think he does deserve an Oscar although I don't believe the Oscar is worth winning. But in his social milieu it is the equivalent of a valedictory. It would be a fitting farewell.

My feelings are that he was like many who have fame thrust on them, unprepared and ill equipped to deal with it.

And few who become addicted to drugs can shake the habit, so I do feel sorry for him and his family.

Can't find an e-article yet, but read today (Sun Herald) that Peter Lloyd - ABC's Singapore correspondent - claims he only started ice etc after he couldn't sleep nights (afraid to sleep etc) - after seeing so much death etc , Bali 2002, the tsunami, etc.

Insomnia that refuses to go away can start a bad downhill spiral (though obviously ice ain't gonna help, sheesh ). Don't believe that Heath has been accused of that has he?

kinda related :-
Like I say, Peter Lloyd was (allegedly) caught with Meth / ice. (but there is no suggestion that Heath Ledger had any illegal drugs whatsoever). Both had sleep problems.,22049,23102537-5001021,00.html



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Back to his chances of getting an Oscar .. here are three votes at least (including Michael Caine - PS go see "Flawless" if you get a chance )

Further Discussion of his chances of a posthumous Oscar…
Well, I went to the movie today, and I don't think it's Oscar material. Great performance and the best baddy in the Batman series to date, but not a statue winner, imo. Good movie, but at least 30 minutes too long.
The poor bugger should get an Oscar. All the fame made him a drug addict who doctor shopped for some release. At least his talent would be recognised.

Dunno if it was the fame... there a many addicts out there.

Great Aussie actor, fav movie of his was Two Hands. IMO he could of gone so much further, I wonder why the dream turned into a nightmare?
I wonder why the dream turned into a nightmare?

He was secretly dating one of those neurotic Olsen twins. Anorexics are only good (as girlfriends) until you get sucked into their psychologically twisted world. I wasn't suprised he was taking all those 'downers' when I heard about Mary-Kate. :screwy::screwy:

Was that advice learnt from experiance?

Was that advice learnt from experiance?

I work in Mental Health. This is a MASSIVE over-generalisation, but NEVER go out with a girl with an eating disorder (under/over eating, purging, over-exercising, laxatives/diuretics etc). There are ALWAYS bigger issues, the eating disorder just masks it.

Let's face it, there are ~3billion women on Earth. You don't need to pick one that you already know has a problem.

Anyway, serious stuff over.

I saw the Jackie Chan/Jet Li movie the other day... a cross between Monkey Magic and Karate Kid. Definately no Oscars there, couldn't imagine Heath playing the ugly white kid either
Let's face it, there are ~3billion women on Earth. You don't need to pick one that you already know has a problem.

Oh man I hear you!... And to think I used to joke about it being good to have a stalker..
After the vote count went against me we went and saw the new batman movie tonight. The joker charactor was mildly amusing but oscar material?
Could people please put their points forward on why it was an oscar winning role?

It was a long movie; too long. The second half of the movie was disjointed. IT was actually quite confusing on what was trying to be acheived by the director.
It set up the new charactor, but several times I was left wondering what was the point. When the joker was caught just after batmaqn fell off his bike, what happened to batman?

The joker charactor instantly reminded me of Richard Nickson. Did anyone else see the similarity in mannerisms and tone?

Thge charactor was compelling for the first half, but again ..oscar material?
People in Hollywood seem to move like sheep. So once the official 'accepted position' is out, even those who do the voting fall in line.

Leo is at 1.03$. Revenant is at 1.91$. Spotlight 1.82$.
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